module RoleAuthorization # define our rule helper in Mapper class Mapper def access(options={}, &block) options.assert_valid_keys(:resource, :only, :no_send) rule(:access, :access, options, &block) end end module Rules class Access < Basic def initialize(controller, options, &block) @controller_klass = controller @options = {:no_send => false}.merge(options) @block = block @mapper = nil unless @block.nil? @mapper = @mapper.instance_eval(&@block) end self end def to_s output = ["allow current_user with access role of requested #{[controller_name.singularize, @options[:check]].compact.join('.')}"] output << @mapper.to_s end def authorized?(controller_instance, controller, action, id) object = find_object(controller_instance, controller, action, id) unless object.nil? return true if controller_instance.accessible?(object.access_role) end if !@mapper.nil? && object.try(:access_role).nil? return true if @mapper.authorized?(controller_instance, controller, action, object) end return false end def find_object(controller_instance, controller, action, id) object = nil instance_found = false if id.is_a?(Integer) || id.is_a?(String) # id is a parameter passed in # we use the :resource option to find the right instance variable object = controller_instance.instance_variable_get('@' + @options[:resource].to_s) rescue nil instance_found = true unless object.nil? if object.nil? && controller_instance.instance_variable_get('@' + controller) collection = controller_instance.instance_variable_get('@' + controller) object = collection.detect {|item| == id.to_i} end if object.nil? model = controller.singularize.camelize.constantize if model.respond_to?(:to_param_column) finder = "find_by_#{model.to_param_column}".to_sym else finder = :find_by_id id = id.to_i end object = model.send(finder, id) end unless object.nil? if @options.has_key?(:resource) && !@options[:no_send] && !instance_found && object.respond_to?(@options[:resource]) object = object.send(@options[:resource]) end end elsif id.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) && @options.has_key?(:resource) # id is already a model record so this is a nested rule # first try to find it as an instance variable object = controller_instance.instance_variable_get('@' + @options[:resource].to_s) rescue nil # next we call id's method to find it object = id.send(@options[:resource]) if object.nil? end return object end end # Access end end