# Copyright 2011 innoQ Deutschland GmbH # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. $LOAD_PATH << File.dirname(__FILE__) require 'test_helper' class TurtleTest < Minitest::Test def test_basic_turtle_output document = IqRdf::Document.new('http://www.test.de/', :lang => :de) document.namespaces :foaf => 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/' document << IqRdf::testemann do |t| t.Foaf::knows(IqRdf::testefrau) t.Foaf.nick("Testy") t.Foaf.lastname("Testemann", :lang => :none) end assert_equal(<. @prefix foaf: . @prefix rdf: . :testemann foaf:knows :testefrau; foaf:nick "Testy"@de; foaf:lastname "Testemann". rdf end def test_full_uri_subject_turtle_output document = IqRdf::Document.new('http://www.test.de/') assert_raises RuntimeError do IqRdf::build_full_uri_subject("bla") end document << IqRdf::build_full_uri_subject(URI.parse('http://www.xyz.de/#test'), IqRdf::build_uri('SomeType')) do |t| t.sometest("testvalue") end assert_equal(<. @prefix rdf: . a :SomeType; :sometest "testvalue". rdf end def test_complex_features document = IqRdf::Document.new('http://www.umweltprobenbank.de/', :lang => :de) document.namespaces :skos => 'http://www.w3.org/2008/05/skos#', :foaf => 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/', :upb => 'http://www.upb.de/' document << IqRdf::testemann.myCustomNote("This is an example", :lang => :en) # :testemann :myCustomNote "This is an example"@en. document << IqRdf::testemann(IqRdf::Foaf::build_uri("Person")).Foaf::name("Heinz Peter Testemann", :lang => :none) # :testemann a foaf:Person; foaf:name "Heinz Peter Testemann" . document << IqRdf::testemann.Foaf::knows(IqRdf::testefrau) # :testemann foaf:knows :testefrau . document << IqRdf::testemann.Foaf::nick("Crash test dummy") # :testemann foaf:nick "Crash test dummy"@de . ["u1023", "xkfkrl"].each do |id| document << IqRdf::Upb::build_uri(id, IqRdf::Skos::build_uri(:Concept)) do |doc| # upb:#{id} a skos:Concept; doc.Skos::prefLabel("Test", :lang => :en) # skos:prefLabel "Test"@en; doc.Skos::related(IqRdf::Rdf.anotherThing) # skos:related test:another_thing; doc.test1("bla") # :test1 "bla"@de; doc.testIt(:hello, :goodbye, "bla") # :testIt :hallo, :goodbye, "bla"@de; doc.testIt([IqRdf::hello, IqRdf::goodbye, "bla"], "blubb") # :testIt (:hallo :goodbye "bla"@de), "blubb"@de; # XML: rdf:list doc.anotherTest(URI.parse("http://www.test.de/foo")) # :anotherTest ; end # . end document << IqRdf::Skos::testnode.test32 do |blank_node| # Blank nodes # skos:testnode :test32 [ blank_node.title("dies ist ein test") # :title "dies ist ein test"@de; blank_node.sub do |subnode| # sub [ subnode.title("blubb") # title "blubb" end # ] end # ] assert_equal(<. @prefix foaf: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix skos: . @prefix upb: . :testemann :myCustomNote "This is an example"@en. :testemann a foaf:Person; foaf:name "Heinz Peter Testemann". :testemann foaf:knows :testefrau. :testemann foaf:nick "Crash test dummy"@de. upb:u1023 a skos:Concept; skos:prefLabel "Test"@en; skos:related rdf:anotherThing; :test1 "bla"@de; :testIt :hello, :goodbye, "bla"@de; :testIt (:hello :goodbye "bla"@de), "blubb"@de; :anotherTest . upb:xkfkrl a skos:Concept; skos:prefLabel "Test"@en; skos:related rdf:anotherThing; :test1 "bla"@de; :testIt :hello, :goodbye, "bla"@de; :testIt (:hello :goodbye "bla"@de), "blubb"@de; :anotherTest . skos:testnode :test32 [ :title "dies ist ein test"@de; :sub [ :title "blubb"@de ] ]. rdf end def test_literals document = IqRdf::Document.new('http://www.test.de/', :lang => :de) document.namespaces :foaf => 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/' document << IqRdf::testemann do |t| t.Foaf::knows(:testefrau) t.Foaf.nick("Testy") t.Foaf.lastname("Testemann", :lang => :none) t.age(32) t.married(false) t.weight(65.8) t.complex(IqRdf::Literal.new("A very complex type", :none, URI.parse("http://this.com/is#complex"))) t.complex2(IqRdf::Literal.new("Shorter form", :none, IqRdf::myDatatype)) t.quotes("\"I'm \\quoted\"") t.line_breaks("I'm written\nover two lines") t.some_literal(IqRdf::Literal.new("text", :de)) end assert_equal(<. @prefix foaf: . @prefix rdf: . :testemann foaf:knows :testefrau; foaf:nick "Testy"@de; foaf:lastname "Testemann"; :age 32; :married false; :weight 65.8; :complex "A very complex type"^^; :complex2 "Shorter form"^^:myDatatype; :quotes "\\"I'm \\\\quoted\\""@de; :line_breaks """I'm written over two lines"""@de; :some_literal "text"@de. rdf end def test_supress_if_empty_otpion document = IqRdf::Document.new('http://www.test.de/') document.namespaces :foaf => 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/' document << IqRdf::testemann.Foaf::knows(:suppress_if_empty => true) document << IqRdf::testemann.Foaf::knows(nil, :suppress_if_empty => true) document << IqRdf::testemann.Foaf::knows("", :suppress_if_empty => true) document << IqRdf::testemann.Foaf::knows([], :suppress_if_empty => true) assert_equal(<. @prefix foaf: . @prefix rdf: . rdf end def test_full_uri_predicates document = IqRdf::Document.new('http://www.test.de/') document << IqRdf::testemann.build_full_uri_predicate(URI.parse("http://www.test.org/hoho"), 42) assert_equal(<. @prefix rdf: . :testemann 42. rdf end def test_blank_nodes document = IqRdf::Document.new('http://www.test.de/') document << IqRdf::testnode.test32 do |blank_node| # Blank nodes # :testnode :test32 [ blank_node.title("dies ist ein test") # :title "dies ist ein test"; blank_node.build_predicate(:test, "Another test") # :test "Another test"; blank_node.sub do |subnode| # sub [ subnode.title("blubb") # title "blubb" end # ] end # ] assert_equal(<. @prefix rdf: . :testnode :test32 [ :title "dies ist ein test"; :test "Another test"; :sub [ :title "blubb" ] ]. rdf end def test_blank_nodes_with_different_ns document = IqRdf::Document.new('http://www.test.de/') document.namespaces(qb: 'http://purl.org/linked-data/cube#') document.namespaces(eg: 'http://www.example.com') document << IqRdf::Eg.build_uri('dsd', IqRdf::Qb.build_uri('DataStructureDefinition')) do |ds| ds.add_blank_node(IqRdf::Qb, :component) do |blank_node| blank_node.build_predicate_with_ns(IqRdf::Qb, :dimension, IqRdf::Eg.build_uri('refArea')) blank_node.build_predicate_with_ns(IqRdf::Qb, :order, 1) blank_node.build_predicate_with_ns(IqRdf::Eg, :cost, 2.25) end end assert_equal(<. @prefix eg: . @prefix qb: . @prefix rdf: . eg:dsd a qb:DataStructureDefinition; qb:component [ qb:dimension eg:refArea; qb:order 1; eg:cost 2.25 ]. rdf end def test_config document = IqRdf::Document.new('http://www.test.de/') document.config(empty_line_between_triples: true) document << IqRdf::testemann.myCustomNote("This is an example", :lang => :en) document << IqRdf::testemann.myCustomNote("Zweites Beispiel", :lang => :de) assert_equal(<. @prefix rdf: . :testemann :myCustomNote "This is an example"@en. :testemann :myCustomNote "Zweites Beispiel"@de. rdf end end