module Spree module Api module ApiHelpers def required_fields_for(model) required_fields = do |field, validations| validations.any? { |v| v.is_a?(ActiveModel::Validations::PresenceValidator) } # get fields that are invalid # Permalinks presence is validated, but are really automatically generated # Therefore we shouldn't tell API clients that they MUST send one through!(&:to_s).delete("permalink") required_fields end def product_attributes [:id, :name, :description, :price, :available_on, :permalink, :meta_description, :meta_keywords, :shipping_category_id, :taxon_ids] end def product_property_attributes [:id, :product_id, :property_id, :value, :property_name] end def variant_attributes [:id, :name, :sku, :price, :weight, :height, :width, :depth, :is_master, :cost_price, :permalink] end def image_attributes [:id, :position, :attachment_content_type, :attachment_file_name, :type, :attachment_updated_at, :attachment_width, :attachment_height, :alt] end def option_value_attributes [:id, :name, :presentation, :option_type_name, :option_type_id] end def order_attributes [:id, :number, :item_total, :total, :state, :adjustment_total, :user_id, :created_at, :updated_at, :completed_at, :payment_total, :shipment_state, :payment_state, :email, :special_instructions, :token] end def line_item_attributes [:id, :quantity, :price, :variant_id] end def option_type_attributes [:id, :name, :presentation, :position] end def payment_attributes [:id, :source_type, :source_id, :amount, :payment_method_id, :response_code, :state, :avs_response, :created_at, :updated_at] end def payment_method_attributes [:id, :name, :description] end def shipment_attributes [:id, :tracking, :number, :cost, :shipped_at, :state] end def taxonomy_attributes [:id, :name] end def taxon_attributes [:id, :name, :pretty_name, :permalink, :position, :parent_id, :taxonomy_id] end def inventory_unit_attributes [:id, :lock_version, :state, :variant_id, :shipment_id, :return_authorization_id] end def return_authorization_attributes [:id, :number, :state, :amount, :order_id, :reason, :created_at, :updated_at] end def country_attributes [:id, :iso_name, :iso, :iso3, :name, :numcode] end def state_attributes [:id, :name, :abbr, :country_id] end def adjustment_attributes [:id, :source_type, :source_id, :adjustable_type, :adjustable_id, :originator_type, :originator_id, :amount, :label, :mandatory, :locked, :eligible, :created_at, :updated_at] end def creditcard_attributes [:id, :month, :year, :cc_type, :last_digits, :first_name, :last_name, :gateway_customer_profile_id, :gateway_payment_profile_id] end def user_attributes [:id, :email, :created_at, :updated_at] end def property_attributes [:id, :name, :presentation] end def stock_location_attributes [:id, :name, :address1, :address2, :city, :state_id, :state_name, :country_id, :zipcode, :phone, :active] end def stock_movement_attributes [:id, :quantity, :stock_item_id] end def stock_item_attributes [:id, :count_on_hand, :backorderable, :lock_version, :stock_location_id, :variant_id] end end end end