#= require ./base #= require ./tag @Ultimate.Helpers.RecordTag = div_for: (record, args...) -> @content_tag_for "div", record, args... content_tag_for: (tag_name, single_or_multiple_records, prefix = null, options = null, block = null) -> block = _.outcasts.blockGiven(arguments) if _.isFunction(single_or_multiple_records.map) single_or_multiple_records.map( (single_record) => @content_tag_for_single_record(tag_name, single_record, prefix, options, block) ).join("\n") else @content_tag_for_single_record(tag_name, single_or_multiple_records, prefix, options, block) content_tag_for_single_record: (tag_name, record, prefix, options, block = null) -> [options, prefix] = [prefix, null] if _.isObject(prefix) block = _.outcasts.blockGiven(arguments) options = if _.isObject(options) then _.clone(options) else {} _.extend options, {class: Ultimate.Helpers.Tag.concat_class(@dom_class(record, prefix), options['class']), id: @dom_id(record, prefix)} if block Ultimate.Helpers.Tag.content_tag(tag_name, block(record), options, false) else Ultimate.Helpers.Tag.content_tag(tag_name, block, options, false) # from ActionView::ModelNaming model_name_from_record_or_class: (record_or_class) -> modelClass = record_or_class.constructor ? record_or_class if modelClass? modelClass.modelName or modelClass.className or modelClass.name or 'Model' else 'Model' # ============= from ActionView::RecordIdentifier =============== # The DOM class convention is to use the singular form of an object or class. Examples: # # dom_class(post) # => "post" # dom_class(Person) # => "person" # # If you need to address multiple instances of the same class in the same view, you can prefix the dom_class: # # dom_class(post, 'edit') # => "edit_post" # dom_class(Person, 'edit') # => "edit_person" dom_class: (record_or_class, prefix = "") -> singular = _.result(record_or_class, 'singular') ? _.singularize _.string.underscored( if _.isString(record_or_class) record_or_class else @model_name_from_record_or_class(record_or_class) ) if prefix then "#{prefix}_#{singular}" else singular # The DOM id convention is to use the singular form of an object or class with the id following an underscore. # If no id is found, prefix with "new_" instead. Examples: # # dom_id(Post.find(45)) # => "post_45" # dom_id(new Post) # => "new_post" # # If you need to address multiple instances of the same class in the same view, you can prefix the dom_id: # # dom_id(Post.find(45), "edit") # => "edit_post_45" # TODO sync with rorId and ror_id dom_id: (record, prefix = "") -> if record_id = @_record_key_for_dom_id(record) "#{@dom_class(record, prefix)}_#{record_id}" else @dom_class(record, prefix or "new") # protected _record_key_for_dom_id: (record) -> record.id