require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "spec_helper") class Redcar::Project # describe Adapters::Remote do # context "with FTP provider" do # subject do #, '', 'ftpuser', 'ftpsecret') # end # # its(:provider) { should == :ftp } # its(:host) { should == '' } # its(:user) { should == 'ftpuser' } # its(:password) { should == 'ftpsecret' } # # describe "Class methods" do # subject { Adapters::Remote } # # describe '#init_connection' do # it "starts a new FTP connection" do # Net::FTP.should_receive(:open).with('', 'ftpuser', 'ftpsecret') # subject.init_connection(:ftp, '', 'ftpuser', 'ftpsecret') # end # end # end # end # # context "with SFTP provider" do # subject do #, '', 'user', 'secret') # end # # its(:provider) { should == :sftp } # its(:host) { should == '' } # its(:user) { should == 'user' } # its(:password) { should == 'secret' } # # describe "Class methods" do # subject { Adapters::Remote } # # describe '#init_connection' do # it "starts a new SSH connection" do # Net::SSH.should_receive(:start).with('', 'user', hash_including(:password => 'secret')) # subject.init_connection(:sftp, '', 'user', 'secret') # end # end # # describe "#connect" do # context "when first invoked for same host+user" do # it "invokes init_connection" do # subject.should_receive(:init_connection).with(:sftp, 'a', 'b', 'c') # subject.connect(:sftp, 'a', 'b', 'c') # end # end # # context "when connection was already stabilished" do # it "reuses the connection" do # connection = double('connection') # subject.stub!(:connections).and_return({"ftp-a-b" => connection}) # # subject.should_receive(:init_connection).never # subject.connect(:sftp, 'a', 'b', 'c') # end # end # end # end # # describe '#dir_listing' do # it "retrieves all files and dirs on a given remote folder" do # subject.should_receive(:check_folder).with('/home/fcoury').and_return(true) # subject.should_receive(:exec).with(%Q( # for file in /home/fcoury/*; do # test -f "$file" && echo "file|$file" # test -d "$file" && echo "dir|$file" # done # )) # subject.dir_listing('/home/fcoury') # end # # it "raises an exception when the folder doesn't exist" do # subject.should_receive(:check_folder).and_return(false) # lambda { subject.dir_listing('/home/fcoury') }.should raise_error(Adapters::Remote::PathDoesNotExist) # end # end # # describe "#retrieve_dir_contents" do # it "returns dir contents in a hash with file names and types" do # subject.should_receive(:dir_listing).with('/home/fcoury').and_return([ # 'file|/home/fcoury/.bashrc', # 'dir|/home/fcoury/.vimrc', # 'file|/home/fcoury/hello_world.rb', # 'dir|/home/fcoury/snippets' # ]) # # result = subject.retrieve_dir_contents('/home/fcoury') # result[0][:fullname].should == '/home/fcoury/.bashrc' # result[0][:name].should == '.bashrc' # result[0][:type].should == 'file' # # result[1][:fullname].should == '/home/fcoury/.vimrc' # result[1][:name].should == '.vimrc' # result[1][:type].should == 'dir' # # result[2][:fullname].should == '/home/fcoury/hello_world.rb' # result[2][:name].should == 'hello_world.rb' # result[2][:type].should == 'file' # # result[3][:fullname].should == '/home/fcoury/snippets' # result[3][:name].should == 'snippets' # result[3][:type].should == 'dir' # end # end # # describe '#check_folder' do # it "tries to retrieve the parent folder from cache" do # subject.should_receive(:cache).with('/home/fcoury').and_return([ # { :fullname => '/home/fcoury/hello_world.rb', :name => 'hello_world.rb', :type => 'file' }, # { :fullname => '/home/fcoury/snippets', :name => 'snippets', :type => 'dir' } # ]) # subject.should_receive(:exec).never # subject.check_folder('/home/fcoury/snippets').should be_true # end # # it "when parent folder isn't cached, retrieves from SSH" do # conn = stub('connection') # subject.stub!(:connection).and_return(conn) # # subject.should_receive(:cache).with('/home').and_return(nil) # conn.should_receive(:exec!).with(%Q( # test -d "/home/fcoury" && echo y # )).and_return("y\n") # subject.check_folder('/home/fcoury').should be_true # end # end # end # end end