#!/usr/bin/env ruby # $Id: tclock.rb,v 1.6 2002-02-28 13:50:10 t-peters Exp $ # tclock - analog/digital clock for curses, translated to ruby # Copyright (C) 2002 Tobias Peters # This file was adapted from the C program tclock.c from the ncurses # distribution, which bears the following copyright statement: # tclock - analog/digital clock for curses. # If it gives you joy, then # (a) I'm glad # (b) you need to get out more :-) # # This program is copyright Howard Jones, September 1994 # (ha.jones@ic.ac.uk). It may be freely distributed as # long as this copyright message remains intact, and any # modifications are clearly marked as such. [In fact, if # you modify it, I wouldn't mind the modifications back, # especially if they add any nice features. A good one # would be a precalc table for the 60 hand positions, so # that the floating point stuff can be ditched. As I said, # it was a 20 hackup minute job.] # # COMING SOON: tfishtank. Be the envy of your mac-owning # colleagues. ########################################################################### # The translation of this program to ruby is a modification and is hereby # # clearly marked as such. # ########################################################################### require "ncursesw" PI = Math::PI def sign(_x) (_x<0?-1:1) end ASPECT = 2.2 def a2x(angle,radius) (ASPECT * radius * Math::sin(angle)).round end def a2y(angle,radius) (radius * Math::cos(angle)).round end # Plot a point def plot(x, y, c) Ncurses.mvaddch(y, x, c[0]) end # Draw a diagonal(arbitrary) line using Bresenham's alogrithm. def dline(pair, from_x, from_y, x2, y2, ch) if (Ncurses.has_colors?) Ncurses.attrset(Ncurses.COLOR_PAIR(pair)) end dx = x2 - from_x; dy = y2 - from_y; ax = (dx * 2).abs ay = (dy * 2).abs sx = sign(dx); sy = sign(dy); x = from_x; y = from_y; if (ax > ay) d = ay - (ax / 2); while (1) plot(x, y, ch); if (x == x2) return nil end if (d >= 0) y += sy; d -= ax; end x += sx; d += ay; end else d = ax - (ay / 2); while (1) plot(x, y, ch); if (y == y2) return nil; end if (d >= 0) x += sx; d -= ay; end y += sy; d += ax; end end end begin # int i, cx, cy; # double mradius, hradius, mangle, hangle; # double sangle, sradius, hours; # int hdx, hdy; # int mdx, mdy; # int sdx, sdy; # int ch; lastbeep = -1; my_bg = Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK; Ncurses::initscr(); Ncurses::noecho(); Ncurses::cbreak(); Ncurses::nodelay(Ncurses::stdscr, TRUE); Ncurses::curs_set(0); if (Ncurses::has_colors?()) Ncurses::start_color(); Ncurses::init_pair(1, Ncurses::COLOR_RED, my_bg); Ncurses::init_pair(2, Ncurses::COLOR_MAGENTA, my_bg); Ncurses::init_pair(3, Ncurses::COLOR_GREEN, my_bg); end Ncurses::keypad(Ncurses::stdscr, TRUE); while (:restart) cx = (Ncurses.COLS - 1) / 2; #/* 39 */ cy = Ncurses.LINES / 2; #/* 12 */ ch = (cx > cy) ? cy : cx; #/* usually cy */ mradius = ((3 * cy) / 4).to_f; #/* 9 */ hradius = (cy / 2).to_f; #/* 6 */ sradius = ((2 * cy) / 3).to_f; #/* 8 */ for i in (0...12) sangle = (i + 1) * (2.0 * PI) / 12.0; sradius = ((5 * cy) / 6).to_f; #/* 10 */ sdx = a2x(sangle, sradius); sdy = a2y(sangle, sradius); szChar = sprintf("%d", i + 1); Ncurses::mvaddstr(cy - sdy, cx + sdx, szChar); end Ncurses::mvaddstr(0, 0, "ASCII Clock by Howard Jones (ha.jones@ic.ac.uk),1994"); sradius -=2 sradius = 1 if sradius < 1 window_size_changed = false while (window_size_changed == false) sleep(0.100); hours = Time.now.hour + Time.now.min / 60.0; if (hours > 12.0) hours -= 12.0; end mangle = Time.now.min * (2 * PI) / 60.0; mdx = a2x(mangle, mradius); mdy = a2y(mangle, mradius); hangle = ((hours) * (2.0 * PI) / 12.0); hdx = a2x(hangle, hradius); hdy = a2y(hangle, hradius); sangle = ((Time.now.sec) * (2.0 * PI) / 60.0); sdx = a2x(sangle, sradius); sdy = a2y(sangle, sradius); dline(3, cx, cy, cx + mdx, cy - mdy, '#'); Ncurses::attrset(Ncurses::A_REVERSE); dline(2, cx, cy, cx + hdx, cy - hdy, '.'); Ncurses::attroff(Ncurses::A_REVERSE); if (Ncurses::has_colors?()) Ncurses::attrset(Ncurses::COLOR_PAIR(1)); end plot(cx + sdx, cy - sdy, 'O'); if (Ncurses::has_colors?()) Ncurses::attrset(Ncurses::COLOR_PAIR(0)); end Ncurses::mvaddstr(Ncurses.LINES - 2, 0, Time.now.to_s); Ncurses::refresh(); if ((Time.now.sec % 5) == 0 && Time.now.sec != lastbeep) lastbeep = Time.now.sec; Ncurses::beep(); end if ((ch = Ncurses::getch()) != Ncurses::ERR) if (ch == Ncurses::KEY_RESIZE) Ncurses::erase(); window_size_changed = true; else break; end end plot(cx + sdx, cy - sdy, ' '); dline(0, cx, cy, cx + hdx, cy - hdy, ' '); dline(0, cx, cy, cx + mdx, cy - mdy, ' '); end if ! window_size_changed $stderr.puts "! window_size_changed" break end end ensure Ncurses::curs_set(1); Ncurses::endwin(); end