module Bitbot::Withdraw def on_withdraw(m, args) if args =~ /\s+([\d.]+)\s+([13][0-9a-zA-Z]{26,35})/ satoshi = str_to_satoshi($1) address = $2 user_id = db.get_or_create_user_id_for_username(m.user.nick) # Perform the local transaction in the database. Note that we # don't do the blockchain update in the transaction, because we # don't want to roll back the transaction if the blockchain update # *appears* to fail. It might look like it failed, but really # succeed, letting someone withdraw money twice. begin db.create_transaction_from_withdrawal(user_id, satoshi, withdrawal_fee, address) rescue Bitbot::InsufficientFundsError m.reply "You don't have enough to withdraw #{satoshi_to_str(satoshi)} + 0.0005 tx fee" return end response = blockchain.create_payment(address, satoshi, withdrawal_fee) if response["tx_hash"] m.reply "Sent #{satoshi_with_usd(satoshi)} to #{address.irc(:bold)} " + "in transaction #{response["tx_hash"].irc(:grey)}." else m.reply "Something may have gone wrong with your withdrawal. Please contact " + "your friendly TipJar admin to investigate where your money is." end else m.reply "Usage: withdraw <amount in BTC> <address>" m.reply "#{satoshi_to_str(withdrawal_fee)} BTC will also be withdrawn for the transaction fee." end end end