require 'optparse' module BulldozeRenamer class Shell BANNER = <<"EOT" usage: #{$0} path CurrentNameInCamelCase TargetName Will do a crude renaming of everything in the current directory. It uses `git ls-files` to find the files so only things checked into git are subject to change. This script is still potentially dangerous, use with caution. By default only an overview is shown of what changes will be made in what files. To actually perform those changes, pass the '-p' option. EOT def self.usage(err: STDERR) err.puts BANNER exit 1 end def self.start(argv, out: STDOUT, err: STDERR) options = { current_name: nil, target_name: nil, perform: false } do |parser| parser.banner = BANNER parser.on("-p", "--perform", "Perform the substitutions on the files") do |perform| options[:perform] = perform end end.parse! argv unless argv.size == 3 self.usage(err: err) end options[:path] = argv[0] options[:current_name] = argv[1] options[:target_name] = argv[2] RenamingOrchestrator.rename_with_options(options, out: out, err: err) end end end