require 'rubygems' require 'activerecord' class APILookup class << self def update require 'hpricot' require 'net/http' puts "Updating API, this may take a minute or two. Please be patient!" Constant.delete_all Entry.delete_all # Ruby on Rails Classes & Methods update_api("Rails", "") # Ruby Classes & Methods update_api("Ruby", "") weight_results puts "Updated API index! Use the lookup or lookup to find what you're after" end def update_api(name, url) puts "Updating API for #{name}..." Api.find_or_create_by_name_and_url(name, url) update_methods(Hpricot(Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("#{url}/fr_method_index.html"))), url) update_classes(Hpricot(Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("#{url}/fr_class_index.html"))), url) puts "DONE (with #{name})!" end def update_methods(doc, prefix)"a").each do |a| names = a.inner_html.split(" ") method = names[0] name = names[1].gsub(/[\(|\)]/, "") # The same constant can be defined twice in different APIs, be wary! url = prefix + "/classes/" + name.gsub("::", "/") + ".html" constant = Constant.find_or_create_by_name_and_url(name, url) constant.entries.create!(:name => method, :url => prefix + "/" + a["href"]) end end def update_classes(doc, prefix)"a").each do |a| constant = Constant.find_or_create_by_name_and_url(a.inner_html, prefix + "/" + a["href"]) end end # Weights the results so the ones more likely to be used by people come up first. def weight_results e = Constant.find_by_name("ActiveRecord::Associations::ClassMethods").entries.find_by_name("belongs_to") e.increment!(:weighting) end def find_constant(name, entry=nil) # Find by specific name. constants = Constant.find_all_by_name(name, :include => "entries") # search for class methods, which is prolly what we want if we can find it constants = Constant.find_all_by_name("#{name}::ClassMethods", :include => "entries") if constants.empty? # Find by name beginning with . constants = Constant.all(:conditions => ["name LIKE ?", name + "%"], :include => "entries") if constants.empty? # Find by fuzzy. match="%#{name.split("").join("%")}%" constants = Constant.find_by_sql("select * from constants where name LIKE '#{match}'") if constants.empty? regex=build_regex_from_constant(name) constants = { |x| =~ regex } # Narrow it down to the constants that only contain the entry we are looking for. if entry constants = { |constant| !constant.entries.find_by_name(entry).nil? } end constants end # this uses a regex to lock down our SQL finds even more # so that things like AR::Base will not match # ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::DatabaseStatements def build_regex_from_constant(name) parts=name.split("::").map do |c| c.split("").join("[^:]*")+"[^:]*" end /#{parts.join("::")}/i end def smart_rails_constant_substitutions(name) parts=name.split("::").map { |x| x.split(":")}.flatten rep = case parts.first.downcase # so it falls back on fuzzy and matches AR as well as ActiveResource when "ar": "ActiveRecord" when "ares": "ActiveResource" when "am": "ActionMailer" when "as": "ActiveSupport" when "ac": "ActionController" when "av": "ActionView" else parts.first end ([rep] + parts[1..-1]).join("::") end # Find an entry. # If the constant argument is passed, look it up within the scope of the constant. def find_method(name, constant=nil) methods = [] methods = Entry.find_all_by_name(name.to_s) methods = Entry.all(:conditions => ["name LIKE ?", name.to_s + "%"]) if methods.empty? methods = Entry.find_by_sql("select * from entries where name LIKE '%#{name.split("").join("%")}%'") if methods.empty? # Weight the results, last result is the first one we want shown first methods = methods.sort_by(&:weighting) if constant constants = find_constant(constant, name) methods = { |m| constants.include?(m.constant) } end methods end def search(msg) msg = msg.split(" ")[0..-1] { |a| a.split("#") }.flatten! # It's a constant! Oh... and there's nothing else in the string! first=smart_rails_constant_substitutions(msg.first) if /^[A-Z]/.match(first) && msg.size == 1 find_constant(first) # It's a method! else # Right, so they only specified one argument. Therefore, we look everywhere. if msg.size == 1 find_method(msg) # Left, so they specified two arguments. First is probably a constant, so let's find that! else find_method(msg.last, first) end end end end end require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'models')