#-- # Copyright (c) 2010 Engine Yard, Inc. # This source code is available under the MIT license. # See the file LICENSE.txt for details. #++ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Warbler::War do before(:each) do @rake = Rake::Application.new Rake.application = @rake verbose(false) @pwd = Dir.getwd Dir.chdir("spec/sample") mkdir_p "log" touch "log/test.log" @config = Warbler::Config.new do |config| config.war_name = "warbler" config.gems = ["rake"] config.webxml.jruby.max.runtimes = 5 end @war = Warbler::War.new end after(:each) do rm_rf "log" rm_rf ".bundle" rm_f FileList["*.war", "config.ru", "*web.xml*", "config/web.xml*", "config/warble.rb", "file.txt", 'manifest', 'Gemfile*'] Dir.chdir(@pwd) end def file_list(regex) @war.files.keys.select {|f| f =~ regex } end it "should collect files in public" do @war.apply(@config) file_list(%r{^index\.html}).should_not be_empty end it "should collect gem files" do @config.gems << "rake" @war.apply(@config) file_list(%r{WEB-INF/gems/gems/rake.*/lib/rake.rb}).should_not be_empty file_list(%r{WEB-INF/gems/specifications/rake.*\.gemspec}).should_not be_empty end it "should not include log files by default" do @war.apply(@config) file_list(%r{WEB-INF/log}).should_not be_empty file_list(%r{WEB-INF/log/.*\.log}).should be_empty end def expand_webxml @war.apply(@config) @war.files.should include("WEB-INF/web.xml") require 'rexml/document' REXML::Document.new(@war.files["WEB-INF/web.xml"]).root.elements end it "should create a web.xml file" do elements = expand_webxml elements.to_a( "context-param/param-name[text()='jruby.max.runtimes']" ).should_not be_empty elements.to_a( "context-param/param-name[text()='jruby.max.runtimes']/../param-value" ).first.text.should == "5" end it "should include custom context parameters in web.xml" do @config.webxml.some.custom.config = "myconfig" elements = expand_webxml elements.to_a( "context-param/param-name[text()='some.custom.config']" ).should_not be_empty elements.to_a( "context-param/param-name[text()='some.custom.config']/../param-value" ).first.text.should == "myconfig" end it "should allow one jndi resource to be included" do @config.webxml.jndi = 'jndi/rails' elements = expand_webxml elements.to_a( "resource-ref/res-ref-name[text()='jndi/rails']" ).should_not be_empty end it "should allow multiple jndi resources to be included" do @config.webxml.jndi = ['jndi/rails1', 'jndi/rails2'] elements = expand_webxml elements.to_a( "resource-ref/res-ref-name[text()='jndi/rails1']" ).should_not be_empty elements.to_a( "resource-ref/res-ref-name[text()='jndi/rails2']" ).should_not be_empty end it "should not include any ignored context parameters" do @config.webxml.foo = "bar" @config.webxml.ignored << "foo" elements = expand_webxml elements.to_a( "context-param/param-name[text()='foo']" ).should be_empty elements.to_a( "context-param/param-name[text()='ignored']" ).should be_empty elements.to_a( "context-param/param-name[text()='jndi']" ).should be_empty end it "should use a config/web.xml if it exists" do mkdir_p "config" touch "config/web.xml" @war.apply(Warbler::Config.new) @war.files["WEB-INF/web.xml"].should == "config/web.xml" end it "should use a config/web.xml.erb if it exists" do mkdir_p "config" File.open("config/web.xml.erb", "w") {|f| f << "Hi <%= webxml.public.root %>" } @war.apply(Warbler::Config.new) @war.files["WEB-INF/web.xml"].should_not be_nil @war.files["WEB-INF/web.xml"].read.should == "Hi /" end it "should collect java libraries" do @war.apply(@config) file_list(%r{WEB-INF/lib/jruby-.*\.jar$}).should_not be_empty end it "should collect application files" do @war.apply(@config) file_list(%r{WEB-INF/app$}).should_not be_empty file_list(%r{WEB-INF/config$}).should_not be_empty file_list(%r{WEB-INF/lib$}).should_not be_empty end it "should accept an autodeploy directory where the war should be created" do require 'tmpdir' @config.autodeploy_dir = Dir::tmpdir touch "file.txt" @war.files["file.txt"] = "file.txt" silence { @war.create(@config) } File.exist?(File.join("#{Dir::tmpdir}","warbler.war")).should == true end it "should accept a custom manifest file" do touch 'manifest' @config.manifest_file = 'manifest' @war.apply(@config) @war.files['META-INF/MANIFEST.MF'].should == "manifest" end it "should be able to exclude files from the .war" do @config.excludes += FileList['lib/tasks/utils.rake'] @war.apply(@config) file_list(%r{lib/tasks/utils.rake}).should be_empty end it "should read configuration from #{Warbler::Config::FILE}" do mkdir_p "config" File.open(Warbler::Config::FILE, "w") do |dest| contents = File.open("#{Warbler::WARBLER_HOME}/warble.rb") do |src| src.read end dest << contents.sub(/# config\.war_name/, 'config.war_name' ).sub(/# config.gems << "tzinfo"/, 'config.gems = []') end t = Warbler::Task.new "warble" t.config.war_name.should == "mywar" end it "should fail if a gem is requested that is not installed" do @config.gems = ["nonexistent-gem"] lambda { Warbler::Task.new "warble", @config @war.apply(@config) }.should raise_error end it "should allow specification of dependency by Gem::Dependency" do spec = mock "gem spec" spec.stub!(:full_name).and_return "hpricot-0.6.157" spec.stub!(:full_gem_path).and_return "hpricot-0.6.157" spec.stub!(:loaded_from).and_return "hpricot.gemspec" spec.stub!(:files).and_return ["Rakefile"] spec.stub!(:dependencies).and_return [] Gem.source_index.should_receive(:search).and_return do |gem| gem.name.should == "hpricot" [spec] end @config.gems = [Gem::Dependency.new("hpricot", "> 0.6")] @war.apply(@config) end it "should copy loose java classes to WEB-INF/classes" do @config.java_classes = FileList["Rakefile"] @war.apply(@config) file_list(%r{WEB-INF/classes/Rakefile$}).should_not be_empty end def mock_rails_module rails = Module.new Object.const_set("Rails", rails) version = Module.new rails.const_set("VERSION", version) version.const_set("STRING", "2.1.0") rails end def mock_merb_module merb = Module.new silence { Object.const_set("Merb", merb) } boot_loader = Module.new merb.const_set("BootLoader", boot_loader) merb.const_set("VERSION", "1.0") dependencies = Class.new do @@dependencies = [] def self.dependencies @@dependencies end def self.dependencies=(deps) @@dependencies = deps end end boot_loader.const_set("Dependencies", dependencies) dependencies end it "should auto-detect a Rails application" do task :environment do mock_rails_module end @config = Warbler::Config.new @config.webxml.booter.should == :rails @config.gems["rails"].should == "2.1.0" end it "should provide Rails gems by default, unless vendor/rails is present" do rails = nil task :environment do rails = mock_rails_module end config = Warbler::Config.new config.gems.should have_key("rails") mkdir_p "vendor/rails" config = Warbler::Config.new config.gems.should be_empty rm_rf "vendor/rails" rails.stub!(:vendor_rails?).and_return true config = Warbler::Config.new config.gems.should be_empty end it "should not try to autodetect frameworks when Warbler.framework_detection is false" do begin Warbler.framework_detection = false task :environment config = Warbler::Config.new config.webxml.booter.should_not == :rails t = Rake::Task['environment'] class << t; public :instance_variable_get; end t.instance_variable_get("@already_invoked").should == false ensure Warbler.framework_detection = true end end it "should auto-detect a Merb application" do task :merb_env do mock_merb_module end @config = Warbler::Config.new @config.webxml.booter.should == :merb @config.gems.keys.should_not include("rails") end it "should auto-detect a Rack application with a config.ru file" do rackup = "run Proc.new {|env| [200, {}, ['Hello World']]}" File.open("config.ru", "w") {|f| f << rackup } @config = Warbler::Config.new @config.webxml.booter.should == :rack @config.webxml.rackup.should == rackup end it "should automatically add Rails.configuration.gems to the list of gems" do task :environment do rails = mock_rails_module config = mock "config" rails.stub!(:configuration).and_return(config) gem = mock "gem" gem.stub!(:name).and_return "hpricot" gem.stub!(:requirement).and_return Gem::Requirement.new("=0.6") config.stub!(:gems).and_return [gem] end @config = Warbler::Config.new @config.webxml.booter.should == :rails @config.gems.keys.should include(Gem::Dependency.new("hpricot", Gem::Requirement.new("=0.6"))) end it "should automatically add Merb::BootLoader::Dependencies.dependencies to the list of gems" do task :merb_env do deps = mock_merb_module deps.dependencies = [Gem::Dependency.new("merb-core", ">=")] end @config = Warbler::Config.new @config.webxml.booter.should == :merb @config.gems.keys.should include(Gem::Dependency.new("merb-core", ">=")) end it "should skip Merb development dependencies" do task :merb_env do deps = mock_merb_module deps.dependencies = [Gem::Dependency.new("rake", "= #{RAKEVERSION}", :development)] end @war.apply(Warbler::Config.new) file_list(/rake-#{RAKEVERSION}/).should be_empty end it "should warn about using Merb < 1.0" do task :merb_env do silence { Object.const_set("Merb", Module.new) } end @config = silence { Warbler::Config.new } @config.webxml.booter.should == :merb end it "should set the jruby max runtimes to 1 when MT Rails is detected" do task :environment do rails = mock_rails_module config = mock "config" rails.stub!(:configuration).and_return(config) config.stub!(:threadsafe!) config.should_receive(:allow_concurrency).and_return true config.should_receive(:preload_frameworks).and_return true end @config = Warbler::Config.new @config.webxml.booter.should == :rails @config.webxml.jruby.max.runtimes.should == 1 end it "should skip directories that don't exist in config.dirs and print a warning" do @config.dirs = %w(lib notexist) silence { @war.apply(@config) } file_list(%r{WEB-INF/lib}).should_not be_empty file_list(%r{WEB-INF/notexist}).should be_empty end it "should write gems to location specified by gem_path" do @config = Warbler::Config.new {|c| c.gem_path = "/WEB-INF/jewels"; c.gems << 'rake' } elements = expand_webxml file_list(%r{WEB-INF/jewels}).should_not be_empty elements.to_a( "context-param/param-name[text()='gem.path']" ).should_not be_empty elements.to_a( "context-param/param-name[text()='gem.path']/../param-value" ).first.text.should == "/WEB-INF/jewels" end it "should detect a Bundler Gemfile and process only its gems" do File.open("Gemfile", "w") {|f| f << "gem 'rspec'"} @war.apply(Warbler::Config.new {|c| c.gems << "rake"}) file_list(%r{WEB-INF/Gemfile}).should_not be_empty file_list(%r{WEB-INF/gems/specifications/rspec}).should_not be_empty file_list(%r{WEB-INF/gems/specifications/rake}).should be_empty end it "should write a Bundler environment file into the war" do File.open("Gemfile", "w") {|f| f << "gem 'rspec'"} @war.apply(Warbler::Config.new) file_list(%r{WEB-INF/\.bundle/environment\.rb}).should_not be_empty end it "should allow overriding of the gem path when using Bundler" do File.open("Gemfile", "w") {|f| f << "gem 'rspec'"} @war.apply(Warbler::Config.new {|c| c.gem_path = '/WEB-INF/jewels' }) file_list(%r{WEB-INF/jewels/specifications/rspec}).should_not be_empty IO.readlines(".bundle/war-environment.rb").grep(/rspec/).last.should =~ %r{jewels/specifications}m end it "should not let the framework load Bundler from the locked environment" do task :environment do File.exist?('.bundle/environment.rb').should_not be_true mock_rails_module end File.open("Gemfile", "w") {|f| f << "gem 'rspec'"} `ruby -S bundle lock` File.exist?('.bundle/environment.rb').should be_true @war.apply(Warbler::Config.new) hash = eval("[" + IO.readlines(".bundle/environment.rb").grep(/rspec/).last + "]").first hash[:load_paths].each {|p| File.exist?(p).should be_true } end it "should allow adding additional WEB-INF files via config.webinf_files" do File.open("myserver-web.xml", "w") do |f| f << "" end @war.apply(Warbler::Config.new {|c| c.webinf_files = FileList['myserver-web.xml'] }) file_list(%r{WEB-INF/myserver-web.xml}).should_not be_empty end it "should allow expanding of additional WEB-INF files via config.webinf_files" do File.open("myserver-web.xml.erb", "w") do |f| f << "<%= webxml.rails.env %>" end @war.apply(Warbler::Config.new {|c| c.webinf_files = FileList['myserver-web.xml.erb'] }) file_list(%r{WEB-INF/myserver-web.xml}).should_not be_empty @war.files['WEB-INF/myserver-web.xml'].read.should =~ /web-app.*production/ end end