module RelatonBib # Document identifier. class DocumentIdentifier # @return [String] attr_reader :id # @return [String, nil] attr_reader :type, :scope, :language, :script # @param type [Boolean, nil] attr_reader :primary # @param id [String] # @param type [String, nil] # @param scope [String, nil] # @param primary [Bolean, nil] # @param language [String, nil] def initialize(**args) @id = args[:id] @type = args[:type] @scope = args[:scope] @primary = args[:primary] @language = args[:language] @script = args[:script] end # in docid manipulations, assume ISO as the default: id-part:year def remove_part case @type when "Chinese Standard" then @id.sub!(/\.\d+/, "") when "ISO", "IEC", "BSI" then @id.sub!(/-[^:]+/, "") when "URN" then remove_urn_part end end def remove_date case @type when "Chinese Standard" then @id.sub!(/-[12]\d\d\d/, "") when "ISO", "IEC", "BSI" then @id.sub!(/:[12]\d\d\d/, "") when "URN" @id.sub!(/^(urn:iec:std:[^:]+:[^:]+:)[^:]*/, '\1') end end def all_parts if type == "URN" @id.sub!(%r{^(urn:iec:std(?::[^:]*){4}).*}, '\1:ser') else @id += " (all parts)" end end # # Add docidentifier xml element # # @param opts [Hash] # @option opts [Nokogiri::XML::Builder] :builder XML builder # @option opts [String] :lang language def to_xml(**opts) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity lid = if type == "URN" && opts[:lang] id.sub %r{(?<=:)(?:\w{2},)*?(#{opts[:lang]})(?:,\w{2})*}, '\1' else id end element = opts[:builder].docidentifier lid element[:type] = type if type element[:scope] = scope if scope element[:primary] = primary if primary element[:language] = language if language element[:script] = script if script end # @return [Hash] def to_hash # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize hash = { "id" => id } hash["type"] = type if type hash["scope"] = scope if scope hash["primary"] = primary if primary hash["language"] = language if language hash["script"] = script if script hash end # @param prefix [String] # @param count [Integer] number of docids # @return [String] def to_asciibib(prefix = "", count = 1) # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize pref = prefix.empty? ? prefix : "#{prefix}." return "#{pref}docid:: #{id}\n" unless type || scope out = count > 1 ? "#{pref}docid::\n" : "" out += "#{pref}docid.type:: #{type}\n" if type out += "#{pref}docid.scope:: #{scope}\n" if scope out += "#{pref}docid.primary:: #{primary}\n" if primary out += "#{pref}docid.language:: #{language}\n" if language out += "#{pref}docid.script:: #{script}\n" if script out + "#{pref} #{id}\n" end private def remove_urn_part # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength @id.sub!(%r{^ (urn:iso:std:[^:]+ # ISO prefix and originator (?::(?:data|guide|isp|iwa|pas|r|tr|ts|tta)) # type ?:\d+) # docnumber (?::-[^:]+)? # partnumber (?::(draft|cancelled|stage-[^:]+))? # status (?::ed-\d+)?(?::v[^:]+)? # edition and version (?::\w{2}(?:,\w{2})*)? # langauge }x, '\1') # remove partnumber, status, version, and language @id.sub!(%r{^ (urn:iec:std:[^:]+ # IEC prefix and originator :\d+) # docnumber (?:-[^:]+)? # partnumber }x, '\1') # remove partnumber end end end