import { CocoComponent } from "@js/coco.js"; import { camelCase } from "lodash"; export default CocoComponent("button", (data = {}) => { return { use: false, options: ["state", "confirm", "size", "disabled", "collapsible"], isCollapsed: false, approving: false, confirmed: true, lastState: null, stateTooltips: data.tooltips || {}, tooltipText: null, ...(data.props || {}), init() { this.lastState = this.state; this.$nextTick(() => { if (this.$options.confirm) { this.confirmed = false; } }); this.$watch("collapsed", (collapsed) => { if (collapsed && !this.collapsible) { this.collapsed = false; return; } this.setTooltipText(); this.$root.setAttribute("data-collapsed", collapsed ? "true" : "false"); }); this.$watch("$options.state", () => this.setTooltipText()); }, setTooltipText() { if (this.disabled) { this.tooltipText = null; return; } const defaultContent = this.$el.getAttribute("data-tippy-content"); const tooltipForState = this.stateTooltips[this.state]; if (this.collapsed) { // Show the supplied tooltip if any was set, // otherwise use the button label text instead. const labelText = this.getContentForState(this.state); this.tooltipText = tooltipForState || labelText || defaultContent; } else { this.tooltipText = tooltipForState || defaultContent; } }, showTooltip() { return !!this.tooltipText; }, get disabled() { return this.$options.disabled === true; }, set disabled(value) { this.$options.disabled = value; }, /* confirmation */ checkConfirmation(event) { if (!this.confirmed) { this.approving = true; event.preventDefault(); } }, approveAndRun(event) { if (this.approving) { event.stopPropagation(); this.confirmed = true;; this.dropdown.hide(); this.confirmed = false; this.approving = false; } }, cancelConfirmation(event) { if (this.approving) { event.stopPropagation(); this.approving = false; this.dropdown.hide(); } }, /* state */ get state() { return this.$options.state || "default"; }, set state(name) { this.setState(name); }, get loading() { return this.state === "loading"; }, set loading(value) { this.$options.state = value === true ? "loading" : "default"; }, setState(name) { this.lastState = this.state; this.$options.state = camelCase(name); }, resetState() { this.$options.state = this.lastState || "default"; this.lastState = this.$options.state; }, toggleState(state1, state2 = this.laststate) { this.state = this.state === state1 ? state2 : state1; }, getContentForState(state) { const content = this.$refs[`${state}Content`]; return content ? content.innerText : null; }, hasIconForState(state) { return !!this.$refs[`${state}Icon`]; }, hasContentForState(state) { return !!this.getContentForState(state); }, showIcon(state) { return ( state === this.state || (!this.hasIconForState(this.state) && state === "default") ); }, showContent(state) { return ( state === this.state || (!this.hasContentForState(this.state) && state === "default") ); }, /* collapsing */ get collapsed() { return this.isCollapsed; }, set collapsed(value) { this.isCollapsed = this.collapsible ? value : false; }, get collapsible() { return ( this.$options.collapsible !== false && this.hasIconForState(this.$options.state || "default") ); }, /* bindings */ root: { "x-options": "options", "x-tooltip": "tooltipText", "@confirmation:confirm": "approveAndRun", "@confirmation:cancel": "cancelConfirmation", "@dropdown:show": "setState('active')", "@dropdown:hide": "resetState()", }, }; });