# Coal [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/locomotivecms/coal/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/locomotivecms/coal) [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/locomotivecms/coal.svg)](https://gemnasium.com/locomotivecms/coal) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/locomotivecms/coal.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/locomotivecms/coal) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/locomotivecms/coal/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/locomotivecms/coal?branch=master) The Ruby API Client for LocomotiveCMS V3 (WIP). ## Table of Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Authentication](#authentication) - [Resources](#resources) - [MyAccount](#my-account) - [Sites](#sites) - [Pages](#pages) - [Content Types](#content-types) - [Content Entries](#content-entries) - [Snippets](#snippets) - [Theme Assets](#theme-assets) - [Content Assets](#content-assets) - [Translations](#translations) - [Memberships](#memberships) - [What is missing](#todo) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [How to write specs](#how-to-write-specs) - [Credits](#credits) - [License](#license) ## Installation gem install locomotivecms_coal --pre ## Usage First, load the gem: require 'locomotive/coal' ### Authentication client = Locomotive::Coal::Client.new('http://www.myengine.dev', { email: , api_key: }) You can get the version of the remote running Engine by calling the following method: client.engine_version *Note:* Coal supports Engine version **~> 3.0.x**. However, if you do need to request an Engine running a 2.5.x version, use following code instead: client = Locomotive::Coal::ClientV2.new('http://www.myengine.dev', { email: , api_key: }) We do not garantee that all the API resources will work with the V2 Client but PRs are accepted of course. ### Resources #### MyAccount **Get the name of the logged in account** my_account = client.my_account.get puts my_account.name + " / " + my_account.email **If not logged in, then it's possible to create your account** client = Locomotive::Coal::Client.new('http://www.myengine.dev') client.my_account.create(name: 'John Doe', email: 'john@doe.net', password: 'easyone', password_confirmation: 'easyone') **Update my account** client.my_account.update(name: 'Jane Doe') #### Sites **Get all my sites** my_sites = client.sites.all puts "I've got #{my_sites.size}" **Create a new site** my_site = client.sites.create(name: 'Acme', handle: 'acme', locales: ['en'], timezone: 'UTC') **Destroy a site** my_site = client.sites.destroy(my_site._id) #### Pages *Note:* We first need to log in to the site. It can be done by calling the scope_by method of the client instance. site = client.sites.by_handle('acme') site_client = client.scope_by(site) Or, in a shorter way: site_client = client.scope_by('acme') For the **V2 Client**, that would be this instead: site = client.sites.by_subdomain('acme') **Get the list of pages in English** pages = site_client.pages.all(:en) **Get only the id/fullpath attributes** pages = site_client.pages.fullpaths(:en) It is required when we need the id of an existing page according to its fullpath. **Create a page** page = site_client.pages.create(title: 'About us', slug: 'about-us', parent: 'index', template: 'Locomotive rocks!') **Update a page in French** site_client.pages.update(page._id, { template: 'Locomotive est trop fort!!!' }, :fr) **Destroy a page** site_client.pages.destroy(page._id) #### Content Types **Get a content type by its slug** *Note:* We first need to log in to the site the content type belongs to. It can be done by calling the scope_by method of the client instance. site = client.sites.by_subdomain('acme') site_client = client.scope_by(site) content_type = site_client.contents.projects #### Content Entries **Get the first 10 entries filtered by a property (published)** articles = site_client.contents.articles.all({ published: true }) **Loop over all the content entries** page = 1 while page do articles = site_client.contents.articles.all({ published: true }, page: page) articles.each { |article| puts article.title } page = articles._next_page end *Note:* You can also use the following syntax content_type = site_client.contents.projects articles = site_client.content_entries(content_type).all **Create a content entry** first_article = site_client.contents.articles.create(title: 'Hello world') **Update a content entry** article = site_client.contents.articles.all.first site_client.contents.articles.update(article._id, { title: 'Hello world'}) **Update a content entry in a different locale** # create the article in the default locale article = site_client.contents.articles.create(title: 'Hello world') # then update the title in another locale site_client.contents.articles.update(article._id, { title: 'Bonjour le monde'}, :fr) **Destroy a content entry** site_client.contents.articles.destroy(article._id) #### Snippets **Get the list of snippets** snippets = site_client.snippets.all To get the snippets in the FR locale: snippets_in_french = site_client.snippets.all('fr') **Create a snippet** snippet = site_client.snippets.create(name: 'Header', slug: 'header', template: 'Locomotive rocks!') # create a snippet in different locales snippet = site_client.snippets.create(name: 'Header', slug: 'header', template: { en: 'Locomotive rocks!', fr: 'Locomotive déchire !' }) **Update a snippet** site_client.snippets.update('header', template: 'Locomotive rocks!!!') **Destroy a snippet** site_client.snippets.destroy('header') #### Theme assets **Get the list of theme assets** assets = site_client.theme_assets.all **Create a theme asset** asset = site_client.theme_assets.create(source: Locomotive::Coal::UploadIO.new(''), folder: 'images/header') **Update a theme asset** site_client.theme_assets.update(asset._id, source: Locomotive::Coal::UploadIO.new('')) **Destroy a theme asset** site_client.theme_assets.destroy(asset._id) #### Content assets **Get the list of content assets** assets = site_client.content_assets.all **Create a content asset** asset = site_client.content_assets.create(source: Locomotive::Coal::UploadIO.new('')) **Update a content asset** site_client.content_assets.update(asset._id, source: Locomotive::Coal::UploadIO.new('')) **Destroy a content asset** site_client.content_assets.destroy(asset._id) #### Translations **Get the list of translations** translations = site_client.translations.all **Create a translation** translation = site_client.translations.create(key: 'hello_world', values: { en: 'Hello world!', fr: 'Bonjour monde' }) **Update a translation** site_client.translations.update(translation._id, values: { en: 'Hello world!!!', fr: 'Bonjour monde !!!'} )) **Destroy a translation** site_client.translations.destroy(translation._id) #### Memberships **Get the list of memberships** memberships = site_client.memberships.all **Create a membership** membership = site_client.memberships.create(role: 'author', account_email: 'nic@example.com') **Update a membership** site_client.memberships.update(account_email: 'nic@example.com', role: 'admin') **Destroy a membership** site_client.memberships.destroy(membership._id) ## What is missing? We only implemented a few resources (my_account, sites, content types, memberships and content entries) and for some of them, not all the actions have been implemented. Check the issues section of the repository to see what is missing. ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( http://github.com//locomotivecms/coal ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request ## How to write specs **Engine configuration:** 1. You need to run the last version (master branch) of the [Locomotive engine](https://github.com/locomotivecms/engine). 2. Pick a different database name to run your Coal specs against. 3. Run ````bundle exec rake development:bootstrap```` 4. Run the Locomotive server ````bundle exec rails server```` **System configuration:** - edit your /etc/hosts file (*NIX systems) and add 2 lines www.example.com acme.example.com ## Credits [Christian](https://github.com/cblavier), [Greg](https://github.com/gregKawet) and [Ben](https://github.com/stiiig) from the Cogip/Insert International LTD who brainstormed with me (a very long time) to find this awesome name. ## License Copyright (c) 2015 NoCoffee. MIT Licensed, see LICENSE for details.