title: "Options, Parameters, and Arguments"
date: 2019-06-20T15:07:21-04:00
draft: false
pre: "4. "
weight: 40
If you're already an experienced coder, you can jump to the last section of this document, the [Simplified Reference (TLDR)](#simplified-reference-tldr)
## Command Line Structure
In the previous section, you saw two parts of the RBCli command line structure - the executable followed by the command. However, RBCli is capable of more complex interaction. The structure is as follows:
toolname [options] command [parameters] argument1 argument2...
* __Options__ are command line parameters such as `-f`, or `--force`. These are available globally to every command. You can create your own, though several are already built-in and reserved for RBCli:
* `--config-file=` allows specifying a config file location manually.
* `--generate-config` generates a config file for the user by writing out the defaults to a YAML file. This option will only appear if a config file has been set. The location is configurable, with more on that in the documentation on [User Config Files][user_config_documentation]).
* `-v / --version` shows the version.
* `-h / --help` shows the help.
* __Command__ represents the subcommands that you will create, such as `list`, `test`, or `apply`.
* __Parameters__ are the same as options, but only apply to the specific subcommand being executed. In this case only the `-h / --help` parameter is provided automatically.
* __Arguments__ are strings that don't begin with a '-', and are passed to the command's code as an array. These can be used as subcommands or additional parameters for your command.
So a valid command could look something like these:
mytool -n load --filename=foo.txt
mytool parse foo.txt
mytool show -l
Note that all options and parameters will have both a short and long version of the parameter available for use.
So let's take a look at how we define them.
## Options
You can find the options declarations under `application/options.rb`. You'll see the example in the code:
option :name, 'Give me your name', short: 'n', type: :string, default: 'Jack', required: false, permitted: ['Jack', 'Jill']
This won't do for our tool, so let's change it. Remember that these options will be applicable to all of our commands, so lets make it something appropriate:
option :color, 'Enable color output', short: 'c', type: :boolean, default: false
So now, let's take advantage of this flag in our `list` command. Let's change our block to:
action do |params, args, global_opts, config|
Dir.glob "./*" do |filename|
outname = filename.split('/')[1]
outname += '/' if File.directory? filename
# We change the color based on the kind of file shown
if global_opts[:color]
if File.directory? filename
outname = outname.light_blue
elsif File.executable? filename
outname = outname.light_green
puts outname
Notice how we referenced the value by using `global_opts[:color]`. It's that simple. To see it in action, run:
mytool -c list
## Parameters
Parameters work the same way as options, but they are localized to only the selected command. They are declared - as you probably guessed by now - in the command's class. So let's add the following lines to our list command within the class declaration:
parameter :sort, 'Sort output alphabetically', type: :boolean, default: false
parameter :all, 'Show hidden files', type: :boolean, default: false
parameter :directoriesfirst, 'Show directories on top', type: :boolean, default: false
And let's modify our action block to utilize them:
action do |params, args, global_opts, config|
filelist = []
# We include dotfiles if specified
include_dotfiles = (params[:all]) ? File::FNM_DOTMATCH : 0
# We store a list of the files in an array, including dotfiles if specified
Dir.glob "./*", include_dotfiles do |filename|
outname = filename.split('/')[1]
outname += '/' if File.directory? filename
filelist.append outname
# Sort alphabetically if specified
filelist.sort! if params[:sort]
# Put directories first if specified
if params[:directoriesfirst]
files = []; dirs = []
filelist.each do |filename|
if File.directory? filename
filelist = dirs + files
# Apply color. We do this at the end now because color codes can alter the sorting.
filelist.map! do |filename|
if File.directory? filename
elsif File.executable? filename
end if global_opts[:color]
puts filelist
You should be able to run it now:
mytool -c list -asd
Note how the parameters come after the `list` command in the syntax above. As you create more commands, each will have its own unique set of parameters, while the options remain _before_ the command and are available to all of them.
### User Prompting
There is an additional option when declaring parameters to prompt the user for a value if not entered on the command line. This can be done with the `prompt:` keyword. Let's change one of our parameters to utilize it:
parameter :sort, 'Sort output alphabetically', type: :boolean, default: false, prompt: "Sort output alphabetically?"
Now, let's run the tool while omitting the `--sort` parameter, as such:
mytool -c list -ad
This should give you the prompt:
Sort output alphabetically? (y/N):
Because we set the parameter to default to `false` the default here is `N`, which is used if the user hits enter without entering a letter. If the default was set to `true`, then the `Y` would be capitalized and be the default.
For more information, see the documentation on [Interactive Commands][interactive_commands].
## Arguments
Lastly on the command line, there are arguments. Arguments are simply strings without the `-` character in front, and automatically get passed into an array in your applicaiton. Let's take a look at how we can use them.
Unlike options and parameters, arguments require no setup. So let's assume that we want any arguments passed to the `list` command to be filenames that you want to display, and that you can pass multiple ones. Since arguments aren't listed automatically by the help function, this is a good example of what to put in your usage text. Let's take a look at what our class looks like now:
class List < Rbcli::Command
description %q{List files in current directory}
usage <<-EOF
To list only specific files, you can enter filenames as arguments
mytool list filename1 filename2...
parameter :sort, 'Sort output alphabetically', type: :boolean, default: false
parameter :all, 'Show hidden files', type: :boolean, default: false
parameter :directoriesfirst, 'Show directories on top', type: :boolean, default: false
action do |params, args, global_opts, config|
filelist = []
# We include dotfiles if specified
include_dotfiles = (params[:all]) ? File::FNM_DOTMATCH : 0
# We store a list of the files in an array, including dotfiles if specified
Dir.glob "./*", include_dotfiles do |filename|
outname = filename.split('/')[1]
next unless args.include? outname if args.length > 0
outname += '/' if File.directory? filename
filelist.append outname
# Sort alphabetically if specified
filelist.sort! if params[:sort]
# Put directories first if specified
if params[:directoriesfirst]
files = []; dirs = []
filelist.each do |filename|
if File.directory? filename
filelist = dirs + files
# Apply color. We do this at the end because color codes can alter the sorting
filelist.map! do |filename|
if File.directory? filename
elsif File.executable? filename
end if global_opts[:color]
puts filelist
## Simplified Reference (TLDR)
RBCli enforces a CLI structure of:
toolname [options] command [parameters] argument1 argument2...
__Options__ are declared in `application/options.rb` file.
__Parameters__ are declared in the respective command's class declaration.
__Arguments__ don't need to be declared, and are passed in as an array to your commands. It is helpful to describe the argument purpose in the `usage` text declaration so that the user can see what to do in the help.
__Options__ and __parameters__ both use the same format:
option :, "", short: '', type: , default: , permitted: [, "", short: '', type: , default: , permitted: [}}
[regex_explanation]: https://medium.com/factory-mind/regex-tutorial-a-simple-cheatsheet-by-examples-649dc1c3f285
[interactive_commands]: {{< ref "advanced/interactive_commands" >}}