require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib", "mms2r") require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "test_helper") require 'tempfile' require 'test/unit' require 'rubygems' require 'mocha' gem 'tmail', '>= 1.2.1' require 'tmail' class TestMms2rMedia < Test::Unit::TestCase include MMS2R::TestHelper class MMS2R::Media::NullCarrier < MMS2R::Media; end def use_temp_dirs MMS2R::Media.tmp_dir = @tmpdir MMS2R::Media.conf_dir = @confdir end def setup @tmpdir = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "#{}-t") FileUtils.mkdir_p(@tmpdir) @confdir = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "#{}-c") FileUtils.mkdir_p(@confdir) @oldtmpdir = MMS2R::Media.tmp_dir @oldconfdir = MMS2R::Media.conf_dir end def teardown FileUtils.rm_rf(@tmpdir) FileUtils.rm_rf(@confdir) MMS2R::Media.tmp_dir = @oldtmpdir MMS2R::Media.conf_dir = @oldconfdir end def stub_mail(*keys) attrs = { :message_id => '123', :from => [''], :multipart? => false, :parts => [], :content_type => 'text/plain', :sub_header => 'message.txt', :body => 'a', :header => {} }.except(keys) stub('mail', attrs) end def temp_text_file(text) tf ="test" + tf.puts(text) tf.close tf.path end def test_tmp_dir use_temp_dirs() MMS2R::Media.tmp_dir = @tmpdir assert_equal @tmpdir, MMS2R::Media.tmp_dir end def test_conf_dir use_temp_dirs() MMS2R::Media.conf_dir = @confdir assert_equal @confdir, MMS2R::Media.conf_dir end def test_safe_message_id mid1_b="1234abcd" mid1_a="1234abcd" mid2_b="<01234567.0123456789012.JavaMail.fooba@foo-bars999>" mid2_a="012345670123456789012JavaMailfoobafoo-bars999" assert_equal mid1_a, MMS2R::Media.safe_message_id(mid1_b) assert_equal mid2_a, MMS2R::Media.safe_message_id(mid2_b) end def test_default_ext assert_equal nil, MMS2R::Media.default_ext(nil) assert_equal 'text', MMS2R::Media.default_ext('text') assert_equal 'txt', MMS2R::Media.default_ext('text/plain') assert_equal 'test', MMS2R::Media.default_ext('example/test') end def test_part_type part = stub(:content_type => nil) assert_equal 'text/plain', MMS2R::Media.part_type?(part) part = stub(:content_type => 'image/jpeg') assert_equal 'image/jpeg', MMS2R::Media.part_type?(part) end def test_main_type part = stub(:content_type => 'image/jpeg') assert_equal 'image', MMS2R::Media.main_type?(part) end def test_sub_type part = stub(:content_type => 'image/jpeg') assert_equal 'jpeg', MMS2R::Media.sub_type?(part) end def test_base_initialize_config_tries_to_open_default_config_yaml f = File.join(MMS2R::Media.conf_dir, 'mms2r_media.yml') YAML.expects(:load_file).once.with(f).returns({}) config = MMS2R::Media.initialize_config(nil) end def test_base_initialize_config config = MMS2R::Media.initialize_config(nil) # test defaults shipped in mms2r_media.yml assert_not_nil config assert_equal true, config['ignore'].is_a?(Hash) assert_equal true, config['transform'].is_a?(Hash) assert_equal true, config['number'].is_a?(Array) end def test_initialize_config_contatenation c = {'ignore' => {'text/plain' => ['/A TEST/']}, 'transform' => {'text/plain' => ['/FOO/', '']}, 'number' => ['from', '/^([^\s]+)\s.*/', '\1'] } config = MMS2R::Media.initialize_config(c) assert_not_nil config['ignore']['text/plain'].detect{|v| v == '/A TEST/'} assert_not_nil config['transform']['text/plain'].detect{|v| v == '/FOO/'} assert_not_nil config['number'].first == 'from' end def test_create_with_default_processor mail = mock() mail.expects(:header).at_least_once.returns({}) mail.expects(:from).at_least_once.returns(['']) mms = MMS2R::Media.create(mail) assert_equal MMS2R::Media, mms end def test_create_with_special_processor MMS2R.register('', MMS2R::Media::NullCarrier) mail = mock() mail.expects(:header).at_least_once.returns({}) mail.expects(:from).at_least_once.returns(['']) mms = MMS2R::Media.create(mail) assert_equal MMS2R::Media::NullCarrier, mms end def test_create_with_special_processor_and_return_path MMS2R.register('', MMS2R::Media::NullCarrier) mail = mock() mail.expects(:header).at_least_once.returns({'return-path' => ''}) mms = MMS2R::Media.create(mail) assert_equal MMS2R::Media::NullCarrier, mms end def test_create_should_fail_gracefully_with_broken_from mail = mock() mail.expects(:header).at_least_once.returns({}) mail.expects(:from).at_least_once.returns(nil) assert_nothing_raised { MMS2R::Media.create(mail) } end def test_aliased_new_returns_custom_processor_instance MMS2R.register('', MMS2R::Media::NullCarrier) mail = stub_mail(:from) mail.expects(:from).at_least_once.returns(['']) mms = assert_not_nil mms assert_equal MMS2R::Media::NullCarrier, mms.class assert_equal true, mms.respond_to?(:process) end def test_aliased_new_returns_default_processor_instance mms = assert_not_nil mms assert_equal true, mms.respond_to?(:process) assert_equal MMS2R::Media, mms.class end def test_lazy_process_option mms =, :process => :lazy) mms.expects(:process).never end def test_logger_option logger = mock() logger.expects(:info).at_least_once mms =, :logger => logger) end def test_default_processor_initialize_tries_to_open_config_for_carrier f = File.join(MMS2R::Media.conf_dir, '') YAML.expects(:load_file).once.with(f) mms = end def test_mms_phone_number mail = stub_mail() mail.stubs(:from).returns(['']) mms = assert_equal '2068675309', mms.number end def test_mms_phone_number_from_config mail = stub_mail() mail.stubs(:header).returns({'from' =>'from', '"+2068675309" ')}) mms = mms.expects(:config).once.returns({'number' => ['from', '/^([^\s]+)\s.*/', '\1']}) assert_equal '+2068675309', mms.number end def test_mms_phone_number_with_errors mail = stub_mail(:from) mail.stubs(:from).returns(nil) mms = assert_nothing_raised do assert_equal '', mms.number end end def test_transform_text mail = stub_mail() mail.stubs(:from).returns(nil) mms = type = 'test/type' text = 'hello' # no match in the config result = [type, text] assert_equal result, mms.transform_text(type, text) # testing the default config assert_equal ['text/plain', ''], mms.transform_text('text/plain', "Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile") assert_equal ['text/plain', ''], mms.transform_text('text/plain', "Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry") assert_equal ['text/plain', ''], mms.transform_text('text/plain', 'Sent from my iPhone') assert_equal ['text/plain', ''], mms.transform_text('text/plain', 'Sent from my iPhone.') assert_equal ['text/plain', ''], mms.transform_text('text/plain', " \n\nimage/jpeg") # has a bad regexp mms.expects(:config).once.returns({'transform' => {type => [['(hello)', 'world']]}}) assert_equal result, mms.transform_text(type, text) # matches in config mms.expects(:config).once.returns({'transform' => {type => [['/(hello)/', 'world']]}}) assert_equal [type, 'world'], mms.transform_text(type, text) mms.expects(:config).once.returns({'transform' => {type => [['/^Ignore this part, (.+)/', '\1']]}}) assert_equal [type, text], mms.transform_text(type, "Ignore this part, " + text) # chaining transforms mms.expects(:config).once.returns({'transform' => {type => [['/(hello)/', 'world'], ['/(world)/', 'mars']]}}) assert_equal [type, 'mars'], mms.transform_text(type, text) # has a Iconv problem Iconv.expects(:new).raises mms.expects(:config).once.returns({'transform' => {type => [['(hello)', 'world']]}}) assert_equal result, mms.transform_text(type, text) end def test_subject s = 'hello world' mail = stub_mail() mail.stubs(:subject).returns(s) mms = assert_equal s, mms.subject # second time through shouldn't process the subject again mail.expects(:subject).never assert_equal s, mms.subject end def test_subject_with_bad_mail_subject mail = stub_mail() mail.stubs(:subject).returns(nil) mms = assert_equal '', mms.subject end def test_subject_with_subject_ignored s = 'hello world' mail = stub_mail() mail.stubs(:subject).returns(s) mms = mms.stubs(:config).returns({'ignore' => {'text/plain' => [s]}}) assert_equal '', mms.subject end def test_subject_with_subject_transformed s = 'Default Subject: hello world' mail = stub_mail() mail.stubs(:subject).returns(s) mms = mms.stubs(:config).returns({'transform' => {'text/plain' => [['/Default Subject: (.+)/', '\1']]}}) assert_equal 'hello world', mms.subject end def test_attachment_should_return_nil_if_files_for_type_are_not_found mms = mms.stubs(:media).returns({}) assert_nil mms.send(:attachment, ['text']) end def test_attachment_should_return_nil_if_empty_files_are_found mms = mms.stubs(:media).returns({'text/plain' => ['test')]}) assert_nil mms.send(:attachment, ['text']) end def test_type_from_filename(filename) mms = assert_equal 'image/jpeg', mms.send(:type_from_filename, "example.jpg") end def test_type_from_filename_should_be_nil(filename) mms = assert_nil mms.send(:type_from_filename, "example.example") end def test_attachment_should_return_duck_typed_file mms = temp_big = temp_text_file("hello world") size = File.size(temp_text_file("hello world")) temp_small = temp_text_file("hello") mms.stubs(:media).returns({'text/plain' => [temp_small, temp_big]}) duck_file = mms.send(:attachment, ['text']) assert_not_nil duck_file assert_equal true, File::exist?(duck_file) assert_equal true, File::exist?(temp_big) assert_equal temp_big, duck_file.local_path assert_equal File.basename(temp_big), duck_file.original_filename assert_equal size, duck_file.size assert_equal 'text/plain', duck_file.content_type end def test_empty_body mms = mms.stubs(:default_text).returns(nil) assert_equal "", mms.body end def test_body mms = temp_big = temp_text_file("hello world") mms.stubs(:default_text).returns( assert_equal "hello world", mms.body end def test_default_text mms = temp_big = temp_text_file("hello world") temp_small = temp_text_file("hello") mms.stubs(:media).returns({'text/plain' => [temp_small, temp_big]}) assert_equal temp_big, mms.default_text.local_path # second time through shouldn't setup the @default_text by calling attachment mms.expects(:attachment).never assert_equal temp_big, mms.default_text.local_path end def test_default_media mms = #it doesn't matter that these are text files, we just need say they are images temp_big = temp_text_file("hello world") temp_small = temp_text_file("hello") mms.stubs(:media).returns({'image/jpeg' => [temp_small, temp_big]}) assert_equal temp_big, mms.default_media.local_path # second time through shouldn't setup the @default_media by calling attachment mms.expects(:attachment).never assert_equal temp_big, mms.default_media.local_path end def test_default_media_treats_image_and_video_equally mms = #it doesn't matter that these are text files, we just need say they are images temp_big_image = temp_text_file("hello world") temp_small_image = temp_text_file("hello") temp_big_video = temp_text_file("hello world again") temp_small_video = temp_text_file("hello again") mms.stubs(:media).returns({'image/jpeg' => [temp_small_image, temp_big_image], 'video/mpeg' => [temp_small_video, temp_big_video], }) assert_equal temp_big_video, mms.default_media.local_path # second time through shouldn't setup the @default_media by calling attachment mms.expects(:attachment).never assert_equal temp_big_video, mms.default_media.local_path end def test_purge mms = mms.purge assert_equal false, File.exist?(mms.media_dir) end def test_ignore_media_by_filename_equality name = 'foo.txt' type = 'text/plain' mms = mms.stubs(:config).returns({'ignore' => {type => [name]}}) # type is not in the ingore part = stub(:sub_header => name) assert_equal false, mms.ignore_media?('text/test', part) # type and filename are in the ingore part = stub(:sub_header => name) assert_equal true, mms.ignore_media?(type, part) # type but not file name are in the ignore part = stub(:sub_header => 'bar.txt') assert_equal false, mms.ignore_media?(type, part) end def test_filename name = 'foo.txt' mms = part = stub(:sub_header => name, :content_type => 'text/plain') assert_equal 'foo.txt', mms.filename?(part) end def test_filename_when_file_extension_missing_part name = 'foo' mms = part = stub(:sub_header => name, :content_type => 'text/plain') assert_equal 'foo.txt', mms.filename?(part) end def test_ignore_media_by_filename_regexp name = 'foo.txt' regexp = '/foo\.txt/i' type = 'text/plain' mms = mms.stubs(:config).returns({'ignore' => {type => [regexp, 'nil.txt']}}) # type is not in the ingore part = stub(:sub_header => name) assert_equal false, mms.ignore_media?('text/test', part) # type and regexp for the filename are in the ingore part = stub(:sub_header => name) assert_equal true, mms.ignore_media?(type, part) # type but not regexp for filename are in the ignore part = stub(:sub_header => 'bar.txt') assert_equal false, mms.ignore_media?(type, part) end def test_ignore_media_by_regexp_on_file_content name = 'foo.txt' content = "aaaaaaahello worldbbbbbbbbb" regexp = '/.*Hello World.*/i' type = 'text/plain' mms = mms.stubs(:config).returns({'ignore' => {type => ['nil.txt', regexp]}}) part = stub(:sub_header => name, :body => content) # type is not in the ingore assert_equal false, mms.ignore_media?('text/test', part) # type and regexp for the content are in the ingore assert_equal true, mms.ignore_media?(type, part) # type but not regexp for content are in the ignore part = stub(:sub_header => name, :body => 'no teapots') assert_equal false, mms.ignore_media?(type, part) end def test_ignore_media_when_file_content_is_empty mms = # there is no conf but the part's body is empty part = stub(:sub_header => 'foo.txt', :body => "") assert_equal true, mms.ignore_media?('text/test', part) # there is no conf but the part's body is white space part = stub(:sub_header => 'foo.txt', :body => "\t\n\t\n ") assert_equal true, mms.ignore_media?('text/test', part) end def test_add_file MMS2R.register('', MMS2R::Media::NullCarrier) mail = stub_mail() mail.stubs(:from).returns(['']) mms = mms.stubs(:media).returns({}) assert_nil['text/html'] mms.add_file('text/html', '/tmp/foo.html') assert_equal ['/tmp/foo.html'],['text/html'] mms.add_file('text/html', '/tmp/bar.html') assert_equal ['/tmp/foo.html', '/tmp/bar.html'],['text/html'] end def test_temp_file name = 'foo.txt' mms = part = stub(:sub_header => name) assert_equal name, File.basename(mms.temp_file(part)) end def test_process_media_for_text name = 'foo.txt' mms = mms.stubs(:transform_text_part).returns(['text/plain', nil]) part = stub(:sub_header => name, :content_type => 'text/plain') assert_equal ['text/plain', nil], mms.process_media(part) mms.stubs(:transform_text_part).returns(['text/plain', 'hello world']) result = mms.process_media(part) assert_equal 'text/plain', result.first assert_equal 'hello world', mms.purge # have to call purge since a file is put to disk as side effect end def test_process_media_with_empty_text name = 'foo.txt' mms = mms.stubs(:transform_text_part).returns(['text/plain', nil]) part = stub(:sub_header => name, :content_type => 'text/plain') assert_equal ['text/plain', nil], mms.process_media(part) mms.stubs(:transform_text_part).returns(['text/plain', '']) assert_equal ['text/plain', nil], mms.process_media(part) mms.purge # have to call purge since a file is put to disk as side effect end def test_process_media_for_application_smil name = 'foo.txt' mms = mms.stubs(:transform_text_part).returns(['application/smil', nil]) part = stub(:sub_header => name, :content_type => 'application/smil') assert_equal ['application/smil', nil], mms.process_media(part) mms.stubs(:transform_text_part).returns(['application/smil', 'hello world']) result = mms.process_media(part) assert_equal 'application/smil', result.first assert_equal 'hello world', mms.purge # have to call purge since a file is put to disk as side effect end def test_process_media_for_application_octet_stream_when_image name = 'fake.jpg' mms = part = stub(:sub_header => name, :content_type => 'application/octet-stream', :body => "data") result = mms.process_media(part) assert_equal 'image/jpeg', result.first assert_match /fake\.jpg$/, result.last mms.purge # have to call purge since a file is put to disk as side effect end def test_process_media_for_all_other_media name = 'foo.txt' mms = part = stub(:sub_header => name, :content_type => 'faux/text', :body => nil) assert_equal ['faux/text', nil], mms.process_media(part) part = stub(:sub_header => name, :content_type => 'faux/text', :body => 'hello world') result = mms.process_media(part) assert_equal 'faux/text', result.first assert_equal 'hello world', mms.purge # have to call purge since a file is put to disk as side effect end def test_process mms = assert_equal 1, assert_not_nil['text/plain'] assert_equal 1,['text/plain'].size assert_equal 'message.txt', File.basename(['text/plain'].first) assert_equal true, File.exist?(['text/plain'].first) assert_equal 1, File.size(['text/plain'].first) mms.purge end def test_process_with_multipart_alternative_parts mail = stub_mail() plain = stub(:sub_header => 'message.txt', :content_type => 'text/plain', :body => 'a') html = stub(:sub_header => 'message.html', :content_type => 'text/html', :body => 'a') multi = stub(:content_type => 'multipart/alternative', :parts => [plain, html]) mail.stubs(:multipart?).returns(true) mail.stubs(:parts).returns([multi]) # the multipart/alternative should get flattend to text and html mms = assert_equal 2, assert_not_nil['text/plain'] assert_not_nil['text/html'] assert_equal 1,['text/plain'].size assert_equal 1,['text/html'].size assert_equal 'message.txt', File.basename(['text/plain'].first) assert_equal 'message.html', File.basename(['text/html'].first) assert_equal true, File.exist?(['text/plain'].first) assert_equal true, File.exist?(['text/html'].first) assert_equal 1, File.size(['text/plain'].first) assert_equal 1, File.size(['text/html'].first) mms.purge end def test_process_when_media_is_ignored mail = stub_mail() plain = stub(:sub_header => 'message.txt', :content_type => 'text/plain', :body => '') html = stub(:sub_header => 'message.html', :content_type => 'text/html', :body => '') multi = stub(:content_type => 'multipart/alternative', :parts => [plain, html]) mail.stubs(:multipart?).returns(true) mail.stubs(:parts).returns([multi]) mms =, :process => :lazy) mms.stubs(:config).returns({'ignore' => {'text/plain' => ['message.txt'], 'text/html' => ['message.html']}}) assert_nothing_raised { mms.process } # the multipart/alternative should get flattend to text and html and then # what's flattened is ignored assert_equal 0, mms.purge end def test_process_when_yielding_to_a_block mail = stub_mail() plain = stub(:sub_header => 'message.txt', :content_type => 'text/plain', :body => 'a') html = stub(:sub_header => 'message.html', :content_type => 'text/html', :body => 'b') mail.stubs(:multipart?).returns(true) mail.stubs(:parts).returns([plain, html]) # the multipart/alternative should get flattend to text and html mms = assert_equal 2, mms.process do |type, files| assert_equal 1, files.size assert_equal true, type == 'text/plain' || type == 'text/html' assert_equal true, File.basename(files.first) == 'message.txt' || File.basename(files.first) == 'message.html' assert_equal true, File::exist?(files.first) end mms.purge end end