module RailsWarden class Manager def, opts = {}, &block) # Get the failure application opts[:failure_app] = opts[:failure_app].to_s.classify.constantize if opts[:failure_app] opts[:default_strategies] = [opts[:defaults]].flatten if opts[:defaults] # Set the default user if user = opts.delete(:default_user) RailsWarden.default_user_class = user.to_s.classify.constantize end # Set the unauthenticated action if it's set if ua = opts.delete(:unauthenticated_action) RailsWarden.unauthenticated_action = ua end # Rails needs the action to be passed in with the params Warden::Manager.before_failure do |env, opts| if request = env["action_controller.rescue.request"] request.params["action"] = RailsWarden.unauthenticated_action end end, opts, &block) end end end