© Department of Communities and Local Government. © Crown copyright, 2007. The Home Condition Report logo and associated wording is a registered trade mark - any unlicensed use is not permitted. Copyright in the typographical arrangement of this document rests with the Crown. This publication, excluding logos, may be reproduced free of charge in any format or medium for research, private study, for internal circulation within an organisation or by registered scheme users. This is subject to it being reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading context. natural mechanical, supply and extract mechanical, extract only not radiators or underfloor radiators underfloor fan coil units England and Wales: before 1900; Scotland: before 1919; Northern Ireland: before 1919 England and Wales: 1900-1929; Scotland: 1919-1929; Northern Ireland: 1919-1929 England and Wales: 1930-1949; Scotland: 1930-1949; Northern Ireland: 1930-1949 England and Wales: 1950-1966; Scotland: 1950-1964; Northern Ireland: 1950-1973 England and Wales: 1967-1975; Scotland: 1965-1975; Northern Ireland: 1974-1977 England and Wales: 1976-1982; Scotland: 1976-1983; Northern Ireland: 1978-1985 England and Wales: 1983-1990; Scotland: 1984-1991; Northern Ireland: 1986-1991 England and Wales: 1991-1995; Scotland: 1992-1998; Northern Ireland: 1992-1999 England and Wales: 1996-2002; Scotland: 1999-2002; Northern Ireland: 2000-2006 England and Wales: 2003-2006; Scotland: 2003-2007; Northern Ireland: not applicable England and Wales: 2007 onwards; Scotland: 2008 onwards; Northern Ireland: 2007 onwards Not applicable double glazing installed before 2002 double glazing installed during or after 2002 double glazing, unknown install date secondary glazing single glazing triple glazing double, known data triple, known data not defined Normal More Than Typical Less Than Typical Much More Than Typical Much Less Than Typical Not Defined external filled cavity internal as built unknown filled cavity + external filled cavity + internal unknown None 12mm 25mm 50mm 75mm 100mm 150mm 200mm 250mm 300mm+ Not Defined Rafters Joists No access.. This is retained for backwards compatibility only and should not be used. No access is covered by enum 5 of RoofTypeCode Unknown None Flat roof insulation Not Defined none mains service private Code which indicates the type of solar collector. unglazed flat panel evacuated tube Code which indicates the source of solar collector data. default declared values dual Single Unknown dual (24 hour) 12mm 25 mm 38 mm 50 mm 80 mm 120mm 160mm lowest occupied lowest+1 lowest+2 lowest+3 lowest+4 lowest+5 lowest+6 roof rooms None Foam Jacket No Access No Cylinder Normal - between 90 and 130 litres Medium - between 131 and 170 litres Large - greater than 170 litres. Dual Single A SAP Heating Code is a code specified in the RD/SAP specification to identify characteristics of the heating system. They are a numerical codes selected from a standard list detailed in the specification. Detached Semi-Detached End-Terrace Mid-Terrace Enclosed End-Terrace Enclosed Mid-Terrace Main Property 1st Extension 2nd Extension 3rd Extension 4th Extension Codes indicating average height of a room, storey or building part 1 storey 1.5 storey 2 storey 2.5 storey 3 storey no corridor heated corridor unheated corridor exposed floor semi-exposed upper floor to unheated space semi-exposed upper floor to partially heated space Other flat below Ground floor same dwelling below open flue balanced flue window roof-window database SAP Table Code which indicates an improvement measure for a property. Loft Insulation Flat roof insulation Room-in-roof insulation Cavity wall insulation Hot water cylinder insulation Draughtproofing Low energy lights Cylinder thermostat Heating controls for wet central heating system Heating controls for warm air system Upgrade boiler, same fuel Biomass boiler Biomass boiler as alternative improvement Biomass room heater with boiler New or replacement storage heaters Replacement warm-air unit Solar water heating Double glazing Secondary glazing Solid wall insulation External insulation with cavity wall insulation Condensing oil boiler Change heating to Band A gas condensing boiler (no fuel switch) Change heating to Band A gas condensing boiler (fuel switch) Flue gas heat recovery Photovoltaics Wind turbine Floor insulation Insulated doors Waste water heat recovery Air or ground source heat pump Air or ground source heat pump with underfloor heating Micro-CHP none boiler with radiators or underfloor heating micro-cogeneration heat pump with radiators or underfloor heating heat pump with warm air distribution community heating system electric storage heaters electric underfloor heating warm air system (not heat pump) room heaters other system not recorded Code which indicates the type of terrain. urban suburban rural not recorded Code which indicates the type of conservatory. no conservatory separated unheated conservatory separated heated conservatory not separated not recorded - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used Code which indicates the type of floor construction. unknown solid suspended timber suspended (not timber) unknown as built retro-fitted inspection documentary Enumerations 3, 4, 5 and NI relate to insulation of the roof other than of flat ceilings of the roof rooms. When enumerations 2, 3, 4, 5 or NI apply, Roof-Insulation-Thickness must be included to indicate the insulation of flat ceilings of roof rooms. insulation thickness unknown not determined unknown none flat ceiling only all elements 50mm all elements 100mm all elements 150mm Code which indicates a particular low or zero carbon energy source. Biomass main heating Biomass community heating Biomass community heating for some of heat generation Biomass secondary heating Geothermal heat source Community combined heat and power Ground source heat pump Water source heat pump Air source heat pump Solar water heating Solar photovoltaics Wind turbine Community heat pump Hydro-electric generation Micro-CHP Exhaust air heat pump SAP 2005 version 9.80, dated October 2005 SAP version 9.81, dated January 2008 SAP version 9.82, dated Jun 2008 SAP version 9.83, dated Jun 2009 SAP version 9.90, dated March 2010 SAP version 9.91, dated January 2012 Codes which indicates where a flat is located within a building. basement ground floor mid floor top floor for backward compatibility only, do not use. insulation thickness unknown 50mm 100mm 150mm insulation thickness unknown 50mm 100mm 150mm Code which indicates the compass direction. Like SAP-OrientationCode, but without the "unknown" and "horizontal" options. North North East East South East South South West West North West To be used when the pitch is horizontal Code which indicates the vertical pitch (angle). horizontal 30 degrees 45 degrees 60 degrees vertical Code which indicates the amount of solar collector overshading. none or very little modest significant heavy manufacturer data BFRC data Code which indicates the compass direction. unknown or unspecified North North East East South East South South West West North West Horizontal (windows and roof windows only) unknown 50mm 100mm 150mm unknown 50mm 100mm 150mm unknown electrically powered PV powered