## Subspace configuration file # # This file contains all (most?) the configuration for provisioning servers to run this rails application. # It uses a simple DSL that should be easy to pick up if you're comfortable with things # like rails environments, devise config, capistrano, etc. # # When you run `subspace`, the following files be overwritten. DO NOT MANUALLY MODIFY THESE FILES. # # config # - provision # - group_vars/* # - host_vars/* # - ansible.cfg # - hosts # - playbook.yml # Step one: Configure your deployment environments. We usually have a "dev" and a "production" # environment. Sometimes we have a "staging" or qa. You can do whatever you'd like. Subspace.configure do |config| # Project level configuration # Name of the project. This will get used all over the place in path names, config file names, etc. config.project_name = "<%= File.basename FileUtils.pwd =>" # By default the name of the host and the group are the same for one-host groups config.host :dev, { ssh_host: "", # Ansible connects to this to provision ssh_user: "deploy", # ssh user sudo: true, # probably should be true if user isn't root hostname: "dev.example.com" # This will get set in /etc/hostname } # Configuration for a group of hosts # These hosts config.group :dev, { hosts: [:dev, :dev_web1], vars: { rails_env: "dev" } } config.group :production, { } # Configure the ansible roles that the project will use. This is where you can set up things like # nginx vs apache, postgres vs mysql, etc. You can configure variables with each role or globally. # In Ansible, all variables are global not scoped to a role, and you can override the defaults per-host or per-group. # For convenience, we put all the default variables for each role in a block, but the following two lines have # identical effect: # # config.role "myrole" {|vars| vars.option "new_value" } # config.var :option. "new_value" config.role "common", vars: { # swap_space: 536870912, # deploy_user: "deploy" } config.role "ruby-common", vars: { # ruby_bundler_flags: "", # ruby_free_min: "", # ruby_gc_malloc_limit: "", # ruby_heap_min_slots: "" } config.role "rails" config.role "apache" config.role "letsencrypt", groups: [:web], vars: { certbot_dir: "/opt/certbot" } config.role "mtpereira.passenger" config.role "postgresql", groups: [:db] config.role "delayed_job", vars: { delayed_job_command: "bin/delayed_job", delayed_job_queues: ["default"] } config.role "logrotate" # config.var :logrotate_scripts, [{ # name: "Rails Logs", # path: "/u/apps/{{project_name}}/shared/log/*.log", # options: [ # "weekly", # "size 1M", # "missingok", # "compress", # "delaycompress", # "copytruncate", # ] # }] end