# encoding: utf-8 require 'travis/cli' require 'travis/tools/system' require 'securerandom' require 'openssl' require 'digest' require 'shellwords' module Travis module CLI class EncryptFile < RepoCommand attr_accessor :stage description 'encrypts a file and adds decryption steps to .travis.yml' on '-K', '--key KEY', 'encryption key to be used (randomly generated otherwise)' on '--iv IV', 'encryption IV to be used (randomly generated otherwise)' on '-d', '--decrypt', 'decrypt the file instead of encrypting it, requires key and iv' on '-f', '--force', 'override output file if it exists' on '-p', '--print-key', 'print (possibly generated) key and iv' on '-w', '--decrypt-to PATH', 'where to write the decrypted file to on the Travis CI VM' on '-a', '--add [STAGE]', 'automatically add command to .travis.yml (default stage is before_install)' do |c, stage| c.stage = stage || 'before_install' end def run(input_path, output_path = nil) confirm = force_interactive.nil? || force_interactive self.decrypt_to ||= decrypt_to_for(input_path) output_path ||= File.basename(output_path_for(input_path)) self.output = $stdout.tty? ? StringIO.new : $stderr if output_path == '-' result = transcode(input_path) if output_path == '-' $stdout.puts result else say "storing result as #{color(output_path, :info)}" write_file(output_path, result, force) return if decrypt? error "requires --decrypt-to option when reading from stdin" unless decrypt_to? set_env_vars(input_path) command = decrypt_command(output_path) stage ? store_command(command, confirm) : print_command(command) notes(input_path, output_path) end end def setup super self.key ||= SecureRandom.hex(32) unless decrypt? self.iv ||= SecureRandom.hex(16) unless decrypt? error "key must be 64 characters long and a valid hex number" unless key =~ /^[a-f0-9]{64}$/ error "iv must be 32 characters long and a valid hex number" unless iv =~ /^[a-f0-9]{32}$/ end def print_command(command) empty_line say command, template(__FILE__) end def store_command(command, confirm) travis_config[stage] = Array(travis_config[stage]) travis_config[stage].delete(command) travis_config[stage].unshift(command) confirm_and_save_travis_config confirm end def decrypt_command(path) "openssl aes-256-cbc -K $#{env_name(path, :key)} -iv $#{env_name(path, :iv)} -in #{escape_path(path)} -out #{escape_path(decrypt_to)} -d" end def set_env_vars(input_path) say "storing secure env variables for decryption" repository.env_vars.upsert env_name(input_path, :key), key, :public => false repository.env_vars.upsert env_name(input_path, :iv), iv, :public => false end def env_name(input_path, name) @env_prefix ||= "encrypted_#{Digest.hexencode(Digest::SHA1.digest(input_path)[0..5])}" "#{@env_prefix}_#{name}" end def notes(input_path, output_path) say "\nkey: #{color(key, :info)}\niv: #{color(iv, :info)}" if print_key? empty_line say "Make sure to add #{color(output_path, :info)} to the git repository." say "Make sure #{color("not", :underline)} to add #{color(input_path, :info)} to the git repository." if input_path != '-' say "Commit all changes to your #{color('.travis.yml', :info)}." end def transcode(input_path) description = "stdin#{' (waiting for input)' if $stdin.tty?}" if input_path == '-' say "#{decrypt ? "de" : "en"}crypting #{color(description || input_path, :info)} for #{color(slug, :info)}" data = input_path == '-' ? $stdin.read : File.binread(input_path) aes = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('AES-256-CBC') decrypt ? aes.decrypt : aes.encrypt aes.key = [key].pack('H*') aes.iv = [iv].pack('H*') aes.update(data) + aes.final end def decrypt_to_for(input_path) return if input_path == '-' if input_path.start_with? Dir.home input_path.sub(Dir.home, '~') else input_path end end def escape_path(path) Shellwords.escape(path).sub(/^\\~\//, '~\/') end def output_path_for(input_path) case input_path when '-' then return '-' when /^(.+)\.enc$/ then return $1 if decrypt? when /^(.+)\.dec$/ then return $1 unless decrypt? end if interactive? and input_path =~ /(\.enc|\.dec)$/ exit 1 unless danger_zone? "File extension of input file is #{color($1, :info)}, are you sure that is correct?" end "#{input_path}.#{decrypt ? 'dec' : 'enc'}" end end end end __END__ Please add the following to your build script (<[[ color('before_install', :info) ]]> stage in your <[[ color('.travis.yml', :info) ]]>, for instance): %s Pro Tip: You can add it automatically by running with <[[ color('--add', :info) ]]>.