module Libxlsxwriter # = Fields: # :constant_memory :: # (Integer) Optimize the workbook to use constant memory for worksheets # :tmpdir :: # (String) Directory to use for the temporary files created by libxlsxwriter. class WorkbookOptions < FFI::Struct layout :constant_memory, :uchar, :tmpdir, :string, :use_zip64, :uchar end # = Fields: # :file :: # (FFI::Pointer(*FILE)) # :worksheets :: # (Worksheets) # :worksheet_names :: # (WorksheetNames) # :charts :: # (Charts) # :ordered_charts :: # (Charts) # :formats :: # (Formats) # :defined_names :: # (DefinedNames) # :sst :: # (Sst) # :properties :: # (DocProperties) # :custom_properties :: # (CustomProperties) # :filename :: # (String) # :options :: # (WorkbookOptions) # :num_sheets :: # (Integer) # :first_sheet :: # (Integer) # :active_sheet :: # (Integer) # :num_xf_formats :: # (Integer) # :num_format_count :: # (Integer) # :drawing_count :: # (Integer) # :font_count :: # (Integer) # :border_count :: # (Integer) # :fill_count :: # (Integer) # :optimize :: # (Integer) # :has_png :: # (Integer) # :has_jpeg :: # (Integer) # :has_bmp :: # (Integer) # :used_xf_formats :: # (HashTable) module WorkbookWrappers # @param [String] sheetname # @return [Worksheet] def add_worksheet(sheetname) Libxlsxwriter.workbook_add_worksheet(self, sheetname) end # @return [Format] def add_format() Libxlsxwriter.workbook_add_format(self) end def default_format() Libxlsxwriter.workbook_default_format(self) end # @param [Integer] chart_type # @return [Chart] def add_chart(chart_type) Libxlsxwriter.workbook_add_chart(self, chart_type) end # @return [Symbol from _enum_error_] def close() Libxlsxwriter.workbook_close(self) end # @param [DocProperties] properties # @return [Symbol from _enum_error_] def set_properties(properties) Libxlsxwriter.workbook_set_properties(self, properties) end # @param [String] name # @param [String] value # @return [Symbol from _enum_error_] def set_custom_property_string(name, value) Libxlsxwriter.workbook_set_custom_property_string(self, name, value) end # @param [String] name # @param [Float] value # @return [Symbol from _enum_error_] def set_custom_property_number(name, value) Libxlsxwriter.workbook_set_custom_property_number(self, name, value) end # @param [String] name # @param [Integer] value # @return [Symbol from _enum_error_] def set_custom_property_integer(name, value) Libxlsxwriter.workbook_set_custom_property_integer(self, name, value) end # @param [String] name # @param [Integer] value # @return [Symbol from _enum_error_] def set_custom_property_boolean(name, value) Libxlsxwriter.workbook_set_custom_property_boolean(self, name, value) end # @param [String] name # @param [Datetime] datetime # @return [Symbol from _enum_error_] def set_custom_property_datetime(name, datetime) Libxlsxwriter.workbook_set_custom_property_datetime(self, name, datetime) end # @param [String] name # @param [String] formula # @return [Symbol from _enum_error_] def define_name(name, formula) Libxlsxwriter.workbook_define_name(self, name, formula) end # @param [String] name # @return [Worksheet] def get_worksheet_by_name(name) Libxlsxwriter.workbook_get_worksheet_by_name(self, name) end # @param [String] sheetname # @return [Symbol from _enum_error_] def validate_worksheet_name(sheetname) Libxlsxwriter.workbook_validate_sheet_name(self, sheetname) end # @return [nil] def free() Libxlsxwriter.workbook_free(self) end # @return [nil] def assemble_xml_file() Libxlsxwriter.workbook_assemble_xml_file(self) end # @return [nil] def set_default_xf_indices() Libxlsxwriter.workbook_set_default_xf_indices(self) end end class Workbook < FFI::Struct include WorkbookWrappers layout :file, :pointer, :sheets, Sheets.ptr, :worksheets, Worksheets.ptr, :chartsheets, :pointer, :worksheet_names, WorksheetNames.ptr, :chartsheet_names, :pointer, :charts, Charts.ptr, :ordered_charts, Charts.ptr, :formats, Formats.ptr, :defined_names, DefinedNames.ptr, :sst, Sst.ptr, :properties, DocProperties.ptr, :custom_properties, CustomProperties.ptr, :filename, :pointer, :options, WorkbookOptions.by_value, :num_sheets, :uint16, :num_worksheets, :uint16, :num_chartsheets, :uint16, :first_sheet, :uint16, :active_sheet, :uint16, :num_xf_formats, :uint16, :num_format_count, :uint16, :drawing_count, :uint16, :font_count, :uint16, :border_count, :uint16, :fill_count, :uint16, :optimize, :uchar, :has_png, :uchar, :has_jpeg, :uchar, :has_bmp, :uchar, :used_xf_formats, HashTable.ptr, :vba_project, :pointer, :vba_codename, :pointer end attach_function :workbook_default_format, :workbook_default_format, [Workbook], Format # @method workbook_new(filename) # @param [String] filename # @return [Workbook] # @scope class attach_function :workbook_new, :workbook_new, [:string], Workbook # @method workbook_new_opt(filename, options) # @param [String] filename # @param [WorkbookOptions] options # @return [Workbook] # @scope class attach_function :workbook_new_opt, :workbook_new_opt, [:string, WorkbookOptions], Workbook # @method new_workbook(filename) # @param [String] filename # @return [Workbook] # @scope class attach_function :new_workbook, :new_workbook, [:string], Workbook # @method new_workbook_opt(filename, options) # @param [String] filename # @param [WorkbookOptions] options # @return [Workbook] # @scope class attach_function :new_workbook_opt, :new_workbook_opt, [:string, WorkbookOptions], Workbook # @method workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, sheetname) # @param [Workbook] workbook # @param [String] sheetname # @return [Worksheet] # @scope class attach_function :workbook_add_worksheet, :workbook_add_worksheet, [Workbook, :string], Worksheet # @method workbook_add_format(workbook) # @param [Workbook] workbook # @return [Format] # @scope class attach_function :workbook_add_format, :workbook_add_format, [Workbook], Format # @method workbook_add_chart(workbook, chart_type) # @param [Workbook] workbook # @param [Integer] chart_type # @return [Chart] # @scope class attach_function :workbook_add_chart, :workbook_add_chart, [Workbook, :uchar], Chart # @method workbook_close(workbook) # @param [Workbook] workbook # @return [Symbol from _enum_error_] # @scope class attach_function :workbook_close, :workbook_close, [Workbook], :error # @method workbook_set_properties(workbook, properties) # @param [Workbook] workbook # @param [DocProperties] properties # @return [Symbol from _enum_error_] # @scope class attach_function :workbook_set_properties, :workbook_set_properties, [Workbook, DocProperties], :error # @method workbook_set_custom_property_string(workbook, name, value) # @param [Workbook] workbook # @param [String] name # @param [String] value # @return [Symbol from _enum_error_] # @scope class attach_function :workbook_set_custom_property_string, :workbook_set_custom_property_string, [Workbook, :string, :string], :error # @method workbook_set_custom_property_number(workbook, name, value) # @param [Workbook] workbook # @param [String] name # @param [Float] value # @return [Symbol from _enum_error_] # @scope class attach_function :workbook_set_custom_property_number, :workbook_set_custom_property_number, [Workbook, :string, :double], :error # @method workbook_set_custom_property_integer(workbook, name, value) # @param [Workbook] workbook # @param [String] name # @param [Integer] value # @return [Symbol from _enum_error_] # @scope class attach_function :workbook_set_custom_property_integer, :workbook_set_custom_property_integer, [Workbook, :string, :int], :error # @method workbook_set_custom_property_boolean(workbook, name, value) # @param [Workbook] workbook # @param [String] name # @param [Integer] value # @return [Symbol from _enum_error_] # @scope class attach_function :workbook_set_custom_property_boolean, :workbook_set_custom_property_boolean, [Workbook, :string, :uchar], :error # @method workbook_set_custom_property_datetime(workbook, name, datetime) # @param [Workbook] workbook # @param [String] name # @param [Datetime] datetime # @return [Symbol from _enum_error_] # @scope class attach_function :workbook_set_custom_property_datetime, :workbook_set_custom_property_datetime, [Workbook, :string, Datetime], :error # @method workbook_define_name(workbook, name, formula) # @param [Workbook] workbook # @param [String] name # @param [String] formula # @return [Symbol from _enum_error_] # @scope class attach_function :workbook_define_name, :workbook_define_name, [Workbook, :string, :string], :error # @method workbook_get_worksheet_by_name(workbook, name) # @param [Workbook] workbook # @param [String] name # @return [Worksheet] # @scope class attach_function :workbook_get_worksheet_by_name, :workbook_get_worksheet_by_name, [Workbook, :string], Worksheet # @method workbook_validate_sheet_name(workbook, sheetname) # @param [Workbook] workbook # @param [String] sheetname # @return [Symbol from _enum_error_] # @scope class attach_function :workbook_validate_sheet_name, :workbook_validate_sheet_name, [Workbook, :string], :error # @method workbook_free(workbook) # @param [Workbook] workbook # @return [nil] # @scope class attach_function :workbook_free, :lxw_workbook_free, [Workbook], :void # @method workbook_assemble_xml_file(workbook) # @param [Workbook] workbook # @return [nil] # @scope class attach_function :workbook_assemble_xml_file, :lxw_workbook_assemble_xml_file, [Workbook], :void # @method workbook_set_default_xf_indices(workbook) # @param [Workbook] workbook # @return [nil] # @scope class attach_function :workbook_set_default_xf_indices, :lxw_workbook_set_default_xf_indices, [Workbook], :void end