require 'rails/generators' require 'rails/generators/alchemy/install/install_generator' require 'generators/spree/custom_user/custom_user_generator' require 'solidus_support' begin require 'generators/alchemy/devise/install/install_generator' rescue LoadError end module Alchemy module Solidus class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base SPREE_MOUNT_REGEXP = /mount\sSpree::Core::Engine.*$/ desc "Installs Alchemy Solidus into your App." class_option :skip_alchemy_installer, default: false, type: :boolean, desc: "Set true if you don't want to run the Alchemy installer" class_option :skip_alchemy_devise_installer, default: false, type: :boolean, desc: "Set true if you don't want to run the Alchemy Devise installer. NOTE: Automatically skipped if Alchemy::Devise is not available." class_option :skip_spree_custom_user_generator, default: false, type: :boolean, desc: "Set true if you don't want to run the Solidus custom user generator. NOTE: Automatically skipped if Alchemy::Devise is not available." class_option :skip_alchemy_user_generator, default: false, type: :boolean, desc: "Set true if you don't want to generate an admin user. NOTE: Automatically skipped if Alchemy::Devise is not available." class_option :auto_accept, default: false, type: :boolean, desc: 'Set true if run from a automated script (ie. on a CI)' source_root File.expand_path('templates', __dir__) def run_alchemy_installer unless options[:skip_alchemy_installer] arguments = options[:auto_accept] ? ['--skip-demo-files', '--force'] : [] Alchemy::Generators::InstallGenerator.start(arguments) end end def run_alchemy_devise_installer if Kernel.const_defined?('Alchemy::Devise') && !options[:skip_alchemy_devise_installer] arguments = options[:auto_accept] ? ['--force'] : [] Alchemy::Devise::Generators::InstallGenerator.start(arguments) end end def run_spree_custom_user_generator if Kernel.const_defined?('Alchemy::Devise') && !options[:skip_spree_custom_user_generator] arguments = options[:auto_accept] ? ['Alchemy::User', '--force'] : ['Alchemy::User'] Spree::CustomUserGenerator.start(arguments) gsub_file 'lib/spree/authentication_helpers.rb', /main_app\./, 'Alchemy.' if SolidusSupport.solidus_gem_version <'2.5.0') gsub_file 'config/initializers/spree.rb', /Spree\.user_class.?=.?.+$/, 'Spree.user_class = "Alchemy::User"' end rake 'db:migrate' end end def copy_alchemy_initializer template "", "config/initializers/alchemy.rb" end def inject_admin_tab inject_into_file 'config/initializers/spree.rb', {after: "Spree::Backend::Config.configure do |config|\n"} do <<~ADMIN_TAB \ # AlchemyCMS admin tabs \ config.menu_items << \ [:pages, :sites, :languages, :tags, :users, :pictures, :attachments], \ 'copy', \ label: :cms, \ condition: -> { can?(:index, :alchemy_admin_dashboard) }, \ partial: 'spree/admin/shared/alchemy_sub_menu', \ url: '/admin/pages' \ ) ADMIN_TAB end end def create_admin_user if Kernel.const_defined?('Alchemy::Devise') && !options[:skip_alchemy_user_generator] && login = ENV.fetch('ALCHEMY_ADMIN_USER_LOGIN', 'admin') email = ENV.fetch('ALCHEMY_ADMIN_USER_EMAIL', '') password = ENV.fetch('ALCHEMY_ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD', 'test1234') unless options[:auto_accept] login = ask("\nEnter the username for the admin user", default: login) email = ask("Enter the email for the admin user", default: email) password = ask("Enter the password for the admin user", default: password) end Alchemy::User.create!( login: login, email: email, password: password, password_confirmation: password, alchemy_roles: 'admin', spree_roles: [Spree::Role.find_or_create_by!(name: 'admin')] ) end end def inject_routes routes_file_path = Rails.root.join('config', 'routes.rb') mountpoint = '/' unless options[:auto_accept] mountpoint = ask("\nAt which path do you want to mount AlchemyCMS at?", default: mountpoint) end if SPREE_MOUNT_REGEXP sentinel = SPREE_MOUNT_REGEXP else sentinel = "Rails.application.routes.draw do\n" end inject_into_file routes_file_path, {after: sentinel} do "\n mount Alchemy::Engine, at: '/#{mountpoint.chomp('/')}'\n" end end def set_root_route routes_file_path = Rails.root.join('config', 'routes.rb') if options[:auto_accept] || ask("\nDo you want Alchemy to handle the root route ('/')?", default: true) if SPREE_MOUNT_REGEXP sentinel = SPREE_MOUNT_REGEXP else sentinel = "Rails.application.routes.draw do\n" end inject_into_file routes_file_path, {after: sentinel} do <<~ROOT_ROUTE \n \ # Let AlchemyCMS handle the root route \ Spree::Core::Engine.routes.draw do \ root to: '/alchemy/pages#index' \ end ROOT_ROUTE end end end end end end