# frozen_string_literal: true # This file contains patches to RuboCop to support # edge features and fix some bugs with 2.7+ syntax require "parser/ruby-next/version" require "ruby-next/config" require "ruby-next/language/parser" module RuboCop # Transform Ruby Next parser version to a float, e.g.: "" => 2.801 RUBY_NEXT_VERSION = Parser::NEXT_VERSION.match(/(^\d+)\.(.+)$/)[1..-1].map { |part| part.delete(".") }.join(".").to_f class TargetRuby class RuboCopNextConfig < RuboCopConfig private def find_version version = @config.for_all_cops["TargetRubyVersion"] return unless version == "next" RUBY_NEXT_VERSION end end new_rubies = KNOWN_RUBIES + [RUBY_NEXT_VERSION] remove_const :KNOWN_RUBIES const_set :KNOWN_RUBIES, new_rubies new_sources = [RuboCopNextConfig] + SOURCES remove_const :SOURCES const_set :SOURCES, new_sources end end module RuboCop class ProcessedSource module ParserClassExt def parser_class(version, *) return super unless version == RUBY_NEXT_VERSION require "parser/rubynext" Parser::RubyNext end end prepend ParserClassExt end end # Let's make this file Ruby 2.2 compatible to avoid transpiling # rubocop:disable Layout/HeredocIndentation module RuboCop module AST module Traversal # Fixed in https://github.com/rubocop-hq/rubocop/pull/7786 %i[case_match in_pattern find_pattern match_pattern match_pattern_p].each do |type| next if method_defined?(:"on_#{type}") module_eval(<<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def on_#{type}(node) node.children.each { |child| send(:"on_\#{child.type}", child) if child } nil end RUBY end end unless Builder.method_defined?(:match_pattern_p) Builder.include RubyNext::Language::BuilderExt end end end # rubocop:enable Layout/HeredocIndentation module RuboCop module Cop # Commissioner class is responsible for processing the AST and delegating # work to the specified cops. class Commissioner def on_meth_ref(node) trigger_responding_cops(:on_meth_ref, node) end unless method_defined?(:on_numblock) def on_numblock(node) children = node.children child = children[0] send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) # children[1] is the number of parameters return unless (child = children[2]) send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) end end unless method_defined?(:on_def_e) def on_def_e(node) _name, _args_node, body_node = *node send(:"on_#{body_node.type}", body_node) end def on_defs_e(node) _definee_node, _name, _args_node, body_node = *node send(:"on_#{body_node.type}", body_node) end end end Commissioner.prepend(Module.new do # Ignore anonymous blocks def on_block_pass(node) return if node.children == [nil] super end def on_blockarg(node) return if node.children == [nil] super end end) module Layout require "rubocop/cop/layout/assignment_indentation" POTENTIAL_RIGHT_TYPES = %i[ivasgn lvasgn cvasgn gvasgn casgn masgn].freeze AssignmentIndentation.prepend(Module.new do def check_assignment(node, *) return if rightward?(node) super end private def rightward?(node) return unless POTENTIAL_RIGHT_TYPES.include?(node.type) return unless node.loc.operator assignee_loc = if node.type == :masgn node.children[0].loc.expression else node.loc.name end return false unless assignee_loc assignee_loc.begin_pos > node.loc.operator.end_pos end end) require "rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs" EmptyLineBetweenDefs.prepend(Module.new do def def_end(node) return super unless node.loc.end.nil? node.loc.expression.line end end) require "rubocop/cop/layout/space_after_colon" SpaceAfterColon.prepend(Module.new do def on_pair(node) return if node.children[0].loc.last_column == node.children[1].loc.last_column super(node) end end) end module Style require "rubocop/cop/style/single_line_methods" SingleLineMethods.prepend(Module.new do def on_def(node) return if node.loc.end.nil? super end def on_defs(node) return if node.loc.end.nil? super end end) require "rubocop/cop/style/def_with_parentheses" DefWithParentheses.prepend(Module.new do def on_def(node) return if node.loc.end.nil? super end def on_defs(node) return if node.loc.end.nil? super end end) require "rubocop/cop/style/trailing_method_end_statement" TrailingMethodEndStatement.prepend(Module.new do def on_def(node) return if node.loc.end.nil? super end end) end end end