module Kloudless # Account Keys can be used instead of API Keys to restrict access to a # specific account’s data. This is most useful for client-side requests. # # class AccountKey < Model # Public: Returns Kloudless::Collection of AccountKey. Raises # Kloudless::Error. # # :account_ids - Array of account_ids to fetch keys for def self.list(account_ids:, **params) path = "/accounts/#{account_ids.join(',')}/keys", http.get(path, params: params)) end def self.retrieve(account_id:, key_id:, **params) path = "/accounts/#{account_id}/keys/#{key_id}" new(http.get(path, params: params)) end def self.delete(account_id:, key_id:) path = "/accounts/#{account_id}/keys/#{key_id}" new(http.delete(path)) end end end