# encoding: UTF-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Mysql2::Result do before(:each) do @result = @client.query "SELECT 1" end it "should raise a TypeError exception when it doesn't wrap a result set" do r = Mysql2::Result.new expect { r.count }.to raise_error(TypeError) expect { r.fields }.to raise_error(TypeError) expect { r.size }.to raise_error(TypeError) expect { r.each }.to raise_error(TypeError) end it "should have included Enumerable" do Mysql2::Result.ancestors.include?(Enumerable).should be_true end it "should respond to #each" do @result.should respond_to(:each) end it "should raise a Mysql2::Error exception upon a bad query" do lambda { @client.query "bad sql" }.should raise_error(Mysql2::Error) lambda { @client.query "SELECT 1" }.should_not raise_error(Mysql2::Error) end it "should respond to #count, which is aliased as #size" do r = @client.query "SELECT 1" r.should respond_to :count r.should respond_to :size end it "should be able to return the number of rows in the result set" do r = @client.query "SELECT 1" r.count.should eql(1) r.size.should eql(1) end context "metadata queries" do it "should show tables" do @result = @client.query "SHOW TABLES" end end context "#each" do it "should yield rows as hash's" do @result.each do |row| row.class.should eql(Hash) end end it "should yield rows as hash's with symbol keys if :symbolize_keys was set to true" do @result.each(:symbolize_keys => true) do |row| row.keys.first.class.should eql(Symbol) end end it "should be able to return results as an array" do @result.each(:as => :array) do |row| row.class.should eql(Array) end end it "should cache previously yielded results by default" do @result.first.object_id.should eql(@result.first.object_id) end it "should not cache previously yielded results if cache_rows is disabled" do result = @client.query "SELECT 1", :cache_rows => false result.first.object_id.should_not eql(result.first.object_id) end it "should yield different value for #first if streaming" do result = @client.query "SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2", :stream => true, :cache_rows => false result.first.should_not eql(result.first) end it "should yield the same value for #first if streaming is disabled" do result = @client.query "SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2", :stream => false result.first.should eql(result.first) end it "should throw an exception if we try to iterate twice when streaming is enabled" do result = @client.query "SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2", :stream => true, :cache_rows => false expect { result.each.to_a result.each.to_a }.to raise_exception(Mysql2::Error) end end context "#fields" do before(:each) do @test_result = @client.query("SELECT * FROM mysql2_test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1") end it "method should exist" do @test_result.should respond_to(:fields) end it "should return an array of field names in proper order" do result = @client.query "SELECT 'a', 'b', 'c'" result.fields.should eql(['a', 'b', 'c']) end end context "streaming" do it "should maintain a count while streaming" do result = @client.query('SELECT 1', :stream => true, :cache_rows => false) result.count.should eql(0) result.each.to_a result.count.should eql(1) end it "should retain the count when mixing first and each" do result = @client.query("SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2", :stream => true, :cache_rows => false) result.count.should eql(0) result.first result.count.should eql(1) result.each.to_a result.count.should eql(2) end it "should not yield nil at the end of streaming" do result = @client.query('SELECT * FROM mysql2_test', :stream => true, :cache_rows => false) result.each { |r| r.should_not be_nil} end it "#count should be zero for rows after streaming when there were no results" do result = @client.query("SELECT * FROM mysql2_test WHERE null_test IS NOT NULL", :stream => true, :cache_rows => false) result.count.should eql(0) result.each.to_a result.count.should eql(0) end it "should raise an exception if streaming ended due to a timeout" do # Create an extra client instance, since we're going to time it out client = Mysql2::Client.new DatabaseCredentials['root'] client.query "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE streamingTest (val BINARY(255)) ENGINE=MEMORY" # Insert enough records to force the result set into multiple reads # (the BINARY type is used simply because it forces full width results) 10000.times do |i| client.query "INSERT INTO streamingTest (val) VALUES ('Foo #{i}')" end client.query "SET net_write_timeout = 1" res = client.query "SELECT * FROM streamingTest", :stream => true, :cache_rows => false lambda { res.each_with_index do |row, i| # Exhaust the first result packet then trigger a timeout sleep 2 if i > 0 && i % 1000 == 0 end }.should raise_error(Mysql2::Error, /Lost connection/) end end context "row data type mapping" do before(:each) do @test_result = @client.query("SELECT * FROM mysql2_test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1").first end it "should return nil values for NULL and strings for everything else when :cast is false" do result = @client.query('SELECT null_test, tiny_int_test, bool_cast_test, int_test, date_test, enum_test FROM mysql2_test WHERE bool_cast_test = 1 LIMIT 1', :cast => false).first result["null_test"].should be_nil result["tiny_int_test"].should eql("1") result["bool_cast_test"].should eql("1") result["int_test"].should eql("10") result["date_test"].should eql("2010-04-04") result["enum_test"].should eql("val1") end it "should return nil for a NULL value" do @test_result['null_test'].class.should eql(NilClass) @test_result['null_test'].should eql(nil) end it "should return String for a BIT(64) value" do @test_result['bit_test'].class.should eql(String) @test_result['bit_test'].should eql("\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\005") end it "should return String for a BIT(1) value" do @test_result['single_bit_test'].class.should eql(String) @test_result['single_bit_test'].should eql("\001") end it "should return Fixnum for a TINYINT value" do [Fixnum, Bignum].should include(@test_result['tiny_int_test'].class) @test_result['tiny_int_test'].should eql(1) end it "should return TrueClass or FalseClass for a TINYINT value if :cast_booleans is enabled" do @client.query 'INSERT INTO mysql2_test (bool_cast_test) VALUES (1)' id1 = @client.last_id @client.query 'INSERT INTO mysql2_test (bool_cast_test) VALUES (0)' id2 = @client.last_id @client.query 'INSERT INTO mysql2_test (bool_cast_test) VALUES (-1)' id3 = @client.last_id result1 = @client.query 'SELECT bool_cast_test FROM mysql2_test WHERE bool_cast_test = 1 LIMIT 1', :cast_booleans => true result2 = @client.query 'SELECT bool_cast_test FROM mysql2_test WHERE bool_cast_test = 0 LIMIT 1', :cast_booleans => true result3 = @client.query 'SELECT bool_cast_test FROM mysql2_test WHERE bool_cast_test = -1 LIMIT 1', :cast_booleans => true result1.first['bool_cast_test'].should be_true result2.first['bool_cast_test'].should be_false result3.first['bool_cast_test'].should be_true @client.query "DELETE from mysql2_test WHERE id IN(#{id1},#{id2},#{id3})" end it "should return TrueClass or FalseClass for a BIT(1) value if :cast_booleans is enabled" do @client.query 'INSERT INTO mysql2_test (single_bit_test) VALUES (1)' id1 = @client.last_id @client.query 'INSERT INTO mysql2_test (single_bit_test) VALUES (0)' id2 = @client.last_id result1 = @client.query "SELECT single_bit_test FROM mysql2_test WHERE id = #{id1}", :cast_booleans => true result2 = @client.query "SELECT single_bit_test FROM mysql2_test WHERE id = #{id2}", :cast_booleans => true result1.first['single_bit_test'].should be_true result2.first['single_bit_test'].should be_false @client.query "DELETE from mysql2_test WHERE id IN(#{id1},#{id2})" end it "should return Fixnum for a SMALLINT value" do [Fixnum, Bignum].should include(@test_result['small_int_test'].class) @test_result['small_int_test'].should eql(10) end it "should return Fixnum for a MEDIUMINT value" do [Fixnum, Bignum].should include(@test_result['medium_int_test'].class) @test_result['medium_int_test'].should eql(10) end it "should return Fixnum for an INT value" do [Fixnum, Bignum].should include(@test_result['int_test'].class) @test_result['int_test'].should eql(10) end it "should return Fixnum for a BIGINT value" do [Fixnum, Bignum].should include(@test_result['big_int_test'].class) @test_result['big_int_test'].should eql(10) end it "should return Fixnum for a YEAR value" do [Fixnum, Bignum].should include(@test_result['year_test'].class) @test_result['year_test'].should eql(2009) end it "should return BigDecimal for a DECIMAL value" do @test_result['decimal_test'].class.should eql(BigDecimal) @test_result['decimal_test'].should eql(10.3) end it "should return Float for a FLOAT value" do @test_result['float_test'].class.should eql(Float) @test_result['float_test'].should eql(10.3) end it "should return Float for a DOUBLE value" do @test_result['double_test'].class.should eql(Float) @test_result['double_test'].should eql(10.3) end it "should return Time for a DATETIME value when within the supported range" do @test_result['date_time_test'].class.should eql(Time) @test_result['date_time_test'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").should eql('2010-04-04 11:44:00') end if 1.size == 4 # 32bit unless RUBY_VERSION =~ /1.8/ klass = Time else klass = DateTime end it "should return DateTime when timestamp is < 1901-12-13 20:45:52" do # 1901-12-13T20:45:52 is the min for 32bit Ruby 1.8 r = @client.query("SELECT CAST('1901-12-13 20:45:51' AS DATETIME) as test") r.first['test'].class.should eql(klass) end it "should return DateTime when timestamp is > 2038-01-19T03:14:07" do # 2038-01-19T03:14:07 is the max for 32bit Ruby 1.8 r = @client.query("SELECT CAST('2038-01-19 03:14:08' AS DATETIME) as test") r.first['test'].class.should eql(klass) end elsif 1.size == 8 # 64bit unless RUBY_VERSION =~ /1.8/ it "should return Time when timestamp is < 1901-12-13 20:45:52" do r = @client.query("SELECT CAST('1901-12-13 20:45:51' AS DATETIME) as test") r.first['test'].class.should eql(Time) end it "should return Time when timestamp is > 2038-01-19T03:14:07" do r = @client.query("SELECT CAST('2038-01-19 03:14:08' AS DATETIME) as test") r.first['test'].class.should eql(Time) end else it "should return Time when timestamp is > 0138-12-31 11:59:59" do r = @client.query("SELECT CAST('0139-1-1 00:00:00' AS DATETIME) as test") r.first['test'].class.should eql(Time) end it "should return DateTime when timestamp is < 0139-1-1T00:00:00" do r = @client.query("SELECT CAST('0138-12-31 11:59:59' AS DATETIME) as test") r.first['test'].class.should eql(DateTime) end it "should return Time when timestamp is > 2038-01-19T03:14:07" do r = @client.query("SELECT CAST('2038-01-19 03:14:08' AS DATETIME) as test") r.first['test'].class.should eql(Time) end end end it "should return Time for a TIMESTAMP value when within the supported range" do @test_result['timestamp_test'].class.should eql(Time) @test_result['timestamp_test'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").should eql('2010-04-04 11:44:00') end it "should return Time for a TIME value" do @test_result['time_test'].class.should eql(Time) @test_result['time_test'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").should eql('2000-01-01 11:44:00') end it "should return Date for a DATE value" do @test_result['date_test'].class.should eql(Date) @test_result['date_test'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d").should eql('2010-04-04') end it "should return String for an ENUM value" do @test_result['enum_test'].class.should eql(String) @test_result['enum_test'].should eql('val1') end it "should raise an error given an invalid DATETIME" do begin @client.query("SELECT CAST('1972-00-27 00:00:00' AS DATETIME) as bad_datetime").each rescue Mysql2::Error => e error = e end error.message.should eql("Invalid date in field 'bad_datetime': 1972-00-27 00:00:00") end if defined? Encoding context "string encoding for ENUM values" do it "should default to the connection's encoding if Encoding.default_internal is nil" do with_internal_encoding nil do result = @client.query("SELECT * FROM mysql2_test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1").first result['enum_test'].encoding.should eql(Encoding.find('utf-8')) client2 = Mysql2::Client.new(DatabaseCredentials['root'].merge(:encoding => 'ascii')) result = client2.query("SELECT * FROM mysql2_test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1").first result['enum_test'].encoding.should eql(Encoding.find('us-ascii')) client2.close end end it "should use Encoding.default_internal" do with_internal_encoding 'utf-8' do result = @client.query("SELECT * FROM mysql2_test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1").first result['enum_test'].encoding.should eql(Encoding.default_internal) end with_internal_encoding 'us-ascii' do result = @client.query("SELECT * FROM mysql2_test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1").first result['enum_test'].encoding.should eql(Encoding.default_internal) end end end end it "should return String for a SET value" do @test_result['set_test'].class.should eql(String) @test_result['set_test'].should eql('val1,val2') end if defined? Encoding context "string encoding for SET values" do it "should default to the connection's encoding if Encoding.default_internal is nil" do with_internal_encoding nil do result = @client.query("SELECT * FROM mysql2_test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1").first result['set_test'].encoding.should eql(Encoding.find('utf-8')) client2 = Mysql2::Client.new(DatabaseCredentials['root'].merge(:encoding => 'ascii')) result = client2.query("SELECT * FROM mysql2_test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1").first result['set_test'].encoding.should eql(Encoding.find('us-ascii')) client2.close end end it "should use Encoding.default_internal" do with_internal_encoding 'utf-8' do result = @client.query("SELECT * FROM mysql2_test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1").first result['set_test'].encoding.should eql(Encoding.default_internal) end with_internal_encoding 'us-ascii' do result = @client.query("SELECT * FROM mysql2_test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1").first result['set_test'].encoding.should eql(Encoding.default_internal) end end end end it "should return String for a BINARY value" do @test_result['binary_test'].class.should eql(String) @test_result['binary_test'].should eql("test#{"\000"*6}") end if defined? Encoding context "string encoding for BINARY values" do it "should default to binary if Encoding.default_internal is nil" do with_internal_encoding nil do result = @client.query("SELECT * FROM mysql2_test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1").first result['binary_test'].encoding.should eql(Encoding.find('binary')) end end it "should not use Encoding.default_internal" do with_internal_encoding 'utf-8' do result = @client.query("SELECT * FROM mysql2_test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1").first result['binary_test'].encoding.should eql(Encoding.find('binary')) end with_internal_encoding 'us-ascii' do result = @client.query("SELECT * FROM mysql2_test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1").first result['binary_test'].encoding.should eql(Encoding.find('binary')) end end end end { 'char_test' => 'CHAR', 'varchar_test' => 'VARCHAR', 'varbinary_test' => 'VARBINARY', 'tiny_blob_test' => 'TINYBLOB', 'tiny_text_test' => 'TINYTEXT', 'blob_test' => 'BLOB', 'text_test' => 'TEXT', 'medium_blob_test' => 'MEDIUMBLOB', 'medium_text_test' => 'MEDIUMTEXT', 'long_blob_test' => 'LONGBLOB', 'long_text_test' => 'LONGTEXT' }.each do |field, type| it "should return a String for #{type}" do @test_result[field].class.should eql(String) @test_result[field].should eql("test") end if defined? Encoding context "string encoding for #{type} values" do if ['VARBINARY', 'TINYBLOB', 'BLOB', 'MEDIUMBLOB', 'LONGBLOB'].include?(type) it "should default to binary if Encoding.default_internal is nil" do with_internal_encoding nil do result = @client.query("SELECT * FROM mysql2_test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1").first result['binary_test'].encoding.should eql(Encoding.find('binary')) end end it "should not use Encoding.default_internal" do with_internal_encoding 'utf-8' do result = @client.query("SELECT * FROM mysql2_test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1").first result['binary_test'].encoding.should eql(Encoding.find('binary')) end with_internal_encoding 'us-ascii' do result = @client.query("SELECT * FROM mysql2_test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1").first result['binary_test'].encoding.should eql(Encoding.find('binary')) end end else it "should default to utf-8 if Encoding.default_internal is nil" do with_internal_encoding nil do result = @client.query("SELECT * FROM mysql2_test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1").first result[field].encoding.should eql(Encoding.find('utf-8')) client2 = Mysql2::Client.new(DatabaseCredentials['root'].merge(:encoding => 'ascii')) result = client2.query("SELECT * FROM mysql2_test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1").first result[field].encoding.should eql(Encoding.find('us-ascii')) client2.close end end it "should use Encoding.default_internal" do with_internal_encoding 'utf-8' do result = @client.query("SELECT * FROM mysql2_test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1").first result[field].encoding.should eql(Encoding.default_internal) end with_internal_encoding 'us-ascii' do result = @client.query("SELECT * FROM mysql2_test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1").first result[field].encoding.should eql(Encoding.default_internal) end end end end end end end end