module TheCity require 'cgi' require 'json' def self.admin_request(method, path, params = {}, body = '') headers = self._build_admin_headers(method, path, params, body) url = THE_CITY_ADMIN_PATH+path response = case method when :post, {:headers => headers, :body => body}) when :get Typhoeus::Request.get(url, {:headers => headers, :params => params}) when :put Typhoeus::Request.put(url, {:headers => headers, :body => body}) when :delete Typhoeus::Request.delete(url, {:headers => headers, :params => params}) end unless response.success? if response.code > 0 raise else begin error_messages = JSON.parse(response.body)['error_message'] rescue response_code_desc = response.headers.partition("\r\n")[0].sub(/^\S+/, '') rescue nil raise"Unknown error when connecting to The City.#{response_code_desc}") else raise end end end response end def self._build_admin_headers(method, path, params, body) get_vars = method == :post ? '' : '?' if params get_vars += params.to_a.sort.collect { |kv_pair| "#{kv_pair[0]}=#{kv_pair[1].to_s}" }.join('&') end get_vars = '' if get_vars == '?' method_request = method.to_s.upcase url = THE_CITY_ADMIN_PATH + path + get_vars + body current_time = string_to_sign = current_time.to_s + method_request + url unencoded_hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha256', TheCity::AdminApi.api_key, string_to_sign) unescaped_hmac = Base64.encode64(unencoded_hmac).chomp hmac_signature = CGI.escape(unescaped_hmac) {'X-City-Sig' => hmac_signature, 'X-City-User-Token' => TheCity::AdminApi.api_token, 'X-City-Time' => current_time, 'Accept' => 'application/vnd.thecity.admin.v1+json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Content-Length' => body.length} end end