# # Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc. # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this software; if not, write to the Free # Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. require 'boxgrinder-core/models/appliance-config' require 'boxgrinder-build/plugins/base-plugin' require 'boxgrinder-build/plugins/os/rpm-based/kickstart' require 'boxgrinder-build/plugins/os/rpm-based/rpm-dependency-validator' require 'boxgrinder-build/helpers/linux-helper' require 'boxgrinder-core/errors' module BoxGrinder class RPMBasedOSPlugin < BasePlugin def after_init set_default_config_value('format', 'raw') register_deliverable( :disk => "#{@appliance_config.name}-sda.#{@plugin_config['format']}", :descriptor => "#{@appliance_config.name}.xml" ) @linux_helper = LinuxHelper.new(:log => @log) end # Add default repos (if present) to the list of additional repositories specified in appliance definition. def add_repos(repos) return if repos.empty? repos[@appliance_config.os.version].each do |name, repo| r = { 'name' => name, 'ephemeral' => true } ['baseurl', 'mirrorlist'].each { |type| r[type] = substitute_vars(repo[type]) unless repo[type].nil? } @appliance_config.repos << r end end # Substitute variables in selected string. def substitute_vars(str) return if str.nil? @appliance_config.variables.keys.each do |var| str = str.gsub("##{var}#", @appliance_config.variables[var]) end str end def build_with_appliance_creator(appliance_definition_file, repos = {}) @appliance_definition_file = appliance_definition_file add_repos(repos) if @appliance_config.default_repos kickstart_file = Kickstart.new(@config, @appliance_config, @dir, :log => @log).create RPMDependencyValidator.new(@config, @appliance_config, @dir, :log => @log).resolve_packages @log.info "Building #{@appliance_config.name} appliance..." execute_appliance_creator(kickstart_file) FileUtils.mv(Dir.glob("#{@dir.tmp}/#{@appliance_config.name}/*"), @dir.tmp) FileUtils.rm_rf("#{@dir.tmp}/#{@appliance_config.name}/") @image_helper.customize([@deliverables.disk]) do |guestfs, guestfs_helper| # TODO is this really needed? @log.debug "Uploading '/etc/resolv.conf'..." guestfs.upload("/etc/resolv.conf", "/etc/resolv.conf") @log.debug "'/etc/resolv.conf' uploaded." change_configuration(guestfs_helper) # TODO check if this is still required apply_root_password(guestfs) set_label_for_swap_partitions(guestfs, guestfs_helper) use_labels_for_partitions(guestfs) disable_firewall(guestfs) set_motd(guestfs) install_repos(guestfs) install_files(guestfs) guestfs.sh("chkconfig firstboot off") if guestfs.exists('/etc/init.d/firstboot') != 0 # https://issues.jboss.org/browse/BGBUILD-148 recreate_rpm_database(guestfs, guestfs_helper) if @config.os.name != @appliance_config.os.name or @config.os.version != @appliance_config.os.version execute_post(guestfs_helper) yield guestfs, guestfs_helper if block_given? end @log.info "Base image for #{@appliance_config.name} appliance was built successfully." end def execute_appliance_creator(kickstart_file) begin @exec_helper.execute "appliance-creator -d -v -t '#{@dir.tmp}' --cache=#{@config.dir.cache}/rpms-cache/#{@appliance_config.path.main} --config '#{kickstart_file}' -o '#{@dir.tmp}' --name '#{@appliance_config.name}' --vmem #{@appliance_config.hardware.memory} --vcpu #{@appliance_config.hardware.cpus} --format #{@plugin_config['format']}" rescue InterruptionError => e cleanup_after_appliance_creator(e.pid) abort end end def execute_post(guestfs_helper) @log.info "Executing post operations after build..." unless @appliance_config.post['base'].nil? @appliance_config.post['base'].each do |cmd| guestfs_helper.sh(cmd, :arch => @appliance_config.hardware.arch) end @log.debug "Post commands from appliance definition file executed." else @log.debug "No commands specified, skipping." end end # https://issues.jboss.org/browse/BGBUILD-148 def recreate_rpm_database(guestfs, guestfs_helper) @log.debug "Recreating RPM database..." guestfs.download("/var/lib/rpm/Packages", "#{@dir.tmp}/Packages") @exec_helper.execute("/usr/lib/rpm/rpmdb_dump #{@dir.tmp}/Packages > #{@dir.tmp}/Packages.dump") guestfs.upload("#{@dir.tmp}/Packages.dump", "/tmp/Packages.dump") guestfs.sh("rm -rf /var/lib/rpm/*") guestfs_helper.sh("cd /var/lib/rpm/ && cat /tmp/Packages.dump | /usr/lib/rpm/rpmdb_load Packages") guestfs_helper.sh("rpm --rebuilddb") @log.debug "RPM database recreated..." end def cleanup_after_appliance_creator(pid) @log.debug "Sending TERM signal to process '#{pid}'..." Process.kill("TERM", pid) @log.debug "Waiting for process to be terminated..." Process.wait(pid) @log.debug "Cleaning appliance-creator mount points..." Dir["#{@dir.tmp}/imgcreate-*"].each do |dir| dev_mapper = @exec_helper.execute "mount | grep #{dir} | awk '{print $1}'" mappings = {} dev_mapper.each do |mapping| if mapping =~ /(loop\d+)p(\d+)/ mappings[$1] = [] if mappings[$1].nil? mappings[$1] << $2 unless mappings[$1].include?($2) end end (['/var/cache/yum', '/dev/shm', '/dev/pts', '/proc', '/sys'] + @appliance_config.hardware.partitions.keys.reverse).each do |mount_point| @log.trace "Unmounting '#{mount_point}'..." @exec_helper.execute "umount -d #{dir}/install_root#{mount_point}" end mappings.each do |loop, partitions| @log.trace "Removing mappings from loop device #{loop}..." @exec_helper.execute "/sbin/kpartx -d /dev/#{loop}" @exec_helper.execute "losetup -d /dev/#{loop}" partitions.each do |part| @log.trace "Removing mapping for partition #{part} from loop device #{loop}..." @exec_helper.execute "rm /dev/#{loop}#{part}" end end end @log.debug "Cleaned up after appliance-creator." end # https://issues.jboss.org/browse/BGBUILD-177 def disable_firewall(guestfs) @log.debug "Disabling firewall..." guestfs.sh("lokkit -q --disabled") @log.debug "Firewall disabled." end # https://issues.jboss.org/browse/BGBUILD-301 def set_label_for_swap_partitions(guestfs, guestfs_helper) @log.trace "Searching for swap partition to set label..." guestfs_helper.mountable_partitions(guestfs.list_devices.first, :list_swap => true).each do |p| if guestfs.vfs_type(p).eql?('swap') @log.debug "Setting 'swap' label for partiiton '#{p}'." guestfs.mkswap_L('swap', p) @log.debug "Label set." # We assume here that nobody will want to have two swap partitions break end end end def use_labels_for_partitions(guestfs) @log.debug "Using labels for partitions..." device = guestfs.list_devices.first # /etc/fstab if fstab = guestfs.read_file('/etc/fstab').gsub!(/^(\/dev\/sda.)/) { |path| "LABEL=#{guestfs.vfs_label(path.gsub('/dev/sda', device))}" } guestfs.write_file('/etc/fstab', fstab, 0) end # /boot/grub/grub.conf if guestfs.exists('/boot/grub/grub.conf') != 0 if grub = guestfs.read_file('/boot/grub/grub.conf').gsub!(/(\/dev\/sda.)/) { |path| "LABEL=#{guestfs.vfs_label(path.gsub('/dev/sda', device))}" } guestfs.write_file('/boot/grub/grub.conf', grub, 0) end end @log.debug "Done." end def apply_root_password(guestfs) @log.debug "Applying root password..." guestfs.sh("/usr/bin/passwd -d root") guestfs.sh("/usr/sbin/usermod -p '#{@appliance_config.os.password.crypt((0...8).map { 65.+(rand(25)).chr }.join)}' root") @log.debug "Password applied." end def change_configuration(guestfs_helper) guestfs_helper.augeas do set('/etc/ssh/sshd_config', 'UseDNS', 'no') set('/etc/sysconfig/selinux', 'SELINUX', 'permissive') end end def set_motd(guestfs) @log.debug "Setting up '/etc/motd'..." # set nice banner for SSH motd_file = "/etc/init.d/motd" guestfs.upload("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/src/motd.init", motd_file) guestfs.sh("sed -i s/#VERSION#/'#{@appliance_config.version}.#{@appliance_config.release}'/ #{motd_file}") guestfs.sh("sed -i s/#APPLIANCE#/'#{@appliance_config.name} appliance'/ #{motd_file}") guestfs.sh("/bin/chmod +x #{motd_file}") guestfs.sh("/sbin/chkconfig --add motd") @log.debug "'/etc/motd' is nice now." end def recreate_kernel_image(guestfs, modules = []) @linux_helper.recreate_kernel_image(guestfs, modules) end def install_repos(guestfs) @log.debug "Installing repositories from appliance definition file..." @appliance_config.repos.each do |repo| if repo['ephemeral'] @log.debug "Repository '#{repo['name']}' is an ephemeral repo. It'll not be installed in the appliance." next end @log.debug "Installing #{repo['name']} repo..." repo_file = File.read("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/src/base.repo").gsub(/#NAME#/, repo['name']) ['baseurl', 'mirrorlist'].each do |type| repo_file << ("#{type}=#{repo[type]}\n") unless repo[type].nil? end guestfs.write_file("/etc/yum.repos.d/#{repo['name']}.repo", repo_file, 0) end @log.debug "Repositories installed." end # Copies specified files into appliance. # # There are two types of paths: # 1. remote - starting with http:// or https:// or ftp:// # 2. local - all other. # # Please use relative paths. Relative means relative to the appliance definition file. # Using absolute paths will cause creating whole directory structure in appliance, # which is most probably not exactly what you want. # # https://issues.jboss.org/browse/BGBUILD-276 def install_files(guestfs) @log.debug "Installing files specified in appliance definition file..." @appliance_config.files.each do |dir, files| @log.debug "Proceding files for '#{dir}' destination directory..." local_files = [] # Create the directory if it doesn't exists guestfs.mkdir_p(dir) unless guestfs.exists(dir) != 0 files.each do |f| if f.match(/^(http|ftp|https):\/\//) # Remote url provided @log.trace "Remote url detected: '#{f}'." # We have a remote file, try to download it using curl! guestfs.sh("cd #{dir} && curl -O -L #{f}") else @log.trace "Local path detected: '#{f}'." file_path = (f.match(/^\//) ? f : "#{File.dirname(@appliance_definition_file)}/#{f}") # TODO validate this earlier raise ValidationError, "File '#{f}' specified in files section of appliance definition file doesn't exists." unless File.exists?(file_path) local_files << f end end next if local_files.empty? @log.trace "Tarring files..." @exec_helper.execute("cd #{File.dirname(@appliance_definition_file)} && tar -cvf /tmp/bg_install_files.tar --wildcards #{local_files.join(' ')}") @log.trace "Files tarred." @log.trace "Uploading and unpacking..." guestfs.tar_in("/tmp/bg_install_files.tar", dir) @log.trace "Files uploaded." end @log.debug "Files installed." end end end