require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'test_helper.rb')) class SymbolTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @parser = end test "should parse simple symbol" do ast = @parser.parse_string("[test]") assert_equal [[:test]], ast end test "should parse symbol with trailing exclamation mark" do ast = @parser.parse_string("[test!]") assert_equal [[:test!]], ast end test "should parse symbol with trailing question mark" do ast = @parser.parse_string("[test?]") assert_equal [[:test?]], ast end test "should parse symbol containing underscores" do ast = @parser.parse_string("[te__st]") assert_equal [[:te__st]], ast end test "should parse symbol with leading underscores" do ast = @parser.parse_string("[__test]") assert_equal [[:__test]], ast end test "should parse symbol with trailing underscores" do ast = @parser.parse_string("[test__]") assert_equal [[:test__]], ast end test "should parse CamelCase symbol" do ast = @parser.parse_string("[TestSymbol]") assert_equal [[:TestSymbol]], ast end test "should parse complex symbol" do ast = @parser.parse_string("[__TestSymbol_TEST__?]") assert_equal [[:__TestSymbol_TEST__?]], ast end test "should parse symbol containing addition operators" do ast = @parser.parse_string("[+]") assert_equal [[:+]], ast end test "should parse symbol containing multiplication operators" do ast = @parser.parse_string("[*]") assert_equal [[:*]], ast end test "should parse symbol containing subtraction operators" do ast = @parser.parse_string("[-]") assert_equal [[:-]], ast end test "should parse symbol containing division operators" do ast = @parser.parse_string("[/]") assert_equal [[:"/"]], ast end test "should parse symbol containing any character except single and double quotes, backquote, parentheses and comma" do ast = @parser.parse_string("[~1!2@3#4$%5^6&7*890-_+=|\)}({poiuytrewqasdfghjklmnbvcxzZXCVBNMLKJHGFDSAQWERTYUIOP:;/?><]") assert_equal [[:"~1!2@3#4$%5^6&7*890-_+=|\)}({poiuytrewqasdfghjklmnbvcxzZXCVBNMLKJHGFDSAQWERTYUIOP:;/?><"]], ast end end