module Origen # Represents an SoC DFT/Operating mode - e.g. SCAN, RAMBIST, etc. class ChipMode attr_accessor :brief_description attr_accessor :description attr_writer :name attr_writer :data_rate attr_accessor :data_rate_unit attr_accessor :minimum_version_enabled alias_writer :min_ver_enabled, :minimum_version_enabled alias_writer :min_version_enabled, :minimum_version_enabled attr_accessor :audience alias_writer :full_name, :name # Returns the object that owns the mode (the SoC instance usually) attr_accessor :owner attr_accessor :typical_voltage alias_method :typ_voltage, :typical_voltage def initialize(name, options = {}) options.each { |k, v| instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v) } (block.arity < 1 ? (instance_eval(&block)) : if block_given? @name = name validate_args end def name @name || @id end alias_method :full_name, :name def id @id || name.to_s.downcase.gsub(/(\s|-)+/, '_').to_sym end def id=(val) @id = val.to_s.gsub(/(\s|-)+/, '_').downcase.to_sym end def data_rate(options = {}) options = { absolute_number: true }.update(options) # Convert the data rate to a number if !!@data_rate && !!@data_rate_unit if options[:absolute_number] # The data rate unit was validated on init so it is good to go # in theory but should still check if it returns a numeric value = @data_rate.send(@data_rate_unit.to_sym) if value.is_a?(Numeric) value else Origen.log.error "@data_rate '#{@data_rate}' conversion using @data_rate_unit '#{@data_rate_unit}' did not product a Numeric, exiting..." end else @data_rate end else @data_rate end end def respond_to_missing?(method_name, _include_private = false) method_name[-1] == '?' end # Implements methods like: # # if $dut.mode.rambist? def method_missing(method_name, *arguments, &block) ivar = "@#{method_name.to_s.gsub('=', '')}" ivar_sym = ":#{ivar}" if method_name[-1] == '?' return id == method_name[0..-2].to_sym elsif method_name[-1] == '=' define_singleton_method(method_name) do |val| instance_variable_set(ivar, val) end elsif instance_variables.include? ivar_sym instance_variable_get(ivar) else define_singleton_method(method_name) do instance_variable_get(ivar) end end send(method_name, *arguments, &block) end def to_s id.to_s end def to_sym to_s.to_sym end private def validate_args unless @data_rate_unit.nil? || @data_rate_unit =~ /n\/a/i || @data_rate_unit =~ /na/i # Remove special chars ['/', '-'].each do |special_char| @data_rate_unit.gsub!(special_char, '') end # Check if @data_rate_unit is found in the Numeric core_ext lib fail "@data_rate_unit '#{@data_rate_unit}' is not an accepted unit" unless 1.send(@data_rate_unit.to_sym) # Cannot use @data_rate_unit without @data_rate fail '@data_rate_unit must be set with @data_rate, exiting...' if @data_rate.nil? end unless @data_rate.nil? || @data_rate =~ /n\/a/i || @data_rate =~ /na/i # Check if the data rate was passed as a String, if so convert it to a number if @data_rate.is_a? String if @data_rate.numeric? @data_rate = @data_rate.to_numeric else fail "@data_rate '#{@data_rate}' cannot be converted to a number, exiting..." end end end unless @typical_voltage.nil? if @typical_voltage.is_a? String if @typical_voltage.numeric? @typical_voltage = @typical_voltage.to_numeric else fail "@typical_voltage '#{@typical_voltage}' cannot be converted to a number, exiting..." end end end end end end