import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { Alert, // Button, Table as PfTable, FormControl, inlineEditFormatterFactory, } from 'patternfly-react'; import { cloneDeep, findIndex } from 'lodash'; import { translate as __ } from 'foremanReact/common/I18n'; import { Table, TableBody, column, headerFormatterWithProps, cellFormatterWithProps, } from 'foremanReact/components/common/table'; import ShortDateTime from 'foremanReact/components/common/dates/ShortDateTime'; import AlertBody from 'foremanReact/components/common/Alert/AlertBody'; import Loading from 'foremanReact/components/Loading/Loading'; import 'foremanReact/redux/API'; import { renderListEntryButtons } from './SnapshotListHelper'; import './snapshotList.scss'; class SnapshotList extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { columns: this.defineColumns(), editMode: false, rows: cloneDeep(props.snapshots), }; } defineColumns() { const { canDelete, canRevert, canUpdate, host, deleteAction, updateAction, rollbackAction, } = this.props; const inlineEditController = { isEditing: ({ rowData }) => rowData.backup !== undefined, onActivate: ({ rowData }) => { const rows = cloneDeep(this.state.rows); const index = findIndex(rows, { id: }); rows[index].backup = cloneDeep(rows[index]); this.setState({ rows, editMode: true }); }, onConfirm: ({ rowData }) => { const rows = cloneDeep(this.state.rows); const index = findIndex(rows, { id: }); delete rows[index].backup; this.setState({ rows, editMode: false }); updateAction(host, rowData); }, onCancel: ({ rowData }) => { const rows = cloneDeep(this.state.rows); const index = findIndex(rows, { id: }); rows[index] = cloneDeep(rows[index].backup); delete rows[index].backup; this.setState({ rows, editMode: false }); }, onChange: (value, { rowData, property }) => { const rows = cloneDeep(this.state.rows); const index = findIndex(rows, { id: }); rows[index][property] = value; this.setState({ rows }); }, }; this.inlineEditController = inlineEditController; const renderButtons = renderListEntryButtons( canDelete, canRevert, canUpdate, host, rollbackAction, deleteAction, inlineEditController ); const inlineEditButtonCellFormatter = inlineEditFormatterFactory({ isEditing: additionalData => this.state.editMode, renderValue: renderButtons(false), renderEdit: renderButtons(true), }); const inlineEditFormatter = inlineEditFormatterFactory({ isEditing: additionalData => { if ( === 'name' && !this.props.capabilities.editableSnapshotName ) return false; return inlineEditController.isEditing(additionalData); }, renderValue: (value, additionalData) => { let date = ''; if ( === 'name' && additionalData.rowData.formatted_created_at ) date = ( ); return ( {value}
); }, renderEdit: (value, additionalData) => { let type = 'input'; if ( === 'description') type = 'textarea'; return ( inlineEditController.onChange(, additionalData) } componentClass={type} /> ); }, }); const editCellFormatters = [cellFormatterWithProps]; if (canUpdate) editCellFormatters.unshift(inlineEditFormatter); const columns = [ column( 'name', __('Snapshot'), [headerFormatterWithProps], editCellFormatters ), column( 'description', __('Description'), [headerFormatterWithProps], editCellFormatters ), ]; if (canDelete || canUpdate || canRevert) columns.push( column( '', __('Action'), [headerFormatterWithProps], [inlineEditButtonCellFormatter], { className: 'action-buttons' } ) ); return columns; } componentDidMount() { this.props.loadSnapshots(; } // FIXME: Remove soon, as this is deprecated! componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) { if (newProps.snapshots !== this.props.snapshots) { this.setState({ rows: newProps.snapshots }); } if (newProps.needsReload) { newProps.loadSnapshots(; } } getBodyMessage() { if (this.props.isLoading || this.props.isWorking) return ; if (this.props.hasError) return ( {/* IMHO the line-break should be done by AlertBody :-( */}
); return undefined; } render() { const { columns } = this.state; const bodyMessage = this.getBodyMessage(); return (
{/* */} cellProps.children, }, }} > ({ role: 'row', isEditing: () => this.inlineEditController.isEditing({ rowData }), onCancel: () => this.inlineEditController.onCancel({ rowData, rowIndex }), onConfirm: () => this.inlineEditController.onConfirm({ rowData, rowIndex }), last: rowIndex === this.state.rows.length - 1, })} />
); } } SnapshotList.propTypes = { /* children: PropTypes.node, className: PropTypes.string, */ host: PropTypes.shape({ id: PropTypes.number.isRequired, name: PropTypes.string.isRequired, }).isRequired, loadSnapshots: PropTypes.func.isRequired, deleteAction: PropTypes.func.isRequired, updateAction: PropTypes.func.isRequired, rollbackAction: PropTypes.func.isRequired, isLoading: PropTypes.bool, isWorking: PropTypes.bool, hasError: PropTypes.bool, error: PropTypes.shape({ message: PropTypes.string }), snapshots: PropTypes.array, // permissions: canDelete: PropTypes.bool, canRevert: PropTypes.bool, canUpdate: PropTypes.bool, // capabilities capabilities: PropTypes.shape({ editableSnapshotName: PropTypes.bool, }), }; SnapshotList.defaultProps = { /* className: '', children: null, */ isLoading: true, isWorking: false, hasError: false, error: undefined, snapshots: [], canDelete: false, canRevert: false, canUpdate: false, capabilities: { editableSnapshotName: true, }, }; export default SnapshotList;