require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "Koalemos" do describe "beginning_of_day" do it "should work" do respond_to(:beginning_of_day) Time.should respond_to(:beginning_of_day) end end describe "blank?" do it "should work" do nil.blank?.should be_true [].blank?.should be_true [1].blank?.should be_false end end describe "commaify" do it "should work for fixnum" do 1234567890.commaify.should eql("1,234,567,890") end it "should work for float" do 1234567890.1234567890.commaify.should eql("1,234,567,890.12346") end end describe "friendly time" do it "should work" do ( - eql("1 day ago") end end describe "full" do it "should work" do nil.full?(:test){|p|p.inspect}.should be_nil "12".full?.should == "12" "12".full?(:to_i).should == 12 12.full?{|n| n/2}.should == 6 "13".full?(:to_f){|n| n/2}.should == 6.5 end end describe "hash union" do it "should_work" do h1 = {:foo => 'foo',:bar => 'bar'} h1 |= {:foo => 'none',:baz => 'baz'} h1.should == {:foo => 'foo',:bar => 'bar',:baz => 'baz'} end end describe "num_to_time" do describe "number to seconds" do it "should convert times from fixnum" do 1.minute.should eql(60) 1.hour.should eql(60.minutes) eql(24.hours) 1.week.should eql(7.days) 1.month.should eql(30.days) end it "should convert times from floats" do 1.5.minutes.should eql(90.0) 365.0.days.should eql(1.0.year) end end describe "getting time from number" do it "should get 1 day ago" end end describe "odd" do it "should work" do 1.odd?.should be_true 2.odd?.should be_false end end describe "rand" do it "pick should work" do [1].pick.should == 1 a = [1,2,3] n = a.pick! n.should be_close(2, 1.1) newa = [1,2,3] newa.delete(n) a.should == (newa) end it "shuffle should work" do a = [*1..1000].shuffle a[0,2].should_not == [*1..2] end end describe "round_to" do it "should_work" do 123.123.round_to.should == 123 123.456.round_to.should == 123 123.556.round_to.should == 124 123.123.round_to(1).should == 123.1 123.156.round_to(1).should == 123.2 end end describe "symbol_to_proc" do it "should_work" do pending "need to find use" %w{1 2 3 4}.each(:to_i).should == [1,2,3,4] end end describe "uniq_by" do it "should work" do [ {:key => 'foo'}, {:key => 'foo'}, {:key => 'bar'}, {:key => 'baz'}, {:key => 'bbaz'}].uniq_by{|a| a[:key]}. should eql([{:key=>"bbaz"}, {:key=>"baz"}, {:key=>"foo"}, {:key=>"bar"}]) end end end