Feature: Add new slide
As a presentator
I want to add a new slide
In order do build it
Given I use presentation fixture "simple1" with title "My Presentation"
Scenario: Custom Slide
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 01`
Then the following files should exist:
| source/slides/01.html.md |
Scenario: Embedded Ruby Slide
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 01.erb`
Then the following files should exist:
| source/slides/01.html.erb |
Scenario: Markdown Slide
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 01.md`
Then the following files should exist:
| source/slides/01.html.md |
Scenario: Liquid Slide
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 01.l`
Then the following files should exist:
| source/slides/01.html.liquid |
Scenario: Liquid Slide (long file extension)
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 01.liquid`
Then the following files should exist:
| source/slides/01.html.liquid |
Scenario: Markdown Slide (long file extension)
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 01.markdown`
Then the following files should exist:
| source/slides/01.html.md |
Scenario: Open slide with ENV['EDITOR'] after creation
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 01.markdown --edit --editor-command echo`
Then the following files should exist:
| source/slides/01.html.md |
And the output should contain:
Scenario: Create multiple slides
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 01 02`
Then the following files should exist:
| source/slides/01.html.md |
| source/slides/02.html.md |
Scenario: Edit existing slide with ENV['EDITOR']
And a slide named "02.html.md" with:
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 02 --edit --editor-command echo`
And the output should contain:
Scenario: Edit non-existing slide with ENV['EDITOR']
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 02 --edit --editor-command echo`
And the output should contain:
And the output should contain:
Scenario: Edit mixing existing and non-existing slides with ENV['EDITOR']
And a slide named "02.html.md" with:
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 02 03 --edit --editor-command echo`
And the output should contain:
And the output should contain:
Scenario: Edit existing multiple slides with ENV['EDITOR']
And a slide named "02.html.md" with:
And a slide named "03.html.md" with:
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 02 03 --edit --editor-command echo`
And the output should contain:
And the output should contain:
Scenario: Fails on duplicate slide names
When I run `middleman-presentation create slide 02.erb 02.md 03.erb 03.md 03.liquid`
And the output should contain:
Your input will result in duplicate slide file names "02.html.md", "02.html.erb", "03.html.md", "03.html.liquid", "03.html.erb", "03.html.liquid", "03.html.erb", "03.html.md"
Scenario: Missing slide name
When I run `middleman-presentation create slide`
Then the output should contain:
No value provided for required arguments 'names'
Scenario: Using eruby in editor command
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 02 03 --edit --editor-command "echo <%= generated_presentation_id %>"`
Then the output should contain:
Scenario: Using eruby in editor command and shell escape
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 02 03 --edit --editor-command "echo <%= Shellwords.shellescape(generated_presentation_id) %>"`
Then the output should contain:
Scenario: Output information that a slide was created
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 01`
Then the output should contain:
create slides/01.html.md
Scenario: Output information that multiple slides were created
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 01 02 03`
Then the output should contain:
create slides/01.html.md
create slides/02.html.md
create slides/03.html.md
Scenario: Output information that a slide already exists
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 01`
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 01`
Then the output should contain:
exist slides/01.html.md
Scenario: Output information that multiple slides already exist
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 01 02 03`
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 01 02 03`
Then the output should contain:
exist slides/01.html.md
Scenario: Create Group of slides in subfolder
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 01namespace:01`
Then the following files should exist:
| source/slides/01namespace/01.html.md |
Scenario: Create Group with same name as slide
When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create slide 01:01`
Then the following files should exist:
| source/slides/01/01.html.md |