# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.shared_examples "manage component share tokens" do let!(:components_path) { participatory_space_components_path(participatory_space) } context "when visiting the components page for the participatory space" do before do visit components_path end it "has a share button that opens the share url for the component" do share_window = window_opened_by { click_link "Share", wait: 2 } within_window share_window do expect(page).to have_current_path(component.share_tokens.reload.last.url) end end end context "when visiting the component configuration page" do context "when there are tokens" do let!(:share_tokens) { create_list(:share_token, 3, token_for: component, organization: component.organization) } let!(:share_token) { share_tokens.last } before do visit components_path within find("tr", text: component.name["en"]) do click_link "Configure" end end it "displays all tokens" do within ".share_tokens" do expect(page).to have_selector("tbody tr", count: 3) end end it "displays relevant attributes for each token" do share_tokens.each do |share_token| within ".share_tokens tbody" do expect(page).to have_content share_token.token expect(page).to have_content share_token.user.name end end end it "has a share link for each token" do urls = share_tokens.map(&:url).map { |url| url.split("?").first } within ".share_tokens tbody tr:first-child" do share_window = window_opened_by { click_link "Share" } within_window share_window do expect(urls).to include(page.current_path) end end end it "has a link to delete tokens" do within ".share_tokens tbody tr:first-child" do accept_confirm { click_link "Delete" } end expect(page).to have_admin_callout("successfully") expect(page).to have_selector("tbody tr", count: 2) end end context "when there are no tokens" do before do visit components_path within find("tr", text: component.name["en"]) do click_link "Configure" end end it "displays empty message" do expect(page).to have_content "There are no active tokens" end end end end