require "egregious/version" require "egregious/extensions/exception" require 'rack' require 'abstract_controller/base' require 'action_controller' require 'action_controller/metal/request_forgery_protection' require 'active_record/errors' require 'active_record' require 'active_record/associations' require 'active_record/validations' module Egregious # use these exception to control the code you are throwing from you code # all http statuses have an exception defined for them Rack::Utils::HTTP_STATUS_CODES.each do |key, value| class_eval "class #{value.gsub(/\s|-|'/,'')} < StandardError; end" end def self.status_code(status) if status.is_a?(Symbol) key = status.to_s.split("_").map {|e| e.capitalize}.join(" ") Rack::Utils::HTTP_STATUS_CODES.invert[key] || 500 else status.to_i end end def status_code(status) Egregious.status_code(status) end # internal method that loads the exception codes def self._load_exception_codes # by default if there is not mapping they map to 500/internal server error exception_codes = { SecurityError=>status_code(:forbidden) } # all status codes have a exception class defined Rack::Utils::HTTP_STATUS_CODES.each do |key, value| exception_codes.merge!(eval("Egregious::#{value.gsub(/\s|-|'/,'')}")=>value.downcase.gsub(/\s|-/, '_').to_sym) end if defined?(ActionController) exception_codes.merge!({ AbstractController::ActionNotFound=>status_code(:bad_request), ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken=>status_code(:bad_request), ActionController::MethodNotAllowed=>status_code(:not_allowed), ActionController::MissingFile=>status_code(:not_found), ActionController::RoutingError=>status_code(:bad_request), ActionController::UnknownController=>status_code(:bad_request), ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod=>status_code(:not_allowed) #ActionController::MissingTemplate=>status_code(:not_found) }) end if defined?(ActiveModel) exception_codes.merge!({ ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError=>status_code(:bad_request)}) end if defined?(ActiveRecord) exception_codes.merge!({ ActiveRecord::AttributeAssignmentError=>status_code(:bad_request), ActiveRecord::HasAndBelongsToManyAssociationForeignKeyNeeded=>status_code(:bad_request), ActiveRecord::MultiparameterAssignmentErrors=>status_code(:bad_request), ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyAssociation=>status_code(:forbidden), ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord=>status_code(:forbidden), ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid=>status_code(:bad_request), ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound=>status_code(:not_found), ActiveRecord::UnknownAttributeError=>status_code(:bad_request) }) end if defined?(Warden) exception_codes.merge!({ Warden::NotAuthenticated=>status_code(:unauthorized), }) end if defined?(CanCan) # technically this should be forbidden, but for some reason cancan returns AccessDenied when you are not logged in exception_codes.merge!({CanCan::AccessDenied=>status_code(:unauthorized)}) exception_codes.merge!({CanCan::AuthorizationNotPerformed => status_code(:unauthorized)}) end @@exception_codes = exception_codes end @@exception_codes = self._load_exception_codes @@root = defined?(Rail) ? Rails.root : nil # exposes the root of the app def self.root @@root end # set the root directory and stack traces will be cleaned up def self.root=(root) @@root=root end # a little helper to help us clean up the backtrace # if root is defined it removes that, for rails it takes care of that def clean_backtrace(exception) if backtrace = exception.backtrace if Egregious.root { |line| line.sub Egregious.root, '' } else backtrace end end end # this method exposes the @@exception_codes class variable # allowing someone to re-configure the mapping. For example in a rails initializer: # Egregious.exception_codes = {NameError => "503"} or # If you want the default mapping and then want to modify it you should call the following: # Egregious.exception_codes.merge!({MyCustomException=>"500"}) def self.exception_codes @@exception_codes end # this method exposes the @@exception_codes class variable # allowing someone to re-configure the mapping. For example in a rails initializer: # Egregious.exception_codes = {NameError => "503"} or # If you want the default mapping and then want to modify it you should call the following: # Egregious.exception_codes.merge!({MyCustomException=>"500"}) def self.exception_codes=(exception_codes) @@exception_codes=exception_codes end # this method will auto load the exception codes if they are not set # by an external configuration call to self.exception_code already # it is called by the status_code_for_exception method def exception_codes return Egregious.exception_codes end # this method will lookup the exception code for a given exception class # if the exception is not in our map then it will return 500 def status_code_for_exception(exception) self.exception_codes[exception.class] ? self.exception_codes[exception.class] : '500' end # this is the method that handles all the exceptions we have mapped def egregious_exception_handler(exception) egregious_flash(exception) egregious_log(exception) egregious_respond_to(exception) end # override this if you want your flash to behave differently def egregious_flash(exception)[:alert] = exception.message end # override this if you want your logging to behave differently def egregious_log(exception) logger.fatal( "\n\n" + exception.class.to_s + ' (' + exception.message.to_s + '):\n ' + clean_backtrace(exception).join("\n ") + "\n\n") HoptoadNotifier.notify(exception) if defined?(HoptoadNotifier) end # override this if you want to change your respond_to behavior def egregious_respond_to(exception) respond_to do |format| status = status_code_for_exception(exception) format.xml { render :xml=> exception.to_xml, :status => status } format.json { render :json=> exception.to_json, :status => status } # render the html page for the status we are returning it exists...if not then render the 500.html page. format.html { render :file => File.exists?(build_html_file_path(status)) ? build_html_file_path(status) : build_html_file_path('500'), :status => status } end end def build_html_file_path(status) File.join(Rails.root, 'public', "#{status_code(status)}.html") end def self.included(base) base.class_eval do rescue_from 'Exception' , :with => :egregious_exception_handler end end end