module ActiveAdminImport module DSL # Declares import functionality # # Options # +back+:: resource action to redirect after processing # +col_sep+:: column separator used for CSV parsing (deprecated) # +row_sep+:: column separator used for CSV parsing (deprecated) # +csv_options+:: hash to override default CSV options # +validate+:: true|false, means perfoem validations or not # +batch_size+:: integer value of max record count inserted by 1 query/transaction # +before_import+:: proc for before import action, hook called with importer object # +after_import+:: proc for after import action, hook called with importer object # +before_batch_import+:: proc for before each batch action, called with importer object # +after_batch_import+:: proc for after each batch action, called with importer object # +on_duplicate_key_update+:: an Array or Hash, tells activerecord-import to use MySQL's ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ability. # +timestamps+:: true|false, tells activerecord-import to not add timestamps (if false) even if record timestamps is disabled in ActiveRecord::Base # +ignore+:: true|false, tells activerecord-import to use MySQL's INSERT IGNORE ability # +template+:: custom template rendering # +template_object+:: object passing to view # +resource_class+:: resource class name, override to import to another table (default config.resource_class) # +resource_label+:: resource label value (default config.resource_label) # +plural_resource_label+:: plaralized resource label value (default config.plural_resource_label) # def active_admin_import options = {} default_options = { back: {action: :import}, csv_options: {}, template: "admin/import", resource_class: config.resource_class, resource_label: config.resource_label, plural_resource_label: config.plural_resource_label, headers_rewrites: {} } options = default_options.deep_merge(options) options[:template_object] = if options[:template_object].blank? params_key = ActiveModel::Naming.param_key(options[:template_object]) collection_action :import, method: :get do @active_admin_import_model = options[:template_object] render template: options[:template] end action_item only: :index do link_to(I18n.t('active_admin_import.import_model', model: options[:resource_label]), action: 'import') end collection_action :do_import, method: :post do @active_admin_import_model = options[:template_object] @active_admin_import_model.assign_attributes(params[params_key].try(:deep_symbolize_keys) || {}) #go back to form return render template: options[:template] unless @active_admin_import_model.valid? importer =[:resource_class], @active_admin_import_model, options ) begin result = importer.import model_name = options[:resource_label].downcase plural_model_name = options[:resource_label].downcase flash[:notice] = I18n.t('active_admin_import.imported', count: result[:imported].to_i, model: model_name, plural_model: plural_model_name ) if result[:imported].to_i > 0 flash[:error] = I18n.t('active_admin_import.failed', count: result[:failed].count, model: model_name, plural_model: plural_model_name ) if result[:failed].count > 0 rescue ActiveRecord::Import::MissingColumnError => e flash[:error] = e.message end redirect_to options[:back] end end end end