# lib/gemwarrior/evaluator.rb # Evaluates prompt input require_relative 'arena' require_relative 'game_options' module Gemwarrior class Evaluator # CONSTANTS PROGRAM_NAME = 'Gem Warrior' QUIT_MESSAGE = 'Thanks for playing the game. Until next time...'.colorize(:yellow) RESUME_MESSAGE = 'Back to adventuring!'.colorize(:green) GO_PARAMS = 'Options: north, east, south, west' CHANGE_PARAMS = 'Options: name' DEBUG_LIST_PARAMS = 'Options: monsters, items, locations' DEBUG_STAT_PARAMS = 'Options: hp_cur, atk_lo, atk_hi, experience, rox, strength, dexterity, defense, inventory' ERROR_COMMAND_INVALID = 'That is not something the game yet understands.' ERROR_LOOK_AT_PARAM_MISSING = 'You cannot just "look at". You gotta choose something to look at.' ERROR_TALK_PARAM_INVALID = 'Are you talking to yourself? That person is not here.' ERROR_TALK_PARAM_UNTALKABLE = 'That cannnot be conversed with.' ERROR_TALK_TO_PARAM_MISSING = 'You cannot just "talk to". You gotta choose someone to talk to.' ERROR_GO_PARAM_MISSING = 'Just wander aimlessly? A direction would be nice.' ERROR_GO_PARAM_INVALID = 'The place in that direction is far, far, FAR too dangerous. You should try a different way.' ERROR_DIRECTION_PARAM_INVALID = 'You cannot go to that place.' ERROR_ATTACK_PARAM_MISSING = 'You cannot just "attack". You gotta choose something to attack.' ERROR_ATTACK_PARAM_INVALID = 'That monster does not exist here or can\'t be attacked.' ERROR_TAKE_PARAM_MISSING = 'You cannot just "take". You gotta choose something to take.' ERROR_USE_PARAM_MISSING = 'You cannot just "use". You gotta choose something to use.' ERROR_USE_PARAM_INVALID = 'You cannot use that, as it does not exist here or in your inventory.' ERROR_USE_PARAM_UNUSEABLE = 'That object is not useable.' ERROR_DROP_PARAM_MISSING = 'You cannot just "drop". You gotta choose something to drop.' ERROR_EQUIP_PARAM_MISSING = 'You cannot just "equip". You gotta choose something to equip.' ERROR_UNEQUIP_PARAM_MISSING = 'You cannot just "unequip". You gotta choose something to unequip.' ERROR_CHANGE_PARAM_MISSING = 'You cannot just "change". You gotta choose something to change.' ERROR_CHANGE_PARAM_INVALID = 'You cannot change that...yet.' ERROR_LIST_PARAM_MISSING = 'You cannot just "list". You gotta choose something to list.' ERROR_LIST_PARAM_INVALID = 'You cannot list that...yet.' ERROR_DEBUG_STAT_PARAM_MISSING = 'You cannot just "change stats". You gotta choose a stat to change.' ERROR_DEBUG_STAT_PARAM_INVALID = 'You cannot change that stat...yet.' ERROR_DEBUG_TELEPORT_PARAMS_MISSING = 'You cannot just "teleport". You gotta specify an x AND y coordinate, at least.' ERROR_DEBUG_TELEPORT_PARAMS_NEEDED = 'You cannot just "teleport" to an x coordinate without a y coordinate.' ERROR_DEBUG_TELEPORT_PARAMS_INVALID = 'You cannot teleport there...yet.' attr_accessor :world, :commands, :aliases, :extras, :cmd_descriptions, :devcommands, :devaliases, :devextras, :devcmd_descriptions def initialize(world) self.world = world self.devcommands = %w(god beast list vars map stat teleport spawn levelbump restfight) self.devaliases = %w(gd bs ls vs m st tp sp lb rf) self.devextras = %w() self.devcmd_descriptions = [ 'Toggle god mode (i.e. invincible)', 'Toggle beast mode (i.e. super strength)', 'List all instances of a specific entity type', 'List all the variables in the world', 'Show a map of the world', 'Change player stat', 'Teleport to coordinates (5 0 0) or name (\'Home\')', 'Spawn random monster', 'Bump your character to the next level', 'Rest, but ensure battle for testing' ] self.commands = %w(character inventory rest look take talk use drop equip unequip go north east south west attack change version checkupdate help quit quit!) self.aliases = %w(c i r l t tk u d eq ue g n e s w a ch v cu h q qq) self.extras = %w(exit exit! x xx fight f ? ?? ???) self.cmd_descriptions = [ 'Display character information', 'Look in your inventory', 'Take a load off and regain HP', 'Look around your current location', 'Take item', 'Talk to person', 'Use item (in inventory or environment)', 'Drop item', 'Equip item', 'Unequip item', 'Go in a direction', 'Go north (shortcut)', 'Go east (shortcut)', 'Go south (shortcut)', 'Go west (shortcut)', 'Attack a monster (also fight)', 'Change something', 'Display game version', 'Check for newer game releases', 'This help menu (also ?)', 'Quit w/ confirmation (also exit/x)', 'Quit w/o confirmation (also exit!/xx)' ] end def evaluate(input) case input # Ctrl-D or empty command when nil, '' return # real command else tokens = input.split unless input_valid?(input) return ERROR_COMMAND_INVALID end end command = tokens.first.downcase param1 = tokens[1] param2 = tokens[2] param3 = tokens[3] # dev commands if GameOptions.data['debug_mode'] case command when 'god', 'gd' GameOptions.data['god_mode'] = !GameOptions.data['god_mode'] return "God mode set to #{GameOptions.data['god_mode']}" when 'beast', 'bs' GameOptions.data['beast_mode'] = !GameOptions.data['beast_mode'] return "Beast mode set to #{GameOptions.data['beast_mode']}" when 'vars', 'vs' world.print_vars when 'list', 'ls' if param1.nil? puts ERROR_LIST_PARAM_MISSING return DEBUG_LIST_PARAMS else return world.list(param1, param2) end when 'map', 'm' world.print_map(param1) when 'stat', 'st' if param1.nil? puts ERROR_DEBUG_STAT_PARAM_MISSING return DEBUG_STAT_PARAMS else case param1 when 'hp_cur', 'hp' unless param2.nil? param2 = param2.to_i if param2.is_a? Numeric if param2 > 0 world.player.hp_cur = param2 end end end when 'atk_lo' unless param2.nil? param2 = param2.to_i if param2.is_a? Numeric if param2 >= 0 world.player.atk_lo = param2 end end end when 'atk_hi' unless param2.nil? param2 = param2.to_i if param2.is_a? Numeric if param2 >= 0 world.player.atk_hi = param2 end end end when 'strength', 'str', 'st' unless param2.nil? param2 = param2.to_i if param2.is_a? Numeric if param2 >= 0 world.player.atk_lo = param2 world.player.atk_hi = param2 end end end when 'dexterity', 'dex' unless param2.nil? param2 = param2.to_i if param2.is_a? Numeric if param2 >= 0 world.player.dexterity = param2 end end end when 'defense', 'def' unless param2.nil? param2 = param2.to_i if param2.is_a? Numeric if param2 >= 0 world.player.defense = param2 end end end when 'rox', 'r', '$' unless param2.nil? param2 = param2.to_i if param2.is_a? Numeric if param2 >= 0 world.player.rox = param2 end end end when 'experience', 'xp' unless param2.nil? param2 = param2.to_i if param2.is_a? Numeric if param2 >= 0 world.player.xp = param2 end end end when 'inventory', 'inv' unless param2.nil? world.player.inventory.items.push(eval(param2).new) end else return ERROR_DEBUG_STAT_PARAM_INVALID end end when 'spawn', 'sp' cur_loc = world.location_by_coords(world.player.cur_coords) cur_loc.populate_monsters(world.monsters, true) return world.describe(cur_loc) when 'teleport', 'tp' if param1.nil? return ERROR_DEBUG_TELEPORT_PARAMS_MISSING else if (param1.to_i.to_s == param1) # we got at least an x coordinate if (param2.to_i.to_s == param2) # we got a y coordinate, too x_coord = param1.to_i y_coord = param2.to_i # grab the z coordinate, if present, otherwise default to current level z_coord = param3.to_i.to_s == param3 ? param3.to_i : world.player.cur_coords[:z] # check to make sure new location exists if world.location_by_coords(x: x_coord, y: y_coord, z: z_coord) world.player.cur_coords = {x: x_coord, y: y_coord, z: z_coord} else return ERROR_DEBUG_TELEPORT_PARAMS_INVALID end else # we only got an x coordinate return ERROR_DEBUG_TELEPORT_PARAMS_NEEDED end else # we got a place name instead, potentially place_to_match = tokens[1..tokens.length].join(' ').downcase locations = [] world.locations.each do |l| locations << l.name.downcase end if locations.include?(place_to_match) world.player.cur_coords = world.location_coords_by_name(place_to_match) else return ERROR_DEBUG_TELEPORT_PARAMS_INVALID end end # stats world.player.movements_made += 1 Animation::run(phrase: '** TELEPORT! **', speed: :insane) return world.describe(world.location_by_coords(world.player.cur_coords)) end when 'levelbump', 'lb' world.player.update_stats(reason: :level_bump, value: 1) when 'restfight', 'rf' result = world.player.rest(world, 0, true) if result.eql?('death') player_death_resurrection end end end # normal commands case command when 'character', 'c' # bypass puts so it prints out with newlines properly print world.player.check_self(GameOptions.data['debug_mode']) when 'inventory', 'i' if param1 world.player.inventory.describe_item(param1) else world.player.list_inventory end when 'rest', 'r' tent_uses = 0 player_inventory = world.player.inventory.items location_inventory = world.location_by_coords(world.player.cur_coords).items if player_inventory.map(&:name).include?('tent') player_inventory.each do |i| if i.name.eql?('tent') if i.number_of_uses > 0 result = i.use(world.player) tent_uses = i.number_of_uses i.number_of_uses -= 1 puts ">> tent can be used when resting #{i.number_of_uses} more time(s)." end end end elsif location_inventory.map(&:name).include?('tent') location_inventory.each do |i| if i.name.eql?('tent') if i.number_of_uses > 0 result = i.use(world.player) tent_uses = i.number_of_uses i.number_of_uses -= 1 puts ">> tent can be used when resting #{i.number_of_uses} more time(s)." end end end end result = world.player.rest(world, tent_uses) if result.eql?('death') player_death_resurrection else result end when 'look', 'l' if param1 if param1.eql?('at') if param2 param1 = param2 else return ERROR_LOOK_AT_PARAM_MISSING end end world.describe_entity(world.location_by_coords(world.player.cur_coords), param1) else world.describe(world.location_by_coords(world.player.cur_coords)) end when 'take', 't' if param1.nil? ERROR_TAKE_PARAM_MISSING else world.player.inventory.add_item(world.location_by_coords(world.player.cur_coords), param1, world.player) end when 'talk', 'tk' if param1.nil? return ERROR_USE_PARAM_MISSING elsif param1.eql?('to') if param2 param1 = param2 else return ERROR_TALK_TO_PARAM_MISSING end end person_name = param1 result = nil player_inventory = world.player.inventory.items location = world.location_by_coords(world.player.cur_coords) location_inventory = location.items if player_inventory.map(&:name).include?(person_name) player_inventory.each do |person| if person.name.eql?(person_name) if person.talkable result = person.use(world.player) else return ERROR_TALK_PARAM_UNTALKABLE end end end elsif location_inventory.map(&:name).include?(person_name) location_inventory.each do |person| if person.name.eql?(person_name) if person.talkable result = person.use(world.player) else return ERROR_TALK_PARAM_UNTALKABLE end end end end return ERROR_TALK_PARAM_INVALID if result.nil? case result[:type] when 'arena' arena_result = Arena.new(world: world, player: world.player) arena_result = arena.start if arena_result.eql?('death') player_death_resurrection end when 'purchase' result[:data].each do |i| world.player.inventory.items.push(i) end return end when 'use', 'u' if param1.nil? ERROR_USE_PARAM_MISSING else item_name = param1 result = nil player_inventory = world.player.inventory.items location = world.location_by_coords(world.player.cur_coords) location_inventory = location.items if player_inventory.map(&:name).include?(item_name) player_inventory.each do |i| if i.name.eql?(item_name) if i.useable if !i.number_of_uses.nil? if i.number_of_uses > 0 result = i.use(world.player) i.number_of_uses -= 1 puts ">> #{i.name} can be used #{i.number_of_uses} more time(s)." else return ">> #{i.name} cannot be used anymore." end elsif i.consumable result = i.use(world.player) world.player.inventory.remove_item(i.name) else result = i.use(world.player) end else return ERROR_USE_PARAM_UNUSEABLE end end end elsif location_inventory.map(&:name).include?(item_name) location_inventory.each do |i| if i.name.eql?(item_name) if i.useable if !i.number_of_uses.nil? if i.number_of_uses > 0 result = i.use(world.player) i.number_of_uses -= 1 puts ">> #{i.name} can be used #{i.number_of_uses} more time(s)." else return ">> #{i.name} cannot be used anymore." end elsif i.consumable result = i.use(world.player) location.remove_item(i.name) else result = i.use(world.player) end else return ERROR_USE_PARAM_UNUSEABLE end end end end if result.nil? ERROR_USE_PARAM_INVALID else case result[:type] when 'move' world.player.cur_coords = world.location_coords_by_name(result[:data]) world.describe(world.location_by_coords(world.player.cur_coords)) when 'move_dangerous' world.player.take_damage(rand(0..2)) world.player.cur_coords = world.location_coords_by_name(result[:data]) world.describe(world.location_by_coords(world.player.cur_coords)) when 'dmg' world.player.take_damage(result[:data]) return when 'rest', 'health' world.player.heal_damage(result[:data]) return when 'xp' world.player.update_stats(reason: :xp, value: result[:data]) return when 'tent' world.player.rest(world, result[:data]) when 'action' case result[:data] when 'map' world.print_map(world.player.cur_coords[:z]) end when 'arena' arena = Arena.new(world: world, player: world.player) result = arena.start if result.eql?('death') player_death_resurrection end when 'item' world.location_by_coords(world.player.cur_coords).add_item(result[:data]) return when 'purchase' result[:data].each do |i| world.player.inventory.items.push(i) end return else return end end end when 'drop', 'd' if param1.nil? ERROR_DROP_PARAM_MISSING else world.player.inventory.drop_item(param1) end when 'equip', 'eq' if param1.nil? ERROR_EQUIP_PARAM_MISSING else world.player.inventory.equip_item(param1) end when 'unequip', 'ue' if param1.nil? ERROR_UNEQUIP_PARAM_MISSING else world.player.inventory.unequip_item(param1) end when 'go', 'g' if param1.nil? puts ERROR_GO_PARAM_MISSING GO_PARAMS else direction = param1 try_to_move_player(direction) end when 'n' if param1 ERROR_DIRECTION_PARAM_INVALID else try_to_move_player('north') end when 'e' if param1 ERROR_DIRECTION_PARAM_INVALID else try_to_move_player('east') end when 's' if param1 ERROR_DIRECTION_PARAM_INVALID else try_to_move_player('south') end when 'w' if param1 ERROR_DIRECTION_PARAM_INVALID else try_to_move_player('west') end when 'attack', 'a', 'fight', 'f' if param1.nil? ERROR_ATTACK_PARAM_MISSING else monster_name = param1 if world.has_monster_to_attack?(monster_name) monster = world.location_by_coords(world.player.cur_coords).monster_by_name(monster_name) result = world.player.attack(world, monster) if result.eql?('death') player_death_resurrection elsif result.eql?('exit') return 'exit' end else ERROR_ATTACK_PARAM_INVALID end end when 'change', 'ch' if param1.nil? puts ERROR_CHANGE_PARAM_MISSING CHANGE_PARAMS else case param1 when 'name' world.player.modify_name else ERROR_CHANGE_PARAM_INVALID end end when 'help', 'h', '?', '??', '???' list_commands when 'version', 'v' Gemwarrior::VERSION when 'checkupdate', 'cu' 'checkupdate' when 'quit', 'exit', 'q', 'x' print 'You sure you want to quit? (y/n) ' response = gets.chomp.downcase case answer when 'y', 'yes' puts QUIT_MESSAGE return 'exit' else puts RESUME_MESSAGE end when 'quit!', 'exit!', 'qq', 'xx' puts QUIT_MESSAGE return 'exit' else return end end private def try_to_move_player(direction) if world.can_move?(direction) world.player.go(world.locations, direction) world.location_by_coords(world.player.cur_coords).checked_for_monsters = false world.describe(world.location_by_coords(world.player.cur_coords)) else return ERROR_GO_PARAM_INVALID end end def player_death_resurrection Music::cue([ { frequencies: 'D#5', duration: 100 }, { frequencies: 'A4', duration: 150 }, { frequencies: 'F#4', duration: 200 }, { frequencies: 'F4', duration: 1000 } ]) puts 'Somehow, though, your adventure does not end here!'.colorize(:yellow) puts 'Instead, you are whisked back home via some magical force.'.colorize(:yellow) puts 'A bit worse for the weary and somewhat poorer, but you are ALIVE!'.colorize(:yellow) world.player.hp_cur = 1 world.player.rox -= (world.player.rox * 0.1).to_i if world.player.rox < 0 world.player.rox = 0 end world.player.cur_coords = world.location_coords_by_name('Home') world.describe(world.location_by_coords(world.player.cur_coords)) world.player.deaths += 1 return end def print_separator puts "=========================================================" end def list_commands i = 0 print_separator puts ' COMMAND | ALIAS | DESCRIPTION ' print_separator commands.each do |cmd| puts " #{cmd.ljust(11)} | #{aliases[i].ljust(5)} | #{cmd_descriptions[i]}" i += 1 end print_separator if GameOptions.data['debug_mode'] puts ' DEBUG COMMANDS' print_separator i = 0 devcommands.each do |cmd| puts " #{cmd.ljust(11)} | #{devaliases[i].ljust(5)} | #{devcmd_descriptions[i]}" i += 1 end print_separator end end def input_valid?(input) tokens = input.split command = tokens[0] commands_and_aliases = commands | aliases | extras if GameOptions.data['debug_mode'] commands_and_aliases = commands_and_aliases | devcommands | devaliases | devextras end if commands_and_aliases.include?(command.downcase) if tokens.size.between?(1, 4) return true end elsif tokens.empty? return true end end end end