# # Misc view helpers for RightJS # module RightRails::Helpers::Misc # # Just a simple flashes generator, might be replaced in the application # def flashes items = flash.collect{ |key, text| content_tag(:div, text, :class => key) }.sort.join("") content_tag(:div, items.send(''.respond_to?(:html_safe) ? :html_safe : :to_s), :id => :flashes, :style => (flash.empty? ? 'display: none' : nil)) end # # the autocompletion list result # # USAGE: # it might work in several ways # # autocomplete_result(list_of_strings) # autocomplete_result(list_of_strings, :highlight => 'search') # autocomplete_result(list_of_strings, :highlight => 'search', :escape => false) # # autocomplete_result(list_of_objects, method) # autocomplete_result(list_of_objects, method, :highlight => 'search') # def autocomplete_result(entries, *args) return if entries.empty? options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} highlight = options[:highlight] escape = options[:escape].nil? ? true : options[:escape] field = args.first items = entries.collect{ |entry| entry = entry.send(field) if field content_tag :li, highlight ? highlight(entry, highlight) : escape ? h(entry) : entry }.join("") content_tag :ul, items.send(''.respond_to?(:html_safe) ? :html_safe : :to_s) end # # Generates a link that whil load the refered address in a lightbox # # USAGE: # Same as the #link_to method, plus you might specify the :roadtrip argument # to make it a link to a lightbox roadtrip # # <%= link_to_lightbox image_tag('/image.thmb'), '/image.full', :roadtrip => true %> # def link_to_lightbox(name, url={}, html_options=nil, &block) rightjs_include_module 'lightbox' html_options ||= {} html_options[:rel] = 'lightbox' html_options[:rel] << "[roadtrip]" if html_options.delete(:roadtrip) link_to name, url, html_options, &block end # # Tabs container generator # # USAGE: # # <% tabs do %> # <% tab "Tab 1", :id => :my-tab-1 do %> # content for tab 1 # <% end -%> # <% tab "Tab 2", :url => tab2_path %> # <% end -%> # # You also can use the :type option with :carousel or :harmonica value # and you can pass along any standard Tabs unit options along with it # # <% tabs :type => :carousel, :url => '/tabs/%{id}', :cache => true do %> # <% tab image_tag(image1.thumb_url), :id => image1.id %> # <% tab image_tag(image2.thumb_url), :id => image2.id %> # def tabs(options={}, &block) rightjs_include_module 'tabs' @__tabs = [] yield() options.stringify_keys! tabs_type = options.delete('type') options['id'] = options.delete('id') || "tabs-#{rand.to_s.split('.').last}" # checking for the carousel class if tabs_type == :carousel options['class'] ||= '' options['class'] << (options['class'] == '' ? '' : ' ') + 'right-tabs-carousel' end tabs_options = rightjs_unit_options(options, TABS_OPTION_KEYS) options['data-tabs-options'] = tabs_options unless tabs_options == '{}' # extracting the tab id prefix option tab_id_prefix = tabs_options.scan(/idPrefix:('|")(.+?)\1/) tab_id_prefix = tab_id_prefix.size == 1 ? tab_id_prefix[0][1] : '' # simple tabs and carousels generator content = if tabs_type != :harmonica # tabs list tabs_list = content_tag(:ul, @__tabs.collect{ |tab| content_tag(:li, content_tag(:a, tab[:title], :href => tab[:options][:id] ? "##{tab[:options][:id]}" : tab[:options][:url] )) }.join("\n") ) + "\n"; # contents list bodies_list = @__tabs.collect{|tab| tab[:content] ? content_tag(:li, tab[:content], :id => "#{tab_id_prefix}#{tab[:options][:id]}") + "\n" : '' }.join("") content_tag(:ul, tabs_list + bodies_list.send("".respond_to?(:html_safe) ? :html_safe : :to_s), options) else # the harmonicas generator content_tag(:dl, @__tabs.collect{ |tab| content_tag(:dt, content_tag(:a, tab[:title], :href => tab[:options][:id] ? "##{tab[:options][:id]}" : tab[:options][:url] )) + "\n" + content_tag(:dd, tab[:content] || '', :id => tab[:options][:id] ? "#{tab_id_prefix}#{tab[:options][:id]}" : nil) }.join("\n"), options ) end concat(content + "\n".send("".respond_to?(:html_safe) ? :html_safe : :to_s) + javascript_tag("new Tabs('#{options['id']}');")) end def tab(title, options={}, &block) options[:id] = "tab-#{rand.to_s.split('.').last}" if !options[:id] && !options[:url] @__tabs << { :title => title, :options => options, :content => block_given? ? capture(&block) : nil } end TABS_OPTION_KEYS = %w{ idPrefix resizeFx resizeDuration scrollTabs scrollDuration selected disabled closable url cache Xhr Cookie } end