=begin Copyright 2010-2015 Tasos Laskos This file is part of the Arachni Framework project and is subject to redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Arachni Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. =end require 'webrick/httpproxy' require 'webrick/https' module Arachni module HTTP # We add our own type of WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer class that does not restrict # header exchange and supports SSL interception. # # SSL interception is achieved by redirecting traffic via a 2nd (SSL enabled) # instance of this server by hijacking the browser's CONNECT request. # # @author Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos class ProxyServer < WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer include Arachni::UI::Output personalize_output CACHE = { format_field_name: Support::Cache::LeastRecentlyPushed.new( 100 ) } SKIP_HEADERS = Set.new( HopByHop | ['content-encoding'] ) INTERCEPTOR_CA_CERTIFICATE = File.dirname( __FILE__ ) + '/proxy_server/ssl-interceptor-cacert.pem' INTERCEPTOR_CA_KEY = File.dirname( __FILE__ ) + '/proxy_server/ssl-interceptor-cakey.pem' # @param [Hash] options # @option options [String] :address ('') # Address to bind to. # @option options [Integer] :port # Port number to listen on -- defaults to a random port. # @option options [Integer] :timeout # HTTP time-out for each request in milliseconds. # @option options [Integer] :concurrency (OptionGroups::HTTP#request_concurrency) # Maximum number of concurrent connections. # @option options [Block] :response_handler # Block to be called to handle each response as it arrives -- will be # passed the request and response. # @option options [Block] :request_handler # Block to be called to handle each request as it arrives -- will be # passed the request and response. # @option options [String] :ssl_certificate # SSL certificate. # @option options [String] :ssl_private_key # SSL private key. def initialize( options = {} ) @options = { address: '', port: Utilities.available_port, ssl_certificate_name: [ [ 'CN', 'Arachni' ] ] }.merge( options ) @logger = WEBrick::Log.new( $stderr, 5 ) # Will force the proxy to stfu. @logger.close if !Arachni::UI::Output.debug?( 3 ) @interceptor_ports = {} @interceptors = {} super( BindAddress: @options[:address], Port: @options[:port], MaxClients: @options[:concurrency] || Options.http.request_concurrency, ProxyVia: false, DoNotReverseLookup: true, AccessLog: [], Logger: @logger, Timeout: @options[:timeout], SSLEnable: @options.include?( :ssl_certificate ) && @options.include?( :ssl_private_key ), SSLCertName: @options[:ssl_certificate_name], SSLCertificate: @options[:ssl_certificate], SSLPrivateKey: @options[:ssl_private_key] ) end # Starts the server without blocking, it'll only block until the server is # up and running and ready to accept connections. def start_async print_debug_level_2 'Starting' Thread.new { start } sleep 0.1 while !running? print_debug_level_2 'Started' nil end # @return [Bool] # `true` if the server is running, `false` otherwise. def running? @status == :Running end # @return [String] Proxy server URL. def address "#{@options[:address]}:#{@options[:port]}" end # @return [Bool] # `true` if the proxy has active connections, `false` otherwise. def has_connections? active_connections != 0 end # @return [Integer] # Amount of active connections. def active_connections @tokens.max - @tokens.size end def shutdown print_debug_level_2 'Shutting down..' print_debug_level_2 "-- Interceptors: #{@interceptors.size}" @interceptors.each do |_, interceptor| print_debug_level_2 "---- Interceptor: #{interceptor}" interceptor.shutdown end super print_debug_level_2 'Shutdown.' end private # Performs a GET request. # # @see Webrick::HTTPProxyServer#proxy_service def do_GET( req, res ) perform_proxy_request( req, res ) do |url, header| Request.new( http_opts( url: url, headers: header ) ) end end # Performs a POST request. # # @see Webrick::HTTPProxyServer#proxy_service def do_POST( req, res ) perform_proxy_request( req, res ) do |url, header| # Don't use the original request's Content-Length, let the HTTP # client handle it. header.delete 'Content-Length' Request.new( http_opts( url: url, method: :post, body: req.body, headers: header ) ) end end # Performs a PUT request. # # @see Webrick::HTTPProxyServer#proxy_service def do_PUT( req, res ) perform_proxy_request( req, res ) do |url, header| Request.new( http_opts( url: url, method: :put, headers: header ) ) end end # Performs a DELETE request. # # @see Webrick::HTTPProxyServer#proxy_service def do_DELETE( req, res ) perform_proxy_request( req, res ) do |url, header| Request.new( http_opts( url: url, method: :delete, headers: header ) ) end end # Performs a HEAD request. # # @see Webrick::HTTPProxyServer#proxy_service def do_HEAD( req, res ) perform_proxy_request( req, res ) do |url, header| Request.new( http_opts( url: url, method: :head, headers: header ) ) end end # Hijacks CONNECT requests and redirects them to our SSL interceptor proxy # which listens on {#interceptor_port}. # # @see #service # @see Webrick::HTTPProxyServer#service def do_CONNECT( req, res ) print_debug_level_2 "[#{__method__}] Start: #{req.unparsed_uri}" host = req.unparsed_uri.split(':').first req.instance_variable_set( :@unparsed_uri, "{interceptor_port( host )}" ) print_debug_level_2 "[#{__method__}] Intercepting via: #{req.unparsed_uri}" start_ssl_interceptor( host ) r = super( req, res ) print_debug_level_2 "[#{__method__}] Done: #{req.unparsed_uri}" r end # @param [Hash] options # Merges the given HTTP options with some default ones. def http_opts( options = {} ) options.merge( performer: self, # Don't follow redirects, the client should handle this. follow_location: false, # Set the HTTP request timeout. timeout: @options[:timeout], # Update the framework-wide cookie-jar with the transmitted cookies. update_cookies: true, # We perform the request in blocking mode, parallelism is up to the # proxy client. mode: :sync, # Don't limit the response size when using the proxy. response_max_size: -1 ) end # Starts the SSL interceptor proxy server. # # The interceptor will listen on {#interceptor_port}. def start_ssl_interceptor( host ) if @interceptors[host] print_debug_level_2 "[#{__method__}] [#{host}] Already started." return @interceptors[host] end if @interceptors[host] == :pending print_debug_level_2 "[#{__method__}] [#{host}] Another is already starting, waiting." sleep 0.1 while @interceptors[host] == :pending print_debug_level_2 "[#{__method__}] [#{host}] Started." return @interceptors[host] end print_debug_level_2 "[#{__method__}] [#{host}] No interceptor available, starting new one." @interceptors[host] = :pending ca = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new( File.read( INTERCEPTOR_CA_CERTIFICATE ) ) ca_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new( File.read( INTERCEPTOR_CA_KEY ) ) keypair = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new( 4096 ) req = OpenSSL::X509::Request.new req.version = 0 req.subject = OpenSSL::X509::Name.parse( "CN=#{host}/subjectAltName=#{host}/O=Arachni/OU=Proxy/L=Athens/ST=Attika/C=GR" ) req.public_key = keypair.public_key req.sign( keypair, OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new ) cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new cert.version = 2 cert.serial = rand( 999999 ) cert.not_before = Time.new cert.not_after = cert.not_before + (60 * 60 * 24 * 365) cert.public_key = req.public_key cert.subject = req.subject cert.issuer = ca.subject ef = OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory.new ef.subject_certificate = cert ef.issuer_certificate = ca cert.extensions = [ ef.create_extension( 'basicConstraints', 'CA:FALSE', true ), ef.create_extension( 'extendedKeyUsage', 'serverAuth', false ), ef.create_extension( 'subjectKeyIdentifier', 'hash' ), ef.create_extension( 'authorityKeyIdentifier', 'keyid:always,issuer:always' ), ef.create_extension( 'keyUsage', 'nonRepudiation,digitalSignature,keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment', true ) ] cert.sign( ca_key, OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new ) # The interceptor is only used for SSL decryption/encryption, the actual # proxy functionality is forwarded to the plain proxy server. interceptor = self.class.new( address: '', port: interceptor_port( host ), ssl_certificate: cert, ssl_private_key: keypair, service_handler: method( :proxy_service ) ) def interceptor.service( request, response ) @options[:service_handler].call( request, response ) end interceptor.start_async @interceptors[host] = interceptor print_debug_level_2 "[#{__method__}] [#{host}] Started." end # @return [Integer] # Picks and stores an available port number for the interceptor. def interceptor_port( host ) @interceptor_ports[host] ||= Utilities.available_port end # Communicates with the endpoint webapp and forwards its responses to the # proxy which then sends it to the browser. def perform_proxy_request( req, res ) print_debug_level_2 "[#{__method__}] Starting: #{req.request_line.strip}" request = yield( req.request_uri.to_s, setup_proxy_header( req, res ) ) response = nil request.headers_string = "#{req.request_line}#{req.raw_header.join}" request.effective_body = req.body if @options[:request_handler] # Provisional empty, response in case the request_handler wants us to # skip performing the request. response = Response.new( url: req.request_uri.to_s ) response.request = request # If the handler returns false then don't perform the HTTP request. if @options[:request_handler].call( request, response ) # Even though it's a blocking request, force it to go through # the HTTP::Client in order to handle cookie update and # fingerprinting handlers. HTTP::Client.queue( request ) response = request.run end else HTTP::Client.queue( request ) response = request.run end if @options[:response_handler] @options[:response_handler].call( request, response ) end print_debug_level_2 "[#{__method__}] Completed: #{req.request_line.strip}" # Disable persistent connections since they're not supported by the # server. res['proxy-connection'] = 'close' res['connection'] = 'close' # Convert Arachni::HTTP::Response to WEBrick::HTTPResponse. res.status = response.code.to_i choose_header( response.headers, res ) # Scrub the existing cookies clean and pass the new ones. response.headers.set_cookie.each { |c| res.cookies << c } res.header.delete( 'set-cookie' ) res.header['content-length'] = response.body.bytesize.to_s res.body = response.body end # Transfers headers from the webapp HTTP response to the Proxy HTTP response. # # @param [#[], #each] src # Headers of the webapp response. # @param [#[]=] dst # Headers of the forwarded/proxy response. def choose_header( src, dst ) connections = Set.new( split_field( [src['connection']].flatten.first ) ) src.each do |key, value| key = key.downcase next if SKIP_HEADERS.include?( key ) || connections.include?( key ) if key == 'cache-control' && value.is_a?( Array ) value = value.join( ', ' ) end dst[self.class.format_field_name( key )] = value end end def self.format_field_name( field ) CACHE[:format_field_name][field] ||= field.split( /_|-/ ).map( &:capitalize ).join( '-' ) end end end end