module QuickSearch class AppstatsController < ApplicationController include Auth before_action :auth, :start_date, :end_date, :days_in_sample def index @page_title = 'Search Statistics' search_click_ratio end def clicks_overview @page_title = 'Clicks Overview' module_clicks result_types_clicks typeahead_clicks end def top_searches @page_title = 'Top Searches' searches_count searches = Search.where(page: 'index').where(date_range) queries = [] searches.each do |search| queries << search["query"].downcase end @query_counts = queries.each do |query| @query_counts[query] += 1 end @query_counts = @query_counts.sort_by {|k,v| v}.reverse[0..199] end def top_spot @page_title = params[:ga_top_spot_module] top_spot_reporting(params[:ga_top_spot_module]) end def detail start_date end_date @category = params[:ga_category] if params[:ga_scope] == 'action' @action = params[:ga_action] @page_title = "#{@category} (#{URI.decode(@action)})" top_spot_detail(@category, @action) render "top_spot_detail" elsif params[:ga_scope] == 'category' @page_title = "#{@category}" module_click_detail(@category) render "module_click_detail" end end def realtime end private def module_clicks @module_clicks = Event.where(date_range).where(excluded_categories).group(:category).order("count_category DESC").count(:category) @module_click_total = calculate_total_clicks(@module_clicks) end def typeahead_clicks searches_count @typeahead_clicks = Event.where(date_range).where("category LIKE 'typeahead-%'").group(:category).order("count_category DESC").count(:category) @typeahead_clicks_total = calculate_total_clicks(@typeahead_clicks) end def result_types_clicks @result_types_clicks = Event.where(date_range).where(:category => "result-types").group(:action).order("count_action DESC").count(:action) @result_types_click_total = calculate_total_clicks(@result_types_clicks) end def calculate_total_clicks(clicks) click_total = 0 clicks.each do |module_name, click_count| click_total += click_count end click_total end def searches_count @searches_count = Search.where(page: 'index').where(date_range).count end def search_click_ratio searches_count @clicks_count = Event.where(excluded_categories).where(date_range).count @click_serve_ratio = (@clicks_count / @searches_count.to_f)*100 end def top_spot_reporting(top_spot_module) reports = {"best-bets-regular" => {:category_title => "Best Bets Regular"}, "best-bets-algorithmic-journal" => {:category_title => "Journal Algorithmic Best Bets"}, "best-bets-algorithmic-database" => {:category_title => "Database Algorithmic Best Bets"}, "best-bets-course-tools" => {:category_title => "Course Tools Best Bets"}, "spelling-suggestion" => {:category_title => "Spelling Suggestions"} } @top_spot_reporting = [] top_spot_report = base_query(top_spot_module) @top_spot_reporting << {:category => top_spot_module, :category_title => reports[top_spot_module][:category_title], :report => top_spot_report} # reports.each do |key, report| # top_spot_report = base_query(key) # @top_spot_reporting << {:category => key, :category_title => report[:category_title], :report => top_spot_report} # end end def module_click_detail(category) modules_clicks = Event.where(:category => "#{category}").where(date_range).group(:action).order('count_category DESC').count(:category) total_clicks = modules_clicks.values.sum @modules_clicks_report = [] modules_clicks.each do |module_clicks| @modules_clicks_report << {:module => module_clicks[0], :clicks => module_clicks[1], :percent => (module_clicks[1]/total_clicks.to_f)*100} end end def top_spot_detail(category, action) # Use a join here? action = URI.decode(action) serves = Event.where(:category => "#{category}-serve", :action => "#{action}").where(date_range).group(:label).order("count_label DESC").count(:label) clicks = Event.where(:category => "#{category}", :action => "#{action}").where(date_range).group(:label).order("count_label DESC").count(:label) @top_spot_detail = {} serves.each do |label| serve_count = label[1].nil? ? 0:label[1] click_count = clicks[label[0].downcase].nil? ? 0:clicks[label[0].downcase] @top_spot_detail[label[0]] = [serve_count, click_count, (click_count/serve_count.to_f)*100] end end def base_query(category) serves = Event.where(date_range).where(:category => "#{category}-serve").group(:action).order("count_category DESC").count(:category) clicks = Event.where(date_range).where(:category => "#{category}").group(:action).count(:category) result = [] serves.each do |data, count| unless clicks[data].nil? click_count = clicks[data] else click_count = 0 end row = {"action" => data, "servecount" => count, "clickcount" => click_count, "click_serve_ratio" => (click_count/count)*100 } result << row end result end def start_date if params[:start_date] # If there's a specified start date, use it @start_date = convert_to_time(params[:start_date]) else # otherwise use 6 months ago as a default, or the earliest event date if logs are younger first_date = Event.first[:created_at] start = Time.current - 6.months if start < first_date @start_date = first_date else @start_date = start end end end def end_date if params[:end_date] # use end date, if specified @end_date = convert_to_time(params[:end_date]) else # otherwise use the current date as default @end_date = Time.current end end def convert_to_time(date_input) year = date_input[:year] month = date_input[:month] day = date_input[:day], month, day) end def days_in_sample @days_in_sample = ((@end_date - @start_date) / (24*60*60)).round if @days_in_sample < 1 @days_in_sample = 1 end end def excluded_categories "category NOT LIKE \"%serve\" AND category <> \"common-searches\" AND category <> \"result-types\"AND category NOT LIKE \"typeahead-%\"" end def date_range { :created_at => start_date.beginning_of_day..end_date.end_of_day } end end end