require 'fileutils' require 'simple_shell' require 'strscan' class Heidi # A very simple interface to git base on SimpleShell, no library ties and no # fancy stuff # class Git VERBOSE=false def initialize(path=Dir.pwd, verbose=VERBOSE) @path = path SimpleShell.noisy = verbose @shell = end # get the latest commit hash def commit res = @shell.git "log", "-n", "1", "--pretty=format:%H" res.out end alias_method :HEAD, :commit alias_method :head, :commit # find the current branch (the one with the *) def branch res = @shell.git "branch", "--no-color" active = res.out.scan(/\* \w+/).first active.scan(/\w+$/).first end # git branch def branches res = @shell.git "branch", "--no-color" res.out.split("\n").collect{ |b| b.gsub(/^[\s*]+/, '') } end # git checkout $name def switch(name) return nil unless branches.include?(name) @shell.git "checkout", name end # git checkout -b $name [$base] def checkout(name, base=nil) command = [ "git", "checkout", "-b", name ] command << base unless base.nil? @shell.system(*command) end # git merge $base def merge(base) @shell.git %W(merge #{base}) end # git fetch $where='origin' def fetch(where="origin") @shell.git %W(fetch #{where}) end # git pull $where='origin' [$what] def pull(where="origin", what=nil) command = [ "git", "pull", where ] command << what if !what.nil? @shell.system(*command) end # git push $where [$what] # # $what may be '--tags' # def push(where="origin", what=nil) command = [ "git", "push", where ] if !what.nil? if what == "--tags" command.insert(2, what) else command << what end end @shell.system(*command) end # git tags def tags res = @shell.system("git", "tag") res.out.split("\n") end # git tag -a -m $message $name def tag(name, message) command = [ "git", "tag", "-a", "-m", message, name ] if tags.include?(name) command.insert(4, "-f") end @shell.system(*command) end def log(amount, format=nil, commit=nil) args = %W(log -n#{amount}) if !format.nil? && format !~ /\%/ commit = format format = nil end args << "--pretty=#{format}" unless format.nil? args << commit unless commit.nil? @shell.git(args).out end def graph(amount=40) @shell.git %W(log -n#{amount} --color --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit) end # git config $key $value def []=(key, value) @shell.system("git", "config", "heidi.#{key}", value) end # git config $key def [](key) @shell.system("git", "config", "heidi.#{key}").out end end end