# master (unreleased) # 1.3.3 * Updated with `tzdata-2018i-1`. (panthomakos) # 1.3.2 * Updated with `tzdata-2018g-1`. (panthomakos) # 1.3.1 * Updated with `tzdata-2018f-2`. (panthomakos) # 1.3.0 * Add `unstub` method for removing test stubs. (arthurnn) * Fix errors caused by using a frozen time in Ruby 2.4+. (nobu) * Improve timezone data parsing. (panthomakos) * Updated with `tzdata-2018e-2`. (panthomakos) # 1.2.12 * Updated with `tzdata-2018e-1`. (panthomakos) # 1.2.11 * Updated with `tzdata-2018d-1`. (panthomakos) # 1.2.10 * Updated with `tzdata-2018c-1`. (panthomakos) # 1.2.9 * Fix fractional seconds for `time_with_zone` method. (Aupajo) * Update with `tzdata-2017c-1`. (panthomakos) # 1.2.8 * Handle `ZERO_RESULTS` response from Google API. (zhublik) # 1.2.7 * Updated with `tzdata-2017b-1`. (panthomakos) # 1.2.6 * Updated with `tzdata-2017a-1`. (panthomakos) # 1.2.5 * Fix [#71](https://github.com/panthomakos/timezone/issues/71): make lookups thread-safe. (panthomakos) # 1.2.4 * Updated with `tzdata-2016j-1`. (panthomakos) # 1.2.3 * Updated with `tzdata-2016i-1`. (panthomakos) # 1.2.2 * Updated with `tzdata-2016h-1`. (panthomakos) # 1.2.1 * Updated with `tzdata-2016g-1`. (panthomakos) # 1.2.0 * Added `::Timezone::Zone#abbr` method. (panthomakos) * Handle GeoNames error code 15 - "no result found". (panthomakos) # 1.1.1 * Updated with `tzdata-2016f-1`. (panthomakos) # 1.1.0 * Added support for lookups of `Etc` areas with Geonames (tgrave) * Changed binary search method of zone for mathn compatibility. (cbillen) * Allowed a default test stub. (garyharan) * Updated with `tzdata-2016e-1`. (panthomakos) # 1.0.0 * Remove deprecated code. (panthomakos) * Updated with `tzdata-2016d-1`. (panthomakos) * Improve Geonames exception messaging. (panthomakos) # 0.99.2 * Updated with `tzdata-2016c-1`. (panthomakos) * [#51](https://github.com/panthomakos/timezone/issues/51) Fixed syntax for Ruby 1.9.3. (panthomakos) # 0.99.1 * Updated with `tzdata-2016b-1`. (panthomakos) # 0.99.0 * Added nice `to_s` and `inspect` methods for `::Timezone::Zone`. (panthomakos) * Added deprecation warnings for `0.99` and `1.0` release. (panthomakos) * Upgraded existing objects for `0.99` and `1.0` release. (panthomakos) * Upgraded configuration for `0.99` and `1.0` release. (panthomakos) * Added new objects for `0.99` and `1.0` release. (panthomakos) # 0.6.0 * Added `::Timezone::Lookup::Test`, which provides lookup stubs for testing frameworks. (panthomakos) * Updated with tzdata-2016a-1. (panthomakos) # 0.5.0 * Added support for `DateTime` and `Date` objects. (panthomakos) # 0.4.3 * Updated with tzdata-2015g-1. (panthomakos) # 0.4.2 * Updated with tzdata-2015f-1. (panthomakos) # 0.4.1 * Updated with tzdata-2015e-1. (panthomakos) # 0.4.0 * Added Google Maps for Work signing support. (appfolio) # 0.3.11 * Fixed `active_support_time_zone` to only include the 149 `ActiveSupport` timezones. Eventually this method will be removed entirely. (panthomakos) # 0.3.10 * Added clearer error messages for invalid configurations. (panthomakos) * Updated with tzdata-2015d-1. (panthomakos) # 0.3.9 * Updated with tzdata-2015b-1. (panthomakos) # 0.3.8 * Updated with tzdata-2015a-1. (panthomakos) # 0.3.7 * Cache timezone data in memory for performance. (panthomakos) * Find timezone rule using binary search for performance. (panthomakos) * Added `Timezone::Zone#local_to_utc` function. (panthomakos) # 0.3.6 * Added `Timezone::Zone#time_with_offset` functionality. (panthomakos) * Fixed `Timezone::Zone#names`. (panthomakos) # 0.3.5 * Updated with tzdata-2014j-1. (panthomakos) # 0.3.4 * Added support for Google Timezone API. (amnesia7) # 0.3.3 * Updated parsing code. (panthomakos) * Updated storage scheme so that it requires less space. (panthomakos) * Update timezones to tzdata-2014i-1. (panthomakos) # 0.3.2 * Added `Timezone::Configure::http_client` for configuring alternative http clients. (panthomakos) * Added `Timezone::Configure::protocol` for configuring alternative net protocols. (panthomakos) * Fixed issue w/ code that detects API rate limiting. (panthomakos) # 0.2.1 * Update JSON data from the tzdata repository. (panthomakos, petergoldstein) # 0.1.6 * Performance improvement in parsing timezone files. (nessche) # 0.1.5 * Fixed date parsing around DST. (nessche) * Upgraded geonames API endpoint. (mattdbridges) # 0.1.4 * URL for geonames is now configurable. (stravacd) * `Zone#names` performance improvement. (mattdbridges) * `Zone#list` now lists timezone information. (mattdbridges) # 0.1.2 * Fixed `#utc_offset` rule selection. (natemueller)