require "fileutils" require "digest/sha1" require "pathname" require "tmpdir" require "cfoundry/zip" module CFoundry class App attr_reader :name def initialize(name, client, manifest = nil) @name = name @client = client @manifest = manifest end def inspect "#" end def manifest @manifest ||= end def delete! if @manifest @manifest.delete "meta" @manifest.delete "version" @manifest.delete "state" end end def create!"name" => @name)) @manifest = nil end def exists? true rescue CFoundry::NotFound false end def instances do |m|, m["index"], @client, m) end end def stats end def update!(what = {}) # TODO: hacky; can we not just set in meta field? # we write to manifest["debug"] but read from manifest["meta"]["debug"] what[:debug] = debug_mode, manifest.merge(what)) @manifest = nil end def stop! update! "state" => "STOPPED" end def start! update! "state" => "STARTED" end def restart! stop! start! end def health s = state if s == "STARTED" healthy_count = manifest["runningInstances"] expected = manifest["instances"] if healthy_count && expected > 0 ratio = healthy_count / expected.to_f if ratio == 1.0 "RUNNING" else "#{(ratio * 100).to_i}%" end else "N/A" end else s end end def healthy? # invalidate cache so the check is fresh @manifest = nil health == "RUNNING" end def stopped? state == "STOPPED" end def started? state == "STARTED" end alias_method :running?, :started? { :total_instances => "instances", :state => "state", :status => "state", :services => "services", :uris => "uris", :urls => "uris", :env => "env" }.each do |meth, attr| define_method(meth) do manifest[attr] end define_method(:"#{meth}=") do |v| @manifest ||= {} @manifest[attr] = v end end def framework manifest["staging"]["framework"] || manifest["staging"]["model"] end def framework=(v) @manifest ||= {} @manifest["staging"] ||= {} if @manifest["staging"].key? "model" @manifest["staging"]["model"] = v else @manifest["staging"]["framework"] = v end end def runtime manifest["staging"]["runtime"] || manifest["staging"]["stack"] end def runtime=(v) @manifest ||= {} @manifest["staging"] ||= {} if @manifest["staging"].key? "stack" @manifest["staging"]["stack"] = v else @manifest["staging"]["runtime"] = v end end def command manifest["staging"]["command"] end def command=(v) @manifest ||= {} @manifest["staging"] ||= {} @manifest["staging"]["command"] = v end def memory manifest["resources"]["memory"] end def memory=(v) @manifest ||= {} @manifest["resources"] ||= {} @manifest["resources"]["memory"] = v end def debug_mode manifest.fetch("debug") { manifest["meta"] && manifest["meta"]["debug"] } end def debug_mode=(v) @manifest ||= {} @manifest["debug"] = v end def bind(*service_names) update!("services" => services + service_names) end def unbind(*service_names) update!("services" => services.reject { |s| service_names.include?(s) }) end def files(*path), 0, @client).files(*path) end def file(*path), 0, @client).file(*path) end UPLOAD_EXCLUDE = %w{.git _darcs .svn} def upload(path, check_resources = true) unless File.exist? path raise "invalid application path '#{path}'" end zipfile = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/#{@name}.zip" tmpdir = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/.vmc_#{@name}_files" FileUtils.rm_f(zipfile) FileUtils.rm_rf(tmpdir) prepare_package(path, tmpdir) resources = determine_resources(tmpdir) if check_resources CFoundry::Zip.pack(tmpdir, zipfile), zipfile, resources || []) ensure FileUtils.rm_f(zipfile) if zipfile FileUtils.rm_rf(tmpdir) if tmpdir end private def prepare_package(path, to) if path =~ /\.(war|zip)$/ CFoundry::Zip.unpack(path, to) elsif war_file = Dir.glob("#{path}/*.war").first CFoundry::Zip.unpack(war_file, to) else check_unreachable_links(path) FileUtils.mkdir(to) files = Dir.glob("#{path}/{*,.[^\.]*}") exclude = UPLOAD_EXCLUDE if File.exists?("#{path}/.vmcignore") exclude +="#{path}/.vmcignore").split(/\n+/) end # prevent initial copying if we can, remove sub-files later files.reject! do |f| exclude.any? do |e| File.fnmatch(f.sub(path + "/", ""), e) end end FileUtils.cp_r(files, to) find_sockets(to).each do |s| File.delete s end # remove ignored globs more thoroughly # # note that the above file list only includes toplevel # files/directories for cp_r, so this is where sub-files/etc. are # removed exclude.each do |e| Dir.glob("#{to}/#{e}").each do |f| FileUtils.rm_rf(f) end end end end RESOURCE_CHECK_LIMIT = 64 * 1024 def determine_resources(path) fingerprints = [] total_size = 0 Dir.glob("#{path}/**/*", File::FNM_DOTMATCH) do |filename| next if size = File.size(filename) total_size += size fingerprints << { :size => size, :sha1 => Digest::SHA1.file(filename).hexdigest, :fn => filename } end return if total_size <= RESOURCE_CHECK_LIMIT resources = resources.each do |resource| FileUtils.rm_f resource["fn"] resource["fn"].sub!("#{path}/", '') end resources end def check_unreachable_links(path) files = Dir.glob("#{path}/**/*", File::FNM_DOTMATCH) # only used for friendlier error message pwd = Pathname.pwd abspath = File.expand_path(path) unreachable = [] files.each do |f| file = if file.symlink? && !file.realpath.to_s.start_with?(abspath) unreachable << file.relative_path_from(pwd) end end unless unreachable.empty? root = raise "Can't deploy application containing links '#{unreachable}' that reach outside its root '#{root}'" end end def find_sockets(path) files = Dir.glob("#{path}/**/*", File::FNM_DOTMATCH) files && { |f| File.socket? f } end class Instance attr_reader :app, :index, :manifest def initialize(appname, index, client, manifest = {}) @app = appname @index = index @client = client @manifest = manifest end def inspect "#" end def state @manifest["state"] end alias_method :status, :state def since["since"]) end def debugger return unless @manifest["debug_ip"] and @manifest["debug_port"] { "ip" => @manifest["debug_ip"], "port" => @manifest["debug_port"] } end def console return unless @manifest["console_ip"] and @manifest["console_port"] { "ip" => @manifest["console_ip"], "port" => @manifest["console_port"] } end def healthy? case state when "STARTING", "RUNNING" true when "DOWN", "FLAPPING" false end end def files(*path), @index, *path).split("\n").collect do |entry| path + [entry.split(/\s+/, 2)[0]] end end def file(*path), @index, *path) end end end end