module Papermill # Override these defaults : # - in your application (environment.rb, ..) => in your [environment, development, production].rb file with Papermill::OPTIONS = {thumbnails => {..}, :gallery => {..}, etc. } # - in your class => papermill , :class_name => MySTIedPapermillAssetSubClass, thumbnails => {}, :gallery => {}, etc. # - in your helper call => images_upload :my_gallery, {thumbnails => {..}, :gallery => {..}, etc. } # Options will cascade as you expect them to. # sizes (widths, paddings, etc..) are CSS pixel values. PAPERMILL_DEFAULTS = { :thumbnail => { # you clearly want to override these two values in your templates. # the rest is very optionnal and will "cascade" nicely :width => 100, # Recommended if :gallery[:width] is nil :height => 100, # Recommended if :gallery[:height] is nil # set :width OR :height to nil to use aspect_ratio value. Remember that 4/3 == 1 => Use : 4.0/3 :aspect_ratio => nil, :max_width => 1000, :max_height => 1000, # You can override computed ImageMagick transformation strings that defaults to "#{:width}x#{:height}>" # Note that this is required if PAPERMILL_DEFAULTS[:alias_only] is true :style => nil, # set to false if you don't want inline CSS :inline_css => true }, # gallery :gallery => { # if thumbnail.inline_css is true, css will be generated automagically with these values. Great for quick scaffolding, and complete enough for real use. :width => nil, # overrides calculated width. Recommended if :thumbnail[:width] is nil. :height => nil, # overrides calculated height. Recommended if :thumbnail[:height] is nil. :columns => 8, # number of columns. If thumbnail.width has a value, sets a width for the gallery, calculated from thumbnails width multiplied by :columns. :lines => 2, # number of default lines. (height will autogrow) If thumbnail.height has a value, sets a min-height for the gallery, calculated from thumbnails height multiplied by :lines :vpadding => 0, # vertical padding around thumbnails :hpadding => 0, # horizontal padding around thumbnails :vmargin => 1, # vertical margin around thumbnails :hmargin => 1, # horizontal margin around thumbnails :border_thickness => 2, # border around thumbnails :autogrow => false # sets a min-height instead of height for the gallery }, # options passed on to SWFUpload. To remove an option when overriding, set it to nil. :swfupload => { # !!! Will only work if the swf file comes from the server to where the files are sent. (Flash same origin security policy) :flash_url => '/flashs/swfupload.swf', # You can use upload-blank.png with your own wording or upload.png with default "upload" wording (looks nicer) :button_image_url => '/images/papermill/upload-blank.png', :button_width => 61, :button_height => 22, # Wording and CSS processed through an Adobe Flash styler. Result is terrible. Feel free to put a CSS button overlayed directly on the SWF button. See swfupload website. :button_text => %{#{I18n.t("upload-button-wording", :scope => :papermill)}}, :button_text_style => %{.button-text { color: red; font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold; }}, :button_disabled => "false", :button_text_top_padding => 4, :button_text_left_padding => 4, :debug => "false", :prevent_swf_caching => "false" # See swfupload.js for details. }, :images_only => false, # set to true to forbid upload of anything else than images :file_size_limit_mb => 10, # file max size :button_after_container => false, # set to true to move the upload button below the container # DO NOT CHANGE THESE IN YOUR CLASSES. Only application wide (routes depend on it..) :alias_only => false, # set to true so that only aliases are authorized in url/path :aliases => { # "example" => "100x100#", }, # path to the root of your public directory :public_root => ":rails_root/public", # added to :public_root as the root folder for all papermill items :papermill_prefix => "system/papermill" }.deep_merge( Papermill.const_defined?("OPTIONS") ? Papermill::OPTIONS : {} ) PAPERCLIP_INTERPOLATION_STRING = ":id_partition/:style/:escaped_basename.:extension" def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end def self.papermill_interpolated_path(replacements_pairs, up_to) replacements_pairs = {"other" => "*", ":rails_root" => RAILS_ROOT}.merge(replacements_pairs) a = "#{PAPERMILL_DEFAULTS[:public_root]}/#{PAPERMILL_DEFAULTS[:papermill_prefix]}/#{PAPERCLIP_INTERPOLATION_STRING}".split("/") "#{a[0..(up_to && a.index(up_to) || -1)].map{ |s| s.starts_with?(':') ? (replacements_pairs[s] || replacements_pairs['other'] || s) : s }.join('/')}" end module ClassMethods attr_reader :papermill_options attr_reader :papermill_associations # Dealing with STIed Asset table in papermill declaration is dead easy, since papermill follows ActiveRecord :has_many global syntax and the Convention over configuration concept : # papermill , :class_name => MySTIedPapermillAssetClassName # class MyAsset < PapermillAsset # ... # end # class MyAssetableClass < ActiveRecord::Base # 1 -> papermill :my_association, :class_name => MyAsset # 2 -> papermill :class_name => MyAsset # 3 -> papermill :my_assets # 4 -> papermill :my_other_assets # 5 -> papermill # end # assetable = # 1 -> assetable.my_association attached MyAsset objects (no magic here, association and class_name both specified) # 2 -> assetable.my_assets attached MyAsset objects (association infered from :class_name as expected) # 3 -> assetable.my_assets attached MyAsset objects (class_name guessed from association name) # 4 -> assetable.my_other_assets attached PapermillAssets objects (couldn't find MyOtherAsset class or MyOtherAsset is not a PapermillAsset subclass, use default PapermillAsset superclass) # 5 -> assetable.papermill_assets attached PapermillAssets objects (defaults) def papermill(assoc = nil, options = {}) @papermill_associations ||= {} asset_class = ((klass = options.delete(:class_name)) && (klass = (klass.to_s.singularize.camelize.constantize rescue nil)) && klass.superclass == PapermillAsset && klass || assoc && (klass = (assoc.to_s.singularize.camelize.constantize rescue nil)) && klass.superclass == PapermillAsset && klass || PapermillAsset) assoc ||= asset_class.to_s.pluralize.underscore.to_sym @papermill_associations.merge!({assoc => {:class => asset_class}}) @papermill_options = Papermill::PAPERMILL_DEFAULTS.deep_merge(options) before_destroy :destroy_assets after_create :rebase_assets # reinventing the wheel because ActiveRecord chokes on :finder_sql with associations # TODO Clean the mess define_method assoc do |*options| klass = self.class.papermill_associations[assoc.to_sym][:class] options = options.first || {} conditions = { :assetable_type => self.class.sti_name, :assetable_id =>, }.merge(options.delete(:conditions) || {}) order = (options.delete(:order) || "position ASC") conditions.merge!({:type => klass.to_s}) unless klass == PapermillAsset conditions.merge!({:assetable_key => options[:key].to_s}) if options[:key] conditions.merge!({:type => options[:class_name]}) if options[:class_name] asset_class.find(:all, :conditions => conditions, :order => order) end class_eval <<-EOV include Papermill::InstanceMethods EOV end def inherited(subclass) subclass.instance_variable_set("@papermill_options", @papermill_options) subclass.instance_variable_set("@papermill_associations", @papermill_associations) super end end module InstanceMethods attr_writer :timestamp def timestamp @timestamp ||= "-#{( * 1000).to_i.to_s[4..-1]}" end private def destroy_assets PapermillAsset.find(:all, :conditions => {:assetable_id =>, :assetable_type => self.class.sti_name}).each do |asset| asset.destroy end end def rebase_assets PapermillAsset.find(:all, :conditions => {:assetable_id => self.timestamp, :assetable_type => self.class.sti_name}).each do |asset| if asset.created_at < 2.hours.ago asset.destroy else asset.update_attribute(:assetable_id, end end end end end