require "capistrano-maven/version" require "capistrano" require "capistrano/configuration/actions/file_transfer_ext" require "capistrano/configuration/resources/file_resources" require "uri" module Capistrano module Maven def self.extended(configuration) configuration.load { namespace(:mvn) { _cset(:mvn_version, '3.0.4') _cset(:mvn_major_version) { mvn_version.split('.').first.to_i } _cset(:mvn_archive_url) { "{mvn_major_version}/#{mvn_version}/binaries/apache-maven-#{mvn_version}-bin.tar.gz" } _cset(:mvn_archive_file) { File.join(shared_path, 'tools', 'mvn', File.basename(URI.parse(mvn_archive_url).path)) } _cset(:mvn_archive_file_local) { File.join(File.expand_path('.'), 'tools', 'mvn', File.basename(URI.parse(mvn_archive_url).path)) } _cset(:mvn_checksum_url) { "#{mvn_archive_url}.md5" } _cset(:mvn_checksum_file) { File.join(shared_path, 'tools', 'mvn', File.basename(URI.parse(mvn_checksum_url).path)) } _cset(:mvn_checksum_file_local) { File.join(File.expand_path('.'), 'tools', 'mvn', File.basename(URI.parse(mvn_checksum_url).path)) } _cset(:mvn_checksum_cmd) { case File.extname(File.basename(URI.parse(mvn_checksum_url).path)) when '.md5' then 'md5sum' when '.sha1' then 'sha1sum' end } _cset(:mvn_path) { File.join(shared_path, 'tools', 'mvn', File.basename(URI.parse(mvn_archive_url).path, "-bin.tar.gz")) } _cset(:mvn_path_local) { File.join(File.expand_path('.'), 'tools', 'mvn', File.basename(URI.parse(mvn_archive_url).path, "-bin.tar.gz")) } _cset(:mvn_bin) { File.join(mvn_path, 'bin', 'mvn') } _cset(:mvn_bin_local) { File.join(mvn_path_local, 'bin', 'mvn') } _cset(:mvn_cmd) { if fetch(:mvn_java_home, nil) "env JAVA_HOME=#{mvn_java_home} #{mvn_bin} #{mvn_options.join(' ')}" else "#{mvn_bin} #{mvn_options.join(' ')}" end } _cset(:mvn_cmd_local) { if fetch(:mvn_java_home_local, nil) "env JAVA_HOME=#{mvn_java_home_local} #{mvn_bin_local} #{mvn_options_local.join(' ')}" else "#{mvn_bin_local} #{mvn_options_local.join(' ')}" end } _cset(:mvn_project_path) { release_path } _cset(:mvn_project_path_local) { Dir.pwd } _cset(:mvn_target_path) { File.join(mvn_project_path, 'target') } _cset(:mvn_target_path_local) { File.join(mvn_project_path_local, File.basename(mvn_target_path)) } _cset(:mvn_template_path, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'templates')) _cset(:mvn_update_settings, false) _cset(:mvn_update_settings_locally, false) _cset(:mvn_settings_path) { mvn_project_path } _cset(:mvn_settings_path_local) { mvn_project_path_local } _cset(:mvn_settings, %w(settings.xml)) _cset(:mvn_settings_local, %w(settings.xml)) _cset(:mvn_cleanup_settings, []) _cset(:mvn_cleanup_settings_local, []) _cset(:mvn_compile_locally, false) # perform precompilation on localhost _cset(:mvn_goals, %w(clean package)) _cset(:mvn_common_options) { options = [] options << "-P#{mvn_profiles.join(',')}" unless fetch(:mvn_profiles, []).empty? options << "-Dmaven.test.skip=true" if fetch(:mvn_skip_tests, false) options << "-U" if fetch(:mvn_update_snapshots, false) options << "-B" options } _cset(:mvn_options) { options = mvn_common_options + fetch(:mvn_extra_options, []) if mvn_update_settings settings = File.join(mvn_settings_path, mvn_settings.first) options << "--settings=#{settings}" end options } _cset(:mvn_options_local) { options = mvn_common_options + fetch(:mvn_extra_options_local, []) if mvn_update_settings_locally settings = File.join(mvn_settings_path_local, mvn_settings_local.first) options << "--settings=#{settings}" end options } desc("Setup maven.") task(:setup, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true }) { transaction { install update_settings if mvn_update_settings setup_locally if mvn_compile_locally } } after 'deploy:setup', 'mvn:setup' desc("Setup maven locally.") task(:setup_locally, :except => { :no_release => true }) { transaction { install_locally update_settings_locally if mvn_update_settings_locally } } def _validate_archive(archive_file, checksum_file) if cmd = fetch(:mvn_checksum_cmd, nil) "test `#{cmd} #{archive_file} | cut -d' ' -f1` = `cat #{checksum_file}`" else "true" end end def _install(options={}) path = options.delete(:path) bin = options.delete(:bin) checksum_file = options.delete(:checksum_file) checksum_url = options.delete(:checksum_url) archive_file = options.delete(:archive_file) archive_url = options.delete(:archive_url) dirs = [ File.dirname(checksum_file), File.dirname(archive_file), File.dirname(path) ].uniq() execute = [] execute << "mkdir -p #{dirs.join(' ')}" execute << (<<-EOS).gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip if ! test -f #{archive_file}; then ( rm -f #{checksum_file}; wget --no-verbose -O #{checksum_file} #{checksum_url} ) && wget --no-verbose -O #{archive_file} #{archive_url} && #{_validate_archive(archive_file, checksum_file)} || ( rm -f #{archive_file}; false ) && test -f #{archive_file}; fi EOS execute << (<<-EOS).gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip if ! test -x #{bin}; then ( test -d #{path} || tar xf #{archive_file} -C #{File.dirname(path)} ) && test -x #{bin}; fi EOS execute.join(' && ') end task(:install, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true }) { run(_install(:path => mvn_path, :bin => mvn_bin, :checksum_file => mvn_checksum_file, :checksum_url => mvn_checksum_url, :archive_file => mvn_archive_file, :archive_url => mvn_archive_url)) run("#{mvn_cmd} --version") } task(:install_locally, :except => { :no_release => true }) { run_locally(_install(:path => mvn_path_local, :bin => mvn_bin_local, :checksum_file => mvn_checksum_file_local, :checksum_url => mvn_checksum_url, :archive_file => mvn_archive_file_local, :archive_url => mvn_archive_url)) run_locally("#{mvn_cmd_local} --version") } task(:update_settings, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true }) { mvn_settings.each do |f| safe_put(template(f, :path => mvn_template_path), File.join(mvn_settings_path, f)) end run("rm -f #{ { |x| x.dump }.join(' ')}") unless mvn_cleanup_settings.empty? } task(:update_settings_locally, :except => { :no_release => true }) { mvn_settings_local.each do |f| File.write(File.join(mvn_settings_path_local, f), template(f, :path => mvn_template_path)) end run_locally("rm -f #{ { |x| x.dump }.join(' ')}") unless mvn_cleanup_settings_local.empty? } desc("Update maven build.") task(:update, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true }) { transaction { if mvn_compile_locally update_locally else execute end } } after 'deploy:finalize_update', 'mvn:update' desc("Update maven build locally.") task(:update_locally, :except => { :no_release => true }) { transaction { execute_locally upload_locally } } def _mvn(cmd, path, goals=[]) "cd #{path.dump} && #{cmd} #{ { |s| s.dump }.join(' ')}" end def _mvn_parse_version(s) # FIXME: is there any better way to get project version? s.split(/(?:\r?\n)+/).reject { |line| /^\[[A-Z]+\]/ =~ line }.last end _cset(:mvn_release_build, false) _cset(:mvn_snapshot_pattern, /-SNAPSHOT$/i) _cset(:mvn_project_version) { _mvn_parse_version(capture(_mvn(mvn_cmd, mvn_project_path, %w(-Dexpression=project.version help:evaluate)))) } _cset(:mvn_project_version_local) { _mvn_parse_version(run_locally(_mvn(mvn_cmd_local, mvn_project_path_local, %w(-Dexpression=project.version help:evaluate)))) } def _validate_project_version(version_key) if mvn_release_build version = fetch(version_key) if mvn_snapshot_pattern === version abort("Skip to build project since \`#{version}' is a SNAPSHOT version.") end end end desc("Perform maven build.") task(:execute, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true }) { on_rollback { run(_mvn(mvn_cmd, mvn_project_path, %w(clean))) } _validate_project_version(:mvn_project_version) run(_mvn(mvn_cmd, mvn_project_path, mvn_goals)) } desc("Perform maven build locally.") task(:execute_locally, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true }) { on_rollback { run_locally(_mvn(mvn_cmd_local, mvn_project_path_local, %w(clean))) } _validate_project_version(:mvn_project_version_local) cmdline = _mvn(mvn_cmd_local, mvn_project_path_local, mvn_goals) abort("execution failure") unless system(cmdline) } _cset(:mvn_tar, 'tar') _cset(:mvn_tar_local, 'tar') _cset(:mvn_target_archive) { "#{mvn_target_path}.tar.gz" } _cset(:mvn_target_archive_local) { "#{mvn_target_path_local}.tar.gz" } task(:upload_locally, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true }) { on_rollback { run("rm -rf #{mvn_target_path} #{mvn_target_archive}") } begin run_locally("cd #{File.dirname(mvn_target_path_local)} && #{mvn_tar_local} chzf #{mvn_target_archive_local} #{File.basename(mvn_target_path_local)}") upload(mvn_target_archive_local, mvn_target_archive) run("cd #{File.dirname(mvn_target_path)} && #{mvn_tar} xzf #{mvn_target_archive} && rm -f #{mvn_target_archive}") ensure run_locally("rm -f #{mvn_target_archive_local}") end } } } end end end if Capistrano::Configuration.instance Capistrano::Configuration.instance.extend(Capistrano::Maven) end # vim:set ft=ruby :