import { pathToFileURL } from 'node:url'; import { workerId } from 'tinypool'; import { ViteNodeRunner, ModuleCacheMap } from 'vite-node/client'; import { readFileSync } from 'node:fs'; import { resolve, normalize } from 'pathe'; import { e as environments } from './chunks/index.lVXYBqEP.js'; import { i as isChildProcess, s as setProcessTitle } from './chunks/base.DwXGwWst.js'; import { s as setupInspect } from './chunks/inspector.70d6emsh.js'; import { c as createRuntimeRpc, a as rpcDone } from './chunks/rpc.B7Mfb-Yf.js'; import { d as disposeInternalListeners } from './chunks/utils.Cn0zI1t3.js'; import 'node:console'; import '@vitest/utils'; import 'node:module'; import './chunks/index.BpSiYbpB.js'; import './chunks/utils.Ck2hJTRs.js'; function isBuiltinEnvironment(env) { return env in environments; } const _loaders = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); async function createEnvironmentLoader(options) { if (!_loaders.has(options.root)) { const loader = new ViteNodeRunner(options); await loader.executeId("/@vite/env"); _loaders.set(options.root, loader); } return _loaders.get(options.root); } async function loadEnvironment(ctx, rpc) { const name =; if (isBuiltinEnvironment(name)) { return environments[name]; } const loader = await createEnvironmentLoader({ root: ctx.config.root, fetchModule: async (id) => { const result = await rpc.fetch(id, "ssr"); if ( { return { code: readFileSync(, "utf-8") }; } return result; }, resolveId: (id, importer) => rpc.resolveId(id, importer, "ssr") }); const root = loader.root; const packageId = name[0] === "." || name[0] === "/" ? resolve(root, name) : (await rpc.resolveId(`vitest-environment-${name}`, void 0, "ssr"))?.id ?? resolve(root, name); const pkg = await loader.executeId(normalize(packageId)); if (!pkg || !pkg.default || typeof pkg.default !== "object") { throw new TypeError( `Environment "${name}" is not a valid environment. Path "${packageId}" should export default object with a "setup" or/and "setupVM" method.` ); } const environment = pkg.default; if (environment.transformMode !== "web" && environment.transformMode !== "ssr") { throw new TypeError( `Environment "${name}" is not a valid environment. Path "${packageId}" should export default object with a "transformMode" method equal to "ssr" or "web".` ); } return environment; } if (isChildProcess()) { setProcessTitle(`vitest ${workerId}`); const isProfiling = process.execArgv.some( (execArg) => execArg.startsWith("--prof") || execArg.startsWith("--cpu-prof") || execArg.startsWith("--heap-prof") || execArg.startsWith("--diagnostic-dir") ); if (isProfiling) { process.on("SIGTERM", () => { process.exit(); }); } } async function execute(method, ctx) { disposeInternalListeners(); const prepareStart =; const inspectorCleanup = setupInspect(ctx); process.env.VITEST_WORKER_ID = String(ctx.workerId); process.env.VITEST_POOL_ID = String(workerId); try { if (ctx.worker[0] === ".") { throw new Error( `Path to the test runner cannot be relative, received "${ctx.worker}"` ); } const file = ctx.worker.startsWith("file:") ? ctx.worker : pathToFileURL(ctx.worker).toString(); const testRunnerModule = await import(file); if (!testRunnerModule.default || typeof testRunnerModule.default !== "object") { throw new TypeError( `Test worker object should be exposed as a default export. Received "${typeof testRunnerModule.default}"` ); } const worker = testRunnerModule.default; if (!worker.getRpcOptions || typeof worker.getRpcOptions !== "function") { throw new TypeError( `Test worker should expose "getRpcOptions" method. Received "${typeof worker.getRpcOptions}".` ); } const { rpc, onCancel } = createRuntimeRpc(worker.getRpcOptions(ctx)); const beforeEnvironmentTime =; const environment = await loadEnvironment(ctx, rpc); if (ctx.environment.transformMode) { environment.transformMode = ctx.environment.transformMode; } const state = { ctx, // here we create a new one, workers can reassign this if they need to keep it non-isolated moduleCache: new ModuleCacheMap(), config: ctx.config, onCancel, environment, durations: { environment: beforeEnvironmentTime, prepare: prepareStart }, rpc, providedContext: ctx.providedContext }; const methodName = method === "collect" ? "collectTests" : "runTests"; if (!worker[methodName] || typeof worker[methodName] !== "function") { throw new TypeError( `Test worker should expose "runTests" method. Received "${typeof worker.runTests}".` ); } await worker[methodName](state); } finally { await rpcDone().catch(() => { }); inspectorCleanup(); } } function run(ctx) { return execute("run", ctx); } function collect(ctx) { return execute("collect", ctx); } export { collect, run };