%@ CodeTemplate Language="C#" TargetLanguage="C#" Description="Basic Mock Object template." %>
<%@ Property Name="Interface" Type="System.String" Category="Options" Description="Interface to mock" %>
<%@ Property Name="Namespace" Type="System.String" Category="Options" Description="Namespace of the wrapped class" %>
<%@ Property Name="MockNamespace" Type="System.String" Category="Options" Description="Namespace of the wrapped class" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Reflection" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Collections" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Collections.Specialized" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.IO" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.ComponentModel.Design" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Drawing.Design" %>
<%@ Assembly Name="AssemblyHelper"%>
<%@ Assembly Name="System.Design"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="AssemblyHelper" %>
using System;
using DotNetMock;
using <%= Namespace %>
namespace <%= MockNamespace %>
/// Mock of the <%= SeeInterface %> interface.
/// This class was generated and needs some work :)
public class <%= MockClass %> : <%= Interface %>, MockObject
#region Private fields
<% foreach(ExpectationEntry ep in this.expectations){%>
private <%= ep.ExpectedType %> <%= ep.FieldName %> = new <%= ep.ExpectedType %>("<%= MockClass %>.<%= ep.Name %>");
#region MockObject
/// Default Constructor
public <%= MockClass %>() {}
/// Constructor. Sets the name of this
/// Name of this MockObject
public <%= MockClass %>(string name)
<% foreach(ExpectationEntry ep in this.expectations){%>
/// Sets the ... affected
/// Expected value.
public void <%= ep.MethodName() %>(<%= ep.ValueType %> expected)
this.<%= ep.Name %>.Expected = expected;
this.NotImplemented("Set<%= ep.MethodName() %>");
#region <%= Interface %> members
<% foreach(MethodInfo mi in this.InterfaceType.GetMethods()){
if (mi.Name.StartsWith("get_") || mi.Name.StartsWith("set_"))
<%= mi.ReturnType %> <%= this.InterfaceType.Name %>.<%= mi.Name %>(<%= MethodParameters(mi) %>)
this.NotImplemented("<%= mi.Name %>");
<% }%>
<% foreach(PropertyInfo pi in this.InterfaceType.GetProperties()){%>
<%= pi.PropertyType %> <%= this.InterfaceType.Name %>.<%= pi.Name %><%= PropertyParameters(pi) %>
<% if (pi.CanRead){%>
this.NotImplemented("get <%= pi.Name %>");
<% }
if (pi.CanWrite){%>
this.NotImplemented("set <%= pi.Name %>");
<% }%>
<% }%>
<% foreach(Type it in this.InterfaceType.GetInterfaces()) {%>
#region <%= it.Name %> members
<% foreach(MethodInfo mi in it.GetMethods()){
if (mi.Name.StartsWith("get_") || mi.Name.StartsWith("set_"))
<%= mi.ReturnType %> <%= it.Name %>.<%= mi.Name %>(<%= MethodParameters(mi) %>)
this.NotImplemented("<%= mi.Name %>");
<% }%>
<% foreach(PropertyInfo pi in it.GetProperties()){%>
<%= pi.PropertyType %> <%= it.Name %>.<%= pi.Name %><%= PropertyParameters(pi) %>
<% if (pi.CanRead){%>
this.NotImplemented("get <%= pi.Name %>");
<% }
if (pi.CanWrite){%>
this.NotImplemented("set <%= pi.Name %>");
<% }%>
<% }%>