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> A first-party Ruby client for building excellent, relevant search experiences with Elastic App Search. ## Contents - [Getting started](#getting-started-) - [Versioning](#versioning) - [Usage](#usage) - [Running Tests](#running-tests) - [Debugging API Calls](#debugging-api-calls) - [FAQ](#faq-) - [Contribute](#contribute-) - [License](#license-) --- ## Getting started 🐣 To install the gem, execute: ```bash gem install elastic-app-search ``` Or place `gem 'elastic-app-search', '~> 7.4.1'` in your `Gemfile` and run `bundle install`. ## Versioning This client is versioned and released alongside App Search. To guarantee compatibility, use the most recent version of this library within the major version of the corresponding App Search implementation. For example, for App Search `7.3`, use `7.3` of this library or above, but not `8.0`. If you are a [SaaS](https://app.swiftype.com/as) user, simply use the most recent version of this library. ## Usage ### Setup: Configuring the client and authentication Create a new instance of the Elastic App Search Client. This requires your `[HOST_IDENTIFIER]`, which identifies the unique hostname of the App Search API that is associated with your App Search account. It also requires a valid `[API_KEY]`, which authenticates requests to the API. You can use any key type with the client, however each has a different scope. For more information on keys, check out the [documentation](https://swiftype.com/documentation/app-search/credentials). You can find your `[API_KEY]` and your `[HOST_IDENTIFIER]` within the [Credentials](https://app.swiftype.com/as/credentials) menu: ```ruby require 'elastic-app-search' client = Elastic::AppSearch::Client.new(:host_identifier => 'host-c5s2mj', :api_key => 'private-mu75psc5egt9ppzuycnc2mc3') ``` ### Using with App Search Managed Deploys The client can be configured to use a managed deploy by using the `api_endpoint` parameter. Since managed deploys do not rely on a `[HOST_IDENTIFIER]` , it can be omitted. ```ruby require 'elastic-app-search' client = Elastic::AppSearch::Client.new(:api_key => 'private-mu75psc5egt9ppzuycnc2mc3', :api_endpoint => 'http://localhost:3002/api/as/v1/') ``` ### API Methods This client is a thin interface to the Elastic App Search Api. Additional details for requests and responses can be found in the [documentation](https://swiftype.com/documentation/app-search). #### Indexing: Creating or Updating a Single Document ```ruby engine_name = 'favorite-videos' document = { :id => 'INscMGmhmX4', :url => 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INscMGmhmX4', :title => 'The Original Grumpy Cat', :body => 'A wonderful video of a magnificent cat.' } client.index_document(engine_name, document) ``` #### Indexing: Creating or Replacing Documents ```ruby engine_name = 'favorite-videos' documents = [ { :id => 'INscMGmhmX4', :url => 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INscMGmhmX4', :title => 'The Original Grumpy Cat', :body => 'A wonderful video of a magnificent cat.' }, { :id => 'JNDFojsd02', :url => 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ', :title => 'Another Grumpy Cat', :body => 'A great video of another cool cat.' } ] client.index_documents(engine_name, documents) ``` #### Indexing: Updating Documents (Partial Updates) ```ruby engine_name = 'favorite-videos' documents = [ { :id => 'INscMGmhmX4', :title => 'Updated title' } ] client.update_documents(engine_name, documents) ``` #### Retrieving Documents ```ruby engine_name = 'favorite-videos' document_ids = ['INscMGmhmX4', 'JNDFojsd02'] client.get_documents(engine_name, document_ids) ``` #### Listing Documents ```ruby engine_name = 'favorite-videos' client.list_documents(engine_name) ``` #### Destroying Documents ```ruby engine_name = 'favorite-videos' document_ids = ['INscMGmhmX4', 'JNDFojsd02'] client.destroy_documents(engine_name, document_ids) ``` #### Listing Engines ```ruby client.list_engines ``` #### Retrieving Engines ```ruby engine_name = 'favorite-videos' client.get_engine(engine_name) ``` #### Creating Engines ```ruby engine_name = 'favorite-videos' client.create_engine(engine_name) ``` #### Destroying Engines ```ruby engine_name = 'favorite-videos' client.destroy_engine(engine_name) ``` #### Searching ```ruby engine_name = 'favorite-videos' query = 'cat' search_fields = { :title => {} } result_fields = { :title => { :raw => {} } } options = { :search_fields => search_fields, :result_fields => result_fields } client.search(engine_name, query, options) ``` #### Multi-Search ```ruby engine_name = 'favorite-videos' queries = [{ :query => 'cat', :options => { :search_fields => { :title => {} }} },{ :query => 'dog', :options => { :search_fields => { :body => {} }} }] client.multi_search(engine_name, queries) ``` #### Query Suggestion ```ruby engine_name = 'favorite-videos' options = { :size => 3, :types => { :documents => { :fields => ['title'] } } } client.query_suggestion(engine_name, 'cat', options) ``` #### Show Search Settings ```ruby engine_name = 'favorite-videos' client.show_settings(engine_name) ``` #### Update Search Settings ```ruby engine_name = 'favorite-videos' settings = { 'search_fields' => { 'id' => { 'weight' => 1 }, 'url' => { 'weight' => 1 }, 'title' => { 'weight' => 1 }, 'body' => { 'weight' => 1 }, }, 'boosts' => { 'title' => [ { 'type' => 'value', 'factor' => 9.5, 'operation' => 'multiply', 'value' => [ 'Titanic' ] } ] } } client.update_settings(engine_name, settings) ``` #### Reset Search Settings ```ruby engine_name = 'favorite-videos' client.reset_settings(engine_name) ``` #### Create a Signed Search Key Creating a search key that will only return the title field. ```ruby public_search_key = 'search-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' public_search_key_name = 'search-key' enforced_options = { result_fields: { title: { raw: {} } }, filters: { world_heritage_site: 'true' } } signed_search_key = Elastic::AppSearch::Client.create_signed_search_key(public_search_key, public_search_key_name, enforced_options) client = Elastic::AppSearch::Client.new(host_identifier: 'host-c5s2mj', api_key: signed_search_key) client.search('national-parks-demo', 'everglade') ``` #### Log click-through Logging a click through ```ruby engine_name = 'favorite-videos' options = { :query => 'cat videos', :document_id => 'INscMGmhmX4', :request_id => 'e4c4dea0bd7ad3d2f676575ef16dc7d2', :tags => ['firefox', 'web browser'] } client.log_click_through(engine_name, options) ``` #### Analytics - Number of clicks-throughs received by a document ```ruby engine_name = 'favorite-videos' options = { :query => 'cats', :page => { :size => 20, }, :filters => { :date => { :from => '2019-04-11T00:00:00+00:00', :to => '2019-04-13T00:00:00+00:00' } } } client.get_top_clicks_analytics(engine_name, options) ``` #### Analytics - Queries, number of queries, and clicks received ```ruby engine_name = 'favorite-videos' options = { :page => { :size => 20 }, :filters => { :date => { :from => '2019-04-11T00:00:00+00:00', :to => '2019-04-13T00:00:00+00:00' } } } client.get_top_queries_analytics(engine_name, options) ``` #### Analytics - Number of clicks and total number of queries ```ruby engine_name = 'favorite-videos' options = { :filters => { :all => [ { :tag => ['mobile', 'web'] },{ :query => 'cats' }, { :document_id => '163' }, { :date => { :from => '2018-07-05T12:00:00+00:00', :to => '2018-07-05T14:00:00+00:00' } } ] }, :interval => 'hour' } client.get_count_analytics(engine_name, options) ``` #### Creating Synonym Sets ```ruby engine_name = 'us-national-parks' client.create_synonym_set(engine_name, :synonyms => ['park', 'trail']) ``` #### Retrieving Synonym Sets ```ruby engine_name = 'us-national-parks' client.get_synonym_set(engine_name, 'syn-5d8e6b5d40caae7dcb6e1b9c') ``` #### Listing Synonym Sets ```ruby engine_name = 'us-national-parks' client.list_synonym_sets(engine_name, :current => 1, :size => 20) ``` #### Updating Synonym Sets ```ruby engine_name = 'us-national-parks' client.update_synonym_set(engine_name, 'syn-5d8e6b5d40caae7dcb6e1b9c', :synonyms => ['park', 'trail', 'ground']) ``` #### Destroying Synonym Sets ```ruby engine_name = 'us-national-parks' client.destroy_synonym_set(engine_name, 'syn-5d8e6b5d40caae7dcb6e1b9c') ``` #### Listing Credentials ```ruby client.list_credentials(:current => 1, :size => 20) ``` #### Retrieving Credentials ```ruby client.get_credential('reading-private-key') ``` #### Creating Credentials ```ruby client.create_credential({ :name => 'reading-private-key', :type => 'private', :read => true, :write => false, :access_all_engines => false, :engines => [ 'favorite-videos' ] }) ``` #### Updating Credentials ```ruby client.update_credential('reading-private-key', { :name => 'reading-private-key', :type => 'private', :read => true, :write => true, :access_all_engines => false, :engines => [ 'favorite-videos' ] }) ``` #### Destroying Credentials ```ruby client.destroy_credential('reading-private-key') ``` #### Retrieving an Engine's Schema ```ruby engine_name = 'us-national-parks' client.get_schema(engine_name) ``` #### Updating an Engine's Schema or Creating a New Schema Field ```ruby engine_name = 'us-national-parks' client.update_schema(engine_name, 'square_km' => 'number') ``` #### Creating Curations ```ruby engine_name = 'us-national-parks' options = { 'queries' => [ 'zion' ], 'promoted' => [ 'doc-5d8e413b40caaedab76e3c96' ], 'hidden' => [ 'doc-5d8e413d40caae335e06c374' ] } client.create_curation(engine_name, options) ``` #### Retrieving Curations ```ruby engine_name = 'us-national-parks' client.get_curation(engine_name, 'cur-5d9240d640caaeca6506b600') ``` #### Listing Curations ```ruby engine_name = 'us-national-parks' client.list_curations(engine_name, current: 1, size: 20) ``` #### Updating Curations ```ruby engine_name = 'us-national-parks' id = 'cur-5d9240d640caaeca6506b600' options = { 'queries' => [ 'zion' ], 'promoted' => [ 'doc-5d8e413b40caaedab76e3c96' ] } client.update_curation(engine_name, id, options) ``` #### Destroying Curations ```ruby engine_name = 'us-national-parks' client.destroy_curation(engine_name, 'cur-5d9240d640caaeca6506b600') ``` #### Retrieving API Logs ```ruby engine_name = 'us-national-parks' options = { 'filters' => { 'date' => { 'from' => '2019-09-23T00:00:00+00:00', 'to' => '2019-09-28T00:00:00+00:00' } }, 'page' => { 'total_results' => 100, 'size' => 20 }, 'query' => 'search', 'sort_direction' => 'desc' } client.get_api_logs(engine_name, options) ``` ## Running Tests ```bash export AS_API_KEY="[API_KEY]" export AS_ADMIN_KEY="[ADMIN_API_KEY]" export AS_HOST_IDENTIFIER="[HOST_IDENTIFIER]" bundle exec rspec ``` You can also run tests against a local environment by passing a `AS_API_ENDPOINT` environment variable ```bash export AS_API_KEY="[API_KEY]" export AS_ADMIN_KEY="[ADMIN_API_KEY]" export AS_API_ENDPOINT="http://[HOST_IDENTIFIER].api." bundle exec rspec ``` ## Debugging API calls If you need to debug an API call made by the client, there are a few things you could do: 1. Setting `AS_DEBUG` environment variable to `true` would enable HTTP-level debugging and you would see all requests generated by the client on your console. 2. You could use our API logs feature in App Search console to see your requests and responses live. 3. In your debug logs you could find a `X-Request-Id` header value. That could be used when talking to Elastic Customer Support to help us quickly find your API request and help you troubleshoot your issues. ## FAQ 🔮 ### Where do I report issues with the client? If something is not working as expected, please open an [issue](https://github.com/elastic/app-search-ruby/issues/new). ### Where can I learn more about App Search? Your best bet is to read the [documentation](https://swiftype.com/documentation/app-search). ### Where else can I go to get help? You can checkout the [Elastic App Search community discuss forums](https://discuss.elastic.co/c/app-search). ## Contribute 🚀 We welcome contributors to the project. Before you begin, a couple notes... - Before opening a pull request, please create an issue to [discuss the scope of your proposal](https://github.com/elastic/app-search-ruby/issues). - Please write simple code and concise documentation, when appropriate. ## License 📗 [Apache 2.0](https://github.com/elastic/app-search-ruby/blob/master/LICENSE.txt) © [Elastic](https://github.com/elastic) Thank you to all the [contributors](https://github.com/elastic/app-search-ruby/graphs/contributors)!