module OnTheMap module Mappable extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include ::Gmaps4rails::ActsAsGmappable include_concerns :geo_locatable, :positionable, from: 'OnTheMap' # see # acts_as_gmappable position: :position, process_geocoding: :gmaps_geocode?, # address:"gmaps4rails_address", normalized_address: "normalized_address", msg: "Sorry, not even Google could figure out where that is" field :gmaps, type: Boolean field :normalized_address # used to save address matched by Google end # When Geo Coding is to be performed by Gmaps4rails # Leave it up to geocoder! def gmaps_geocode? # has_address? && (has_position? || has_geo_coords?) && false # (!address.blank? && (lat.blank? || lng.blank?)) || position_changed? end def has_geo_coords? respond_to?(:latitude) && latitude && respond_to?(:longitude) && longitude end def has_position? respond_to?(:position) && position end def has_address? respond_to?(:address) && address end #describe how to retrieve the address from your model, if you use directly a db column, you can dry your code, see wiki def gmaps4rails_address return address_str if respond_to? :address_str # Use GeoLocatable if such exists "#{address.street}, #{}, #{}" end end end