require 'fileutils' require 'maven/tools/gemspec_dependencies' require 'maven/tools/artifact' require 'maven/tools/jarfile' require 'maven/tools/versions' module Maven module Tools module DSL def tesla( &block ) @model = @model.model_version = '4.0.0' = File.basename( basedir ) @model.group_id = 'dummy' @model.artifact_id = @model.version = '0.0.0' @context = :project nested_block( :project, @model, block ) if block result = @model @context = nil @model = nil result end alias :maven :tesla def model @model end def eval_pom( src, reference_file = '.' ) @source = reference_file eval( src ) ensure @source = nil @basedir = nil end def basedir( basedir = nil ) @basedir ||= basedir if basedir if @source @basedir ||= @source ) ? @source : File.dirname( File.expand_path( @source ) ) end @basedir ||= File.expand_path( '.' ) end def artifact( a ) if a.is_a?( String ) a = Maven::Tools::Artifact.from_coordinate( a ) end self.send a[:type].to_sym, a end def source(*args) warn "ignore source #{args}" if !(args[0].to_s =~ /^https?:\/\/ && args[0] != :rubygems end def ruby( *args ) # ignore end def path( *args ) warn 'path block not implemented' end def git( *args ) warn 'git block not implemented' end def is_jruby_platform( *args ) args.detect { |a| :jruby == a.to_sym } end private :is_jruby_platform def platforms( *args ) if is_jruby_platform( *args ) yield end end def group( *args ) @group = args[ 0 ] yield ensure @group = nil end def gemfile( name = 'Gemfile', options = {} ) if name.is_a? Hash options = name name = 'Gemfile' end name = File.join( basedir, name ) unless File.exists?( name ) basedir = File.dirname( name ) unless basedir @gemfile_options = options basedir ) do eval( File.expand_path( name ) ) ) end if @gemfile_options @gemfile_options = nil setup_gem_support( options ) end if @has_path or @has_git gem 'bundler', :scope => :provided unless gem? 'bundler' jruby_plugin :gem do execute_goal :exec, :filename => 'bundle', :args => 'install' end end ensure @has_path = nil @has_git = nil end def setup_gem_support( options, spec = nil, config = {} ) if spec.nil? require_path = '.' name = File.basename( File.expand_path( '.' ) ) else require_path = spec.require_path name = end unless model.repositories.detect { |r| == 'rubygems-releases' } repository( '', :id => 'rubygems-releases' ) end setup_jruby_plugins_version if options.key?( :jar ) || options.key?( 'jar' ) jarpath = options[ :jar ] || options[ 'jar' ] if jarpath jar = File.basename( jarpath ).sub( /.jar$/, '' ) output = "#{require_path}/#{jarpath.sub( /#{jar}/, '' )}".sub( /\/$/, '' ) end else jar = "#{name}" output = "#{require_path}" end if options.key?( :source ) || options.key?( 'source' ) source = options[ :source ] || options[ 'source' ] build do source_directory source end end if jar && ( source || File.exists?( File.join( basedir, 'src', 'main', 'java' ) ) ) plugin( :jar, VERSIONS[ :jar_plugin ], :outputDirectory => output, :finalName => jar ) do execute_goals :jar, :phase => 'prepare-package' end plugin( :clean, VERSIONS[ :clean_plugin ], :filesets => [ { :directory => output, :includes => [ "#{jar}.jar" ] } ] ) end end private :setup_gem_support def setup_jruby( jruby, jruby_scope = :provided ) jruby ||= VERSIONS[ :jruby_version ] scope( jruby_scope ) do if ( jruby < '1.7' ) warn 'jruby version below 1.7 uses jruby-complete' jar 'org.jruby:jruby-core', jruby elsif ( jruby < '1.7.5' ) jar 'org.jruby:jruby-core', jruby else jar 'org.jruby:jruby', jruby end end end private :setup_jruby def jarfile( file = 'Jarfile', options = {} ) if file.is_a? Hash options = file file = 'Jarfile' end unless file.is_a?( Maven::Tools::Jarfile ) file = File.expand_path( file ) ) end if options[ :skip_locked ] or not file.exists_lock? file.populate_unlocked do |dsl| setup_jruby( dsl.jruby ) dsl.artifacts.each do |a| dependency a end end else file.locked.each do |dep| artifact( dep ) end file.populate_unlocked do |dsl| setup_jruby( dsl.jruby ) dsl.artifacts.each do |a| if a[ :system_path ] dependeny a end end end end end def gemspec( name = nil, options = @gemfile_options || {} ) properties( '' => 'utf-8' ) unless '' ) @gemfile_options = nil if name.is_a? Hash options = name name = nil end if name name = File.join( basedir, name ) else name gemspecs = Dir[ File.join( basedir, "*.gemspec" ) ] raise "more then one gemspec file found" if gemspecs.size > 1 raise "no gemspec file found" if gemspecs.size == 0 name = gemspecs.first end spec = nil basedir ) do spec = eval( File.expand_path( name ) ) ) end if @context == :project = '${basedir}/pkg' id "rubygems:#{}:#{spec.version}" name( spec.summary || ) description spec.description packaging 'gem' url spec.homepage extension 'de.saumya.mojo:gem-extension:${jruby.plugins.version}' end setup_gem_support( options, spec ) config = { :gemspec => name.sub( /^#{basedir}\/?/, '' ) } if options[ :include_jars ] || options[ 'include_jars' ] config[ :includeDependencies ] = true end plugin( 'de.saumya.mojo:gem-maven-plugin:${jruby.plugins.version}', config ) deps = spec ) deps.runtime.each do |d| gem d end unless deps.development.empty? scope :test do deps.development.each do |d| gem d end end end unless deps.java_runtime.empty? deps.java_runtime.each do |d| dependency *d ) end end end def build( &block ) build = ||= nested_block( :build, build, block ) if block build end def project( name, url = nil, &block ) raise 'mixed up hierachy' unless @current == model = name @current.url = url nested_block(:project, @current, block) end def id(*value) value = value.join( ':' ) if @context == :project fill_gav(@current, value) reduce_id else = value end end def site( url = nil, options = {} ) site = fill_options( site, url, options ) = site end def source_control( url = nil, options = {} ) scm = fill_options( scm, url, options ) @current.scm = scm end alias :scm :source_control def issue_management( url, system = nil ) issues = issues.url = url issues.system = system @current.issue_management = issues end def mailing_list( name = nil, &block ) list = = name nested_block( :mailing_list, list, block ) @current.mailing_lists << list end def archives( *archives ) @current.archive = archives.shift @current.other_archives = archives end def developer( id = nil, &block ) dev = = id nested_block( :developer, dev, block ) @current.developers << dev end def roles( *roles ) @current.roles = roles end def property( options ) prop = = options[ :name ] || options[ 'name' ] prop.value = options[ :value ] || options[ 'value' ] = prop end def file( options ) file = file.missing = options[ :missing ] || options[ 'missing' ] file.exists = options[ :exists ] || options[ 'exists' ] @current.file = file end def activation( &block ) activation = nested_block( :activation, activation, block ) @current.activation = activation end def distribution( &block ) dist = nested_block( :distribution, dist, block ) @current.distribution_management = dist end def includes( *items ) @current.includes = items.flatten end def excludes( *items ) @current.excludes = items.flatten end def test_resource( &block ) # strange behaviour when calling specs from Rakefile return if @current.nil? resource = nested_block( :resource, resource, block ) if @context == :project ( ||= ).test_resources << resource else @current.test_resources << resource end end def resource( &block ) resource = nested_block( :resource, resource, block ) if @context == :project ( ||= ).resources << resource else @current.resources << resource end end def repository( url, options = {}, &block ) do_repository( :repository=, url, options, block ) end def plugin_repository( url, options = {}, &block ) do_repository( :plugin, url, options, block ) end def snapshot_repository( url, options = {}, &block ) do_repository( :snapshot_repository=, url, options, block ) end def releases( config ) respository_policy( :releases=, config ) end def snapshots( config ) respository_policy( :snapshots=, config ) end def respository_policy( method, config ) rp = case config when Hash rp.enabled = snapshot[ :enabled ] rp.update_policy = snapshot[ :update ] rp.checksum_policy = snapshot[ :checksum ] when TrueClass rp.enabled = true when FalseClass rp.enabled = false else rp.enabled = 'true' == config end @current.send( method, rp ) end def inherit( *value ) @current.parent = fill_gav( Parent, value.join( ':' ) ) reduce_id end alias :parent :inherit def properties(props) props.each do |k,v|[k.to_s] = v.to_s end end def extension( *gav ) ||= gav = gav.join( ':' ) ext = fill_gav( Extension, gav) << ext end def setup_jruby_plugins_version unless 'jruby.plugins.version' ) properties( 'jruby.plugins.version' => VERSIONS[ :jruby_plugins ] ) end end def jruby_plugin( *gav, &block ) gav[ 0 ] = "de.saumya.mojo:#{gav[ 0 ]}-maven-plugin" if gav.size == 1 || gav[ 1 ].is_a?( Hash ) setup_jruby_plugins_version gav.insert( 1, '${jruby.plugins.version}' ) end plugin( *gav, &block ) end def plugin( *gav, &block ) if gav.last.is_a? Hash options = gav.last gav = gav[ 0..-2 ] else options = {} end unless gav.first.match( /:/ ) gav[ 0 ] = "org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-#{gav.first}-plugin" end gav = gav.join( ':' ) plugin = fill_gav( @context == :reporting ? ReportPlugin : Plugin, gav) set_config( plugin, options ) if @current.respond_to? :build ||= if @context == :overrides ||= << plugin else << plugin end else @current.plugins << plugin end nested_block(:plugin, plugin, block) if block plugin end def overrides(&block) nested_block(:overrides, @current, block) end alias :plugin_management :overrides alias :dependency_management :overrides def execute( options ) execute_goals( options ) end def execute_goal( goal, options = {} ) if goal.is_a? Hash execute_goals( goal ) else execute_goals( goal, options ) end end def execute_goals( *goals ) if goals.last.is_a? Hash options = goals.last goals = goals[ 0..-2 ] else options = {} end exec = # keep the original default of id id = options.delete( :id ) || options.delete( 'id' ) = id if id if @phase if options[ :phase ] || options[ 'phase' ] raise 'inside phase block and phase option given' end exec.phase = @phase else exec.phase = options.delete( :phase ) || options.delete( 'phase' ) end exec.goals = goals.collect { |g| g.to_s } set_config( exec, options ) @current.executions << exec # nested_block(:execution, exec, block) if block exec end def dependency( type, *args ) do_dependency( false, type, *args ) end def dependency?( container, dep ) container.detect do |d| dep.group_id == d.group_id && dep.artifact_id == d.artifact_id && dep.classifier == d.classifier end end def dependency_set( bang, container, dep ) if bang dd = dependency?( container, dep ) if index = container.index( dd ) container[ index ] = dep else container << dep end else container << dep end end def do_dependency( bang, type, *args ) if args.empty? a = type type = a[ :type ] options = a elsif args[ 0 ].is_a?( ::Maven::Tools::Artifact ) a = args[ 0 ] type = a[ :type ] options = a else a = ::Maven::Tools::Artifact.from( type, *args ) end d = fill_gav( Dependency, a ? a.gav : args.join( ':' ) ) d.type = type.to_s if @context == :overrides @current.dependency_management ||= dependency_set( bang, @current.dependency_management.dependencies, d ) else dependency_set( bang, @current.dependencies, d ) end if args.last.is_a?( Hash ) options = args.last end if options || @scope options ||= {} if @scope if options[ :scope ] || options[ 'scope' ] raise "scope block and scope option given" end options[ :scope ] = @scope end exclusions = options.delete( :exclusions ) || options.delete( "exclusions" ) case exclusions when Array exclusions.each do |v| d.exclusions << fill_gav( Exclusion, v ) end when String d.exclusions << fill_gav( Exclusion, exclusions ) end options.each do |k,v| d.send( "#{k}=".to_sym, v ) unless d.send( k.to_sym ) end end d end def scope( name ) @scope = name yield @scope = nil end def phase( name ) @phase = name yield @phase = nil end def profile( id, &block ) profile = = id if id @current.profiles << profile nested_block( :profile, profile, block ) end def report_set( *reports, &block ) set = case reports.last when Hash options = reports.last reports = reports[ 0..-2 ] id = options.delete( :id ) || options.delete( 'id' ) = id if id inherited = options.delete( :inherited ) || options.delete( 'inherited' ) set.inherited = inherited if inherited end set_config( set, options ) set.reports = reports#.to_java @current.report_sets << set end def reporting( &block ) reporting = @current.reporting = reporting nested_block( :reporting, reporting, block ) end def gem?( name ) @current.dependencies.detect do |d| d.artifact_id == name && d.type == :gem end end def gem( *args ) do_gem( false, *args ) end # TODO useful ? def gem!( *args ) do_gem( true, *args ) end def do_gem( bang, *args ) # in some setup that gem could overload the Kernel gem return if @current.nil? unless args[ 0 ].match( /:/ ) args[ 0 ] = "rubygems:#{args[ 0 ] }" end if args.last.is_a?(Hash) options = args.last if options.key?( :git ) @has_git = true elsif options.key?( :path ) @has_path = true else platform = options.delete( :platform ) || options.delete( 'platform' ) group = options.delete( :group ) || options.delete( 'group' ) || @group || nil if group case group.to_sym when :test options[ :scope ] = :test when :development options[ :scope ] = :provided end end if platform.nil? || is_jruby_platform( platform ) options[ :version ] = '[0,)' if args.size == 2 && options[ :version ].nil? && options[ 'version' ].nil? do_dependency( bang, :gem, *args ) end end else args << { :version => '[0,)' } if args.size == 1 do_dependency( bang, :gem, *args ) end end def local( path, options = {} ) path = File.expand_path( path ) dependency( :jar, Maven::Tools::Artifact.new_local( path, :jar, options ) ) end def method_missing( method, *args, &block ) if @context m = "#{method}=".to_sym if @current.respond_to? m #p @context #p m #p args begin @current.send( m, *args ) rescue ArgumentError if @current.respond_to? method @current.send( method, *args ) end end @current else if ( args.size > 0 && args[0].is_a?( String ) && args[0] =~ /^[${}0-9a-zA-Z._-]+(:[${}0-9a-zA-Z._-]+)+$/ ) || ( args.size == 1 && args[0].is_a?( Hash ) ) dependency( method, *args ) # elsif @current.respond_to? method # @current.send( method, *args ) # @current else p @context p m p args end end else super end end def xml( xml ) raise ' xml ) )' end def set_config( receiver, options ) receiver.configuration = options end private def do_repository( method, url = nil, options = {}, block = nil ) if @current.respond_to?( method ) r = else r = end # if config = ( options.delete( :snapshot ) || # options.delete( 'snapshot' ) ) # r.snapshot( repository_policy( config ) ) # end # if config = ( options.delete( :release ) || # options.delete( 'release' ) ) # r.snapshot( repository_policy( config ) ) # end nested_block( :repository, r, block ) if block fill_options( r, url, options ) case method when :plugin @current.plugin_repositories << r else if @current.respond_to?( method ) @current.send method, r else @current.repositories << r end end end def fill_options( receiver, url, options ) url ||= options.delete( :url ) || options.delete( 'url' ) options.each do |k,v| receiver.send "#{k}=".to_sym, v end receiver.url = url end def reduce_id if parent = @current.parent @current.version = nil if parent.version == @current.version @current.group_id = nil if parent.group_id == @current.group_id end end def nested_block(context, receiver, block) old_ctx = @context old = @current @context = context @current = receiver @current = old @context = old_ctx end def fill_gav(receiver, gav) if gav if receiver.is_a? Class receiver = end gav = gav.split(':') case gav.size when 0 # do nothing - will be filled later when 1 receiver.artifact_id = gav[0] when 2 receiver.group_id, receiver.artifact_id = gav when 3 receiver.group_id, receiver.artifact_id, receiver.version = gav when 4 receiver.group_id, receiver.artifact_id, receiver.version, receiver.classifier = gav else raise "can not assign such an array #{gav.inspect}" end end receiver end end end end