#------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright 2013 Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- require 'azure/core' module Azure module BaseManagement module Serialization extend Azure::Core::Utility def self.locations_from_xml(locationXML) location_objs = [] xml = locationXML.css('Locations Location') xml.each do |meta_node| loc = Location.new loc.name = xml_content(meta_node, 'Name') available_services = meta_node.css('AvailableServices').children loc.available_services = available_services.to_ary.join(', ') role_sizes = [] meta_node.css('VirtualMachinesRoleSizes RoleSize').each do | role_size_node | role_sizes << role_size_node.text end loc.role_sizes = role_sizes location_objs << loc end location_objs end def self.affinity_group_to_xml(name, location, label, options = {}) builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml| xml.CreateAffinityGroup( 'xmlns' => 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure' ) do xml.Name name xml.Label Base64.encode64(label).strip xml.Description options[:description] xml.Location location end end builder.doc.to_xml end def self.affinity_groups_from_xml(affinity_xml) affinity_groups = [] affinity_group_services_xml = affinity_xml.css( 'AffinityGroups AffinityGroup' ) affinity_group_services_xml.each do |ag_xml| affinity_group = AffinityGroup.new affinity_group.name = xml_content(ag_xml, 'Name') affinity_group.label = Base64.decode64(xml_content(ag_xml, 'Label')) affinity_group.description = xml_content(ag_xml, 'Description') affinity_group.location = xml_content(ag_xml, 'Location') capabilities = ag_xml.css('Capabilities Capability') affinity_group.capability = capabilities.map { |x| x.content } affinity_groups << affinity_group end affinity_groups.compact end def self.affinity_group_from_xml(affinity_xml) hosted_services_xml = affinity_xml.css( 'AffinityGroup HostedServices HostedService' ) storage_services_xml = affinity_xml.css( 'AffinityGroup StorageServices StorageService' ) capability_xml = affinity_xml.css( 'AffinityGroup Capabilities Capability' ) AffinityGroup.new do |affinity_group| affinity_group.name = xml_content( affinity_xml, 'AffinityGroup Name' ) affinity_group.label = Base64.decode64( xml_content( affinity_xml, 'AffinityGroup Label' ) ) affinity_group.description = xml_content( affinity_xml, 'AffinityGroup Description' ) affinity_group.location = xml_content( affinity_xml, 'AffinityGroup Location' ) affinity_group.hosted_services = [] hosted_services_xml.each do |hosted_service_xml| affinity_group.hosted_services << { url: xml_content(hosted_service_xml, 'Url'), service_name: xml_content(hosted_service_xml, 'ServiceName') } end affinity_group.storage_services = [] storage_services_xml.each do |storage_service_xml| affinity_group.storage_services << { url: xml_content(storage_service_xml, 'Url'), service_name: xml_content(storage_service_xml, 'ServiceName') } end affinity_group.capability = capability_xml.map { |x| x.content } end end def self.resource_to_xml(label, options = {}) builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml| xml.UpdateAffinityGroup( 'xmlns' => 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure' ) do xml.Label Base64.encode64(label).strip xml.Description options[:description] if options[:description] end end builder.doc.to_xml end end end end