require_relative 'vitrine' require 'rack-livereload' module Vitrine::Server DEFAULTS = { root: Dir.getwd, port: 9292, :address => '' } def self.check_dirs_present!(options) views = options[:root] + '/views' unless File.exist?(views) and $stderr.puts "WARNING: `views' directory not found under the current tree, you might want to create it" end public_folder = options[:root] + '/public' unless File.exist?(public_folder) and $stderr.puts "ERROR: `public' directory not found under the current tree, you should create it. Vitrine won't run without it" exit 1 end end # Builds the Rack application with all the wrappers def self.build_app(options) do use Rack::ShowStatus use Rack::ShowExceptions guardfile_path = options[:root] + '/Guardfile' if File.exist?(guardfile_path) $stderr.puts "Attaching LiveReload via Guardfile at #{guardfile_path.inspect}" # Assume livereload is engaged use Rack::LiveReload else $stderr.puts "No Guardfile found, so there won't be any livereload injection" end vitrine = vitrine.settings.set :root, options[:root] run vitrine end end # Pick a server handler engine and run the passed # app on it, honoring the passed options def self.start_server(app, options) begin # Try Thin thin = Rack::Handler.get('thin') app, :Port => options[:port], :Host => options[:address] do |server| puts "Thin #{Thin::VERSION::STRING} available at http://#{options[:address]}:#{options[:port]}" end rescue LoadError begin # Then Mongrel mongrel = Rack::Handler.get('mongrel') app, :Port => options[:port], :Host => options[:address] do |server| puts "Mongrel #{Mongrel::Const::MONGREL_VERSION} available at http://#{options[:address]}:#{options[:port]}" end rescue LoadError # Then WEBrick puts "Install Mongrel or Thin for better performance." webrick = Rack::Handler.get('webrick') app, :Port => options[:port], :Host => options[:address] do |server| trap("INT") { server.shutdown } end end end end # Run the server, largely stolen from Serve def self.start(passed_options = {}) options = DEFAULTS.merge(passed_options) check_dirs_present!(options) $stderr.puts "Vitrine v.#{Vitrine::VERSION} booting in dev mode" app = build_app(options) start_server(app, options) end end